
Dream Of Her At Night

Marc Anthony once said, I only feel alive when I dream at night, even though she's not real it's all right. This was the tragic life of Zeno Silvestri. After losing his wife Dan-a Silvestri his world crumbled to the ground, he drowned himself in a pit of misery and drinks and spent most of his nights with any living woman who was willing to give herself. Trying to find the slightest feel he got from her in every woman he was with. But no one was like her, no one smelt or sounded like her, no one tasted or kissed him like her, no one made him shudder without even touching him the way she did. All he could do to keep himself sane was to drown himself in more drinks and fall asleep. At least there in his dreams, it was a fantasy land. Although his real life was a mess without her, his dreamland was perfection. She was always there waiting for him. He knew his dreams were nothing but dreams, but it was alright for him, he got to hold and touch her there, so all he wished to do was fall asleep so he could be in her arms once again. "No one can ever be like her." He had said. "No one would ever make me feel the way she made me feel." And even if there ever was someone, he'd never let her get close to him again. For he was poisonous. But then she came along, she'd always been there, but this time she says... "You're poisonous, and I'm venomous. It's perfect." "It's not perfect... We'll both get hurt." He said "No, we'll just burn, and heal... Perfectly" IN this tragic life of Zeno, will he ever learn to really let go of his past, and open a new door to new fantasies?? A story that tells of the joy in finding love, and the pain of losing love and the process of learning to heal, and the ecstasy that comes with finding love again. The setting is based in Italy, so a few words, like some curse words, or exclamations are in Italian. Follow on Instagram @queenanovels08

_Queen_A · Urban
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115 Chs

90. He stresses me...

"Get out!!" Her scream brought everybody running like cheetahs into her room. "Get out of my room!!!" She screamed even more, and he just stood there with his back resting on her window, arms folded over his chest, legs stretched out and crossed in front of him. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Luna dear, calm down, you're gonna give yourself a headache. The doctor says you need to rest." Edoardo tries telling her. But the vicious look in her eyes clearly told him to stay out of her business.

"Papa, I want him out if my room… This instant." she seethes, her chest heaving up and down like the little tigress that she was. Edoardo looks to Zeno as if to tell him to step out for a second, but both Zeno and Luna were stubborn and scary.

The look in his eyes clearly spoke every word he needed to. He was not going out of that room until she agreed to talk to him.

"Luna my child, you just woke up, you went through a lot yesterday, so why don't you go freshen up, and then come down for breakfast… if you don't want to freshen up, that's fine too." Maria adds.

"You think I can digest food with this human being standing here?? I don't want him in my house, I don't want him anywhere near me, take him out. He's presence alone is causing me so much headache…"

"What???" A voice sounded from the door side, and all heads turned to see the Doctor walking in. "What are you all doing in here stressing the sick lady?" At the words of the man, Luna's eyes opened wide, this was her chance. She was sure of one thing, Dr. Alfonso did not like his patients being disturbed.

He was a sweet old man and their family doctor. He'd been with the family for years, and he was strict with his work.

"OH! Dr. Alfonso, my head hurts, he has been shouting at me since, he didn't even let me sleep well, he just woke me up, and now it feels like my head is banging." She lies, holding onto her head, acting all weak and feeble like she was about to pass out again, and Zeno and the rest of them just looked at her with dropped Jaws. She was an actress. She was really good.

"I gave specific instructions that she was not to be disturbed, didn't I?" he asks, looking at Zeno like he would beat him up any time soon.

"Alfonso, I__"... "It's doctor to you, Mister…" The old man corrects him, "I mean, Dr. Alfonso, I haven't even said a word since she woke up. All I said was good morning, and she started screaming." Zeno defends himself, causing Luna to hiss and intensify her acting, groaning and grumbling like she was in more pain than she actually was.

"I don't care about what you say, but Zeno, your presence is troubling for my patient, and for the next one week, I need her in a good emotional and mental state to help her heal faster, so I don't want you coming anywhere near my patient, is that clear!"

He was as serious as serious could be. There was no hint of jesting in his eyes, he wasn't ready to believe anyone but his patient. He was a doctor, so he would do what favors his patients and no one else.

"But, Alfonso,"... "Dr. Alfonso, and no more buts. My decision is final. Now I want you all out of her room. After I change her bands, she'll come downstairs for food. She needs all the strength she can get, and I don't want to see you around by that time, except you plan on treating her yourselves." That was all.

He wasn't even giving anyone any chance to say anything else. Zeno could see the smirk on her face, it clearly read… ``I won. And he cursed underneath his breath.

He more than anyone knew that there was no way to argue with the man. When it came down to his patients, he made the decisions. So Edoardo walks out first, followed by Maria, and then with grumbling and muttering, Zeno follows behind.

Left with no other option, Zeno goes back to his mansion, fuming and swearing. Promising himself that he was going to go back there again tomorrow.

By the time he got home, and went to check on Frankie, the reel was pulling him out of the Flames, the vultures didn't even rise from where they laid, they clearly had their fill. And as for Frankie, being burnt and pecked overnight, had brought him down to nothing but dried carcass.

Seeing his corpses hanging from the chains that still held him, Zeno wondered if the kind of death and punishment he had given the man was too merciful. He was now thinking of other things he could have done to the man.

But there was no use now, he was already dead. He'll face every other punishment in hell. So he had his men clean up what remained of him, and he went up to his room, and just laid there, waiting for tomorrow.