
Dream Over Love

Anna, a girl flashing different personalities can never be mistaken to be put in the category of usual girls. The ability of covering her true nature by make up becomes the major attraction for the other characters in the story, where they are always keen to know the truth of the protagonist. This story also travels with the characters who are exactly like her and travel the same path of hiding the truth. Yes, just like how it sounds, she is an unsolved puzzle where one acts according to her needs whereas the other acts according to the opposite person. But is it possible to always wear on the fake mask of makeup? She believed that problems always had loopholes, where escapism was a piece of cake for her. Until the reality of a huge storm wipes everything that Anna had held in for a long time, making her face all of it and come out with every possible tearful pain - the resemblance of a perfect collision between dream and love.

Amaya_Raziel · Urban
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20 Chs


At Michael's party, the four boys were sipping their drinks, enjoying the atmosphere. "Wow, neat whisky. It's really nice after such a hectic schedule for a few weeks," Eric said as he checked out everyone who was at the party.

"This is a good place; I like the vibe, and the bartender is also talented, Uff!" Mark was ecstatic when he saw the fire show at the bar.

"Stop looking at women as if you're about to eat them," Ryan diverted Eric's attention.

"So, who's ready to show off their lady's skills tonight?" Mark asked.

"Ryan, get ready, this time it's going to be you, pave the way," they were mocking Ryan who never makes the first move on the women. All were having a good time without being able to control their happiness.

Suddenly, James noticed someone and interrupted them, saying, "Hey! Is Ms Williams at this party?"

"Nonsense. Why do you keep bringing her up? How could she possibly attend this party? Stop fangirling on her," Ryan sounded irritated.

"Dude! I just saw her right now, I am serious," James explained, but Ryan was unconvinced. "Dumbass, stop dreaming about your boss and enjoy the party," Ryan concluded.

Eric walked over to the bar to get a drink for himself, and he tried to catch a glimpse of the girl standing next to the bartender's corner. As she was facing the other side, his curiosity piqued his interest, and he walked over to the boys, with a grin on his face.

"Boys, pay attention. James was right, and Madame Williams is in the house," Eric said as he sipped his drink.

"Eric, you too? I was hoping you wouldn't do this to me. Madame Williams? Did you fall for her so much that you keep repeating her name and existence?" Ryan was stunned.

"What's the harm in admiring a beautiful woman? Believe me, she looks amazing in that black magnetic dress," Ryan couldn't take it any longer when Eric blushed.

"And how do you know she's there?" Mark asked, and Eric replied, "Because I went to check if it was her while I went to get my drink." Everyone burst out laughing, and James exclaimed, "Man, I'm proud of you. You demonstrated that you are my friend."

Eric gestured to the boys to look at Ms Williams as she turned her eyes towards them. Ryan's eyes popped, and he had a blank expression on his face. Though there was no direct eye contact between them, she was aware that they were staring at her, abruptly.

Ryan exclaimed, "FUCK!"

"Have you seen goddesses in real life?" James asked.

"I believe I am, the one standing right in front of us, " Eric was clueless with Jaws dropped.

"How could someone be this achingly beautiful?" said Mark.

It was no surprise that all four had fallen for their own boss and were not ready to move their gaze even an inch away. Except for one phenomenon. Eric's sharp eyes were drawn to the girl standing next to Ms Williams, and he asked James if he knew who she was.

"I guess Ms Williams' friend is a lot hotter and sexier than her," James said, adding, "Look at her moves, perfect curves and perfect cuts too. The best part is that her silverish black, long hair drips down to her butt and matches her purple bodycon perfectly. Should I approach her? Maybe ask her out?"

"You haven't seen her face James, and don't make a mess here," Eric said. While James and Eric were arguing, Mark asked, "Eric, do we really know her? The person standing next to Ms Williams. I am not able to recall her name, but I believe I've seen her somewhere."

"Exactly, I feel the same way, and it's a surprise to me that James hasn't recognised a woman. Man's lady vision is decreasing day by day," and Eric never passes up an opportunity to have his comment on James. On the other side she slowly turned around to look at them with a wink thrown at James and instantly he dropped his glass on the floor.

Forgetting about him breaking the glass, he wasn't couldn't take his attention away from her. After others apologised for what James had done, they moved to another table, and James said, "Eric, Queen is in the house."

"Now Ms Williams has become your Queen? I'm guessing the alcohol has kicked into his system already," Ryan said, being amused by what he said.

"The queen of queens has arrived, fucking retards. Look who's standing beside Ms Williams," James said as he smacked Ryan on the butt.

Mark's mouth dropped down as the four of them leaned forward on the table to check on her. "What the hell is going on? Isn't she the well-known Parisian makeup artist and stylist? The best one that too," Ryan asked, perplexed.

"Fuck, now I understand why she is known as THE QUEENS OF BEAUTY, and I literally have no words to describe her beauty right now," Mark said.

"Should I ask for a photo with her for my twitter? I have only seen her in magazines or in the paparazzi section but never knew in real life she is even better. Those gossips around are real bro, she literally was born with a filter of perfection. They refer to her as the 'lucky charm' because any show she appears on is a smash hit, and people are clamouring for her dates. But she doesn't do it until she's willing to. My hands are trembling guys. This is the first time I ran into the Queen at a party. Eric, am I going to be the model of the year," James jumped with glee.

"I heard she's a trans woman, is she?" Eric inquired.

"Does her body do her justice for the rest of the ladies out there? Maybe she is or not, who cares. She has a hotter body than our boss and is the ideal type for me, " James was flirtatious to the point of collapsing.

"Do you not agree with me?" James inquired, and they completely agreed with him.

"Actually, this party is worth it and the hotness is not a joke," Ryan says, looking at her.

"The guy in the navy-blue suit is staring at you! Do you want to have some fun?" Ms William's friend laughed as she looked at the boys who were impatiently waiting for them to act back.

"Shut up and ignore them. They aren't worth the risk. Let's get another drink," Ms Williams suggested. Ryan noticed a well-dressed man approaching Ms Williams in particular and striking up a conversation with her. James of course couldn't shut his mouth and asked, "Is that her boyfriend? I assumed she was single. Regardless, he appears to be a good-mannered person."

"It's okay James. Anyway, she wasn't your type at all," Mark said as he looked at him, "There are many sea trout in the ocean buddy and you are good at catching them too," Eric patted his shoulder and said, "No worries."

"Are you sure, Eric? He appears to have located his prey already too," Mark asked, and Eric raised his eyebrows and stated, "I have better taste than the fish you are intending."

Suddenly, the guy asked Ms Williams to dance, and she immediately agreed, handing him her hand. "Why is she dancing with some random guy she just met? Huh! Why show so much attitude in the office when these ladies are real easy," Ryan exhaled and drank a full gulp of his strong whiskey.

"What's wrong with this guy?" James asked, "What's bothering you, Mr Model of the Year?" Eric asks, staring at Ryan.

"How could she be so at ease when she has so much work on her mind with the office dramas happening?" Ryan struggled to complete a single sentence. "And why are you suddenly concerned about her?" asked all three. Ryan was astounded by their actions.

"Me?" Concerned, whatever," Ryan busted out laughing in disbelief. They were startled to hear a thud, as if someone had fallen. When they turned around, they saw Ms Williams on the floor with scratches on her palm which looked pretty bad.

"Why do I always see her on the ground?" and this time it was Eric being curious.

Ryan was about to take a step forward when Ms William's friend stopped him. "Just relax and mind your own business. We'll be fine," she sarcastically blew some air on his shoulder and dusted it off in a swag.

She got to her feet and dusted her dress. "Ahh, I hate scars on my skin," she said, looking at her hand and noticing the wound.

"I wish I could push you off the cliff," the man exclaimed, "Tell me who the hell you are," he said, raising his hand to slap her, but she caught it immediately.

"You won't be alive by the time you figure out who I am though," Ms Williams stated, pushing his hand down with annoyance. It took him a few seconds to realise, and his eyes widened. "Bloody whore! You think I'm a fool to fall for you," he pushed her against the table. "Son of a b*tch!" Ryan murmured quietly to himself.

He rushed to bolt before anyone could act, so eventually she followed him after signalling her friend.

"This lady has forced me to see the impossible. The action, the romance, and now this chase," Mark was baffled by her quickness.

"It's only the beginning, baby! Believe me, there is a lot on the way," her friend teased Mark.

"And by the way, I'm Luna and I really like that sexy ass of yours," Luna said in a husky hue and winked at James before taking a sip from his drink. Anyone looking at James' face would conclude that he was having a good time.

Within a minute, a man in a formal suit and a few others in police uniform arrived at the party. When police arrived on the scene, all of the guests at the party were surprised and honestly disappointed because of the fun being spoiled. The man in formals approached Luna, and before he could ask any questions, she said, "Trust me, you guys aren't fit for it. What is the point of your entry now that the main lead has gone?

"Just tell me where she is," he blurted out.

"She just ran behind that guy, and please don't ask me where because I know that will be your next question. So predictable you guys are dude," she explained with sass overflowing.

"Why is she always doing this to me? Why does she have to be the polar opposite when it's me? I'm done with her," he was about to yell.

"All right, let's not waste any time and go find them instead of you complaining," she drew him along with her as she left the party blowing a flying kiss to the boys.
