
Dream Of Her At Night

Marc Anthony once said, I only feel alive when I dream at night, even though she's not real it's all right. This was the tragic life of Zeno Silvestri. After losing his wife Dan-a Silvestri his world crumbled to the ground, he drowned himself in a pit of misery and drinks and spent most of his nights with any living woman who was willing to give herself. Trying to find the slightest feel he got from her in every woman he was with. But no one was like her, no one smelt or sounded like her, no one tasted or kissed him like her, no one made him shudder without even touching him the way she did. All he could do to keep himself sane was to drown himself in more drinks and fall asleep. At least there in his dreams, it was a fantasy land. Although his real life was a mess without her, his dreamland was perfection. She was always there waiting for him. He knew his dreams were nothing but dreams, but it was alright for him, he got to hold and touch her there, so all he wished to do was fall asleep so he could be in her arms once again. "No one can ever be like her." He had said. "No one would ever make me feel the way she made me feel." And even if there ever was someone, he'd never let her get close to him again. For he was poisonous. But then she came along, she'd always been there, but this time she says... "You're poisonous, and I'm venomous. It's perfect." "It's not perfect... We'll both get hurt." He said "No, we'll just burn, and heal... Perfectly" IN this tragic life of Zeno, will he ever learn to really let go of his past, and open a new door to new fantasies?? A story that tells of the joy in finding love, and the pain of losing love and the process of learning to heal, and the ecstasy that comes with finding love again. The setting is based in Italy, so a few words, like some curse words, or exclamations are in Italian. Follow on Instagram @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Urban
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115 Chs

92. Seeking attention phase 1

With the speed of lightning, Luna bolts up from her bed, almost crashing to the ground as her she stumbled over her own feet. She runs out of her door, holding onto the reins of the stairs, and she could see him, smiling as Maria welcomed him… "OH shit!" She bends down as he looked up and their eyes met, causing a smirk to form on his lips.

"wait, it's my house. He's the intruder not me." she tells herself, and stands up from where she was bent down, and majestically walks down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, with chin and chest raised very high up, she wasn't going to let him see that she was filled with nervous cells as she spoke to him. "I don't see any reason for you to move in here. You have your house, so what?"

"So she speaks!" He exclaims gleefully as his bags were being dragged into his room. "I thought you weren't talking to me," he jests, taking a step closer to her, and she took two back.

"Stop dodging the question, why are you here?" she asks, trying her best to keep a stiff face. She wasn't going to give out her emotions at all.

"Well, I suddenly decided that a renovation is long overdue, so yes, I'm renovating, and it will take about two months I think. So for that time, I'll be staying here, right next to you."

``Two months!! She wanted to scream those words, wanted to tell him she didn't want him around. Now she was wondering whether it was better if she moved out of the house instead, she could run away. Yes! That could work... 'But wait, why do I have to run? He's the one who did something wrong... He's the one who moved into my house. Why do I have to discomfort myself because of him'.

And besides, wouldn't it be better if he sees that she was actually okay with his presence. That she didn't care if he was there or not… that would probably hurt more. It was a nice idea. Very nice. Now all she had to do was hold back her emotions. She wasn't going to give in. She'd make him suffer first.

"Renovating__ Well, I guess it is actually way overdue." she nods nonchalantly, and that was it. She had nothing more to say to him. If she said anything more, she'd probably mess up. So that was it, and she turned and walked back uo the stairs, much to the surprise of Maria who had thought all hell will break loose, and Edoardo who was just coming out of his study to meet Zeno. He saw her walking up the stairs like a gentle woman. She wasn't screaming, wasn't fighting. She was just going up the stairs unaffected.

And Zeno didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. Those were not the expressions he expected from her. He missed her screaming, her haughtiness, and her naughtiness. He missed her complaining, and her whining. He missed all those facial expressions she made whenever she was angry or didn't like something.

He had hopes of seeing some of those expressions the instant he entered the house, but he was rather disappointed. She just left, just like that. He did not like it. He did not like it at all.

At dinner, they had all gathered together, she still did not say a single word to him. She sat facing him, and not once did she look up at him. It was like he wasn't there.

"OH, I'm so sorry." He says as he intentionally spills some salt into her food, expecting her to complain and shout at him because she didn't like touch salt, but…

"It's okay. I was done eating anyway." His heart dropped. She wasn't just ignoring him. She was acting like she wasn't bothered, and that scared him more. It hurt him more.

That night, he'd tried to talk to her again, but she went into her room stating that she had some things to take care of.

"Lord, she's a devil." He hisses as he laid back flat on his bed. "she's so wicked." He grumbles, taking his pillow over his face, and screaming into it. "Let's do this, operation win Luna back is on." He says, sitting himself up. "Her anger is just too scary." He shakes his head to get that image out of his head, then picks up his tab and starts working on some research.

Meanwhile in her room, all she could think of was whether or not Zeno fell for her little show. She wondered if he was feeling bad right now, wondered if she was doing a really good job at pretending. "we can do this! Operation don't make it easy for DK is on"