
Dream of Akhand Bharat

A indian army soldier died in mission and recarnated in Rajasthan price body in 1600. now how he stop mugul and Britisher and duch and makes bharat a Akhand bharat.

Vella_Jatin · History
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9 Chs

Rise of Army

Vikram decided to create modern army. Now his has also full amount of funds for army.

Vikram is armed with the knowledge of modern military doctrines and technology, Vikram was determined to transform the traditional Indian army into a formidable, technologically advanced force capable of defending against external threats and expanding the kingdom's influence.

Bijapur was a not much powerful and well-established kingdom in north bharat in Rajasthan. But renowned for its culture, and spirituality and now money also. However, like many empires of its time, it faced constant threats from rival kingdoms that are in influence of Mugals, both within and beyond its borders. Raja Vikram Singh's reign was characterized by a commitment to progress and innovation, but the world around him remained largely medieval.

As Vikram settled into his new life as Raja Vikram Singh, he faced the daunting challenge of introducing modern military concepts and technology into a society that had yet to experience the industrial revolution. Vikram recruited the low caste and untouchable citizens for his army. The normal hight caste people don't do army job in low income and demand high salaru so Vikram announced that anyone can join army but army salary will be very low so 90% small caste and untouchable join the army.

Vikram mission was to create an army that could outmatch the traditional forces of the time, while also maintaining the kingdom's cultural and spiritual values.

Vikram understood that the transformation of Bijapur's military would require a phased approach, balancing technological advancements with the preservation of cultural traditions. He began by establishing a dedicated military academy named "Bhartiya Army Academy" to train officers in modern warfare, intense physical training like 10km daily run, strategies and tactics. These officers, known as "Soldiers" would become the backbone of his reformed army.

The minister are shocked on my decision they thought this will not work and i will waste the fund but after some arguments i agreed them.

Now total no of 2 lakh people join the army.

After there 2 year of intense training there rank will be like this :-

Commander-in-Chief (1):

The highest-ranking officer responsible for overall command.

Generals (5):

High-ranking officers leading major divisions and operations.

Colonels (15):

Officers commanding regiments and brigades.

Majors (30):

Officers responsible for battalions and critical operations.

Captains (100):

Company commanders overseeing groups of soldiers.

Lieutenants (250):

Junior officers leading platoons and assisting captains.

Sergeants (500):

Experienced non-commissioned officers in charge of squads.

Corporals (1,000):

NCOs assisting sergeants with squad management.

Privates (197,254):

Enlisted soldiers, the backbone of the military, carrying out orders and tasks.

Support Staff (100):

Specialists in engineering, medical, logistics, and other support roles.

I also established DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) and some recruit some expert for weapons making like blacksmith, researcher etc.

Its establishment take total 7 months and after researching on modern weapon that idea i have provided and some basic they have developed some modern weapons successfully in 6 months.

Vikram introduced the concept of firearms and artillery, revolutionizing the way battles were fought. Blacksmiths and engineers were trained to produce muskets, cannons, and gunpowder, in DRDO For these six months giving the kingdom a significant advantage on the battlefield.

Vikram insisted on the importance of discipline and uniformity within the army. Soldiers were equipped with standardized uniforms, and drill sergeants instilled a sense of order and professionalism among the troops.

Recognizing the significance of logistics, Vikram invested in the construction of bridges, and supply depots and riad are already created in last chapter. This improved mobility and ensured that the army could be rapidly deployed to respond to threats.

Vikram introduced a system of flag signals and messenger pigeons for swift and reliable communication on the battlefield. This allowed for better coordination and strategic decision-making.

Existing fortifications were upgraded with modern defensive features, including bastions, trenches, and fortified walls, making Bikapur defenses nearly impregnable.

Vikram was mindful of the need to balance progress with cultural sensitivity. He encouraged his scholars to incorporate Indian martial arts and traditional practices into the army's training regimen. This approach not only preserved the rich heritage of Bijapur but also instilled a sense of pride and unity among the troops.

Vikram knowledge of modern military doctrines allowed him to develop innovative strategies that combined the strengths of traditional Indian warfare with contemporary tactics. The Bijapur army became highly adaptable, capable of engaging in open battles, guerrilla warfare, and siege warfare.

Recognizing that military strength alone was insufficient, Vikram also focused on diplomatic efforts. He forged alliances with neighboring kingdoms and used his knowledge of international politics to secure favorable trade agreements. These alliances provided Bijapur with economic stability and further enhanced its military capabilities.

By the end of Raja Vikram Singh's reign, Bijapur had transformed into a regional powerhouse. Its army, modernized and disciplined in 2 years.

Suraj a young man of sudra community become comander of cheif of Bijapur army.

He is very intelligent and strategical and disciplined and have done many mission during the training period.

Now the Vikram has the fully upgraded army with firearms his next step is to complete dominance in his kingdom.

There are some nobles and mantri that are pain in vikram ass for these years.

His next step is to slowly destroy them and caste system and corrupted noble and set up Intelligence Bureau means spy throughout the Rajputana empire, Mugal Empire, Maratha empire and sri lanka, Vijayanagar (Hampi) south region.

In these year mugals have very active and capture many area of Rajputana, Maratha and Vijayanagar Empire.

Wait for next chapter and give me some review and vote.

To be continued.....

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