
Dream Realms (Discontinued)

Listen, don’t read this cringey book, either ways there are more chapters that aren’t related to the book than the chapters related to the book. I’m also way too lazy to take down this book and it’s a reminder on how I actually was a better writer back then /hj. - Celeste is going to different worlds and adventuring until she stopped in one. Wanna find out read it yourself •_• I’m sorry if I did not spell anything correct or did the wrong info I will try to make more I was just bored so I made this make one be motivated for the first chapter and lose inspiration •-• Comment if you want to give me some ideas if you want it’s your choice I will do it Also please check out my other bad book I made called Once Upon A Time (ps it sucks)

Lynne_Mercadel · Fantasy
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19 Chs


After Celeste said "Aren't y'all humans too".

The old man then said "No, we aren't we are cultivators humans have been extinct for centuries."

Celeste said "What do you mean???" Celeste didn't understand and fainted for some reason and disappeared in a second after she fainted. The Cultivators were surprised but eventually forgot about her in a week.

Celeste was then scared immediately once she awoke she was sitting on clouds and saw people with wings standing on the clouds and some were even flying. Then when she awoke some people with guard outfits surrounded her and pointing spears at her to. One of the guards said "Who are you!" Celeste began to say "I am Ce-" Celeste was cut off by one of the bystanders, the bystander said "she's a demon in disguise! KILL HER" Then everyone began shouting "KILL HER, KILL HER, KILL HER!!!" Then Celeste got scared too scared she ran and fell off the cloud. When she fell she hit her head on a rock sadly it wasn't fatal but she was knocked out. When she awoke Celeste found that she was tied up and her mouth taped on a chair when she looked around Celeste discovers she was in a castle? She didn't know where she was so she looked around even more worried. Celeste then saw somebody on a big throne with skulls on it Celeste then began to think "How did I not see that?" Then the person in the throne began to speak "Hello, I guess your the new devil." Celeste didn't understand. And then somebody behind her then stabbed her with a knife she then bled out this time when she died her body stayed but her conscience still remained but she was a ghost then the person on the throne then told some guards "Take her to you know where, NOW!" The guards the scurried and brought Celeste somewhere they could touch Celeste because they are also dead when she awoke she was in the middle of the woods there was big cabin she went to knock on the door no one answered she tried again and then thought " No one is home but the door is unlocked" so she went and opened the door because why not she was starving and the house was made out of candy so she went to the kitchen and there was a cauldron she ignored it and found a big oven then found some candy she ate some and she passed out.

She awoke where she was last at in her modern world so she was surprised she began to think "That was all a dream no wonder I couldn't feel pain." She then checked the time and date and found out A WEEK HAS PASSED! Sike 2 days has passed.

ps the reason why the devils didn't have horns is because they disguise themselves as humans to trick newcomers and scare them. I will try to make one once every two days if possible.