
dream lord

From an outsider's perspective, Abbey appeared to be just an average young man. However, what most people didn't know was that Abbey possessed a rare talent - the power to steal one's dreams. For a period of time, he took pleasure in manipulating and playing with people's dreams. But everything changed when he met a mysterious and captivating woman named Sharon. Together, they embarked on a transformative voyage of self-exploration, traversing through both the physical and metaphysical realms. The destination of their journey remains a mystery. But Abbey, known to himself as the Dream Lord, embraces this

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

in the abyss

Abbey found himself immersed in the enigmatic void, shrouded in a cloak of impenetrable darkness. He grappled with existential inquiries, pondering the unsettling notion of his mortality. Engulfed by an overwhelming sense of desolation, he resisted succumbing to the tenebrous abyss, determined to unravel the mysteries enveloping him.

As he navigated the obscure realm, a pervasive air of despondency threatened to overshadow his resolve. Yet, a flicker of determination ignited within him, kindling a fervent resolve to seek avenues of escape from this haunting desolation.

Amidst the eerie silence, Abbey's mind became a battleground of introspective musings. Time seemed distorted, prompting profound reflections on the nature of this inscrutable dimension. The resonance of unanswered queries reverberated within him, beckoning him to unravel the enigma that bound him.

In the heart of the void, uncertainties loomed large, overshadowed only by the urgent quest for liberation. How would Abbey navigate this ethereal labyrinth and transcend the confines of his otherworldly confinement? Only through unwavering resolve and indomitable resilience could he surmount the enigmatic challenges that lay ahead.

Abbey seemed to have figured something out, the abyss means darkness, loss of hope, low spirit and loneliness. What I need to do now is the opposite. Immediately the thought came from his mind. There was a gradual change in his surroundings. A burst of light seemed to have come out from nowhere.

Abbey began to follow the light, and before long he was standing on solid ground, no more floating in the air. What a remarkable turn of event, abbey thought to himself.

A mind is a terrible thing to lose, he murmured. Concentrate more in his mental powers, he envision building, streets, places and plants life all around him. And before long, all the things he had envisioned began to manifest in the abyss. He let out a sigh and than I smile, as if saying to himself well done Abbey.

Focusing with all the mental powers he had left, he tried to manifest people in this realm but no matter how hard he tried, he could not bring forth his creation. After exhausting himself, he stopped to think again. So I can't manifest people into this reality. It Seemed only non-living things can be manifested here, good to know there is a limit to what I can do .

So technically it means I am not alive but at the same time I am not dead either. Just lost in the in-between here in the abyss. The question is am I alone? These were the thoughts that was in his mind now

Suddenly a glimmer of hope arise in his thoughts. Just maybe I can locate my body. Again he began to focus his mind, trying to search the depth of the maze of his mind to connect with his physical body. Soon a pattern began to form. A web that stretches from one end to another began to take shape.

Using the internet as a foundation, he began to follow it until he could see an object that resembled a bed. Moving closer to take a look, he could see his body lying on the bed. The vision became even clearer as he could also feel his body. Now, how do I re-enter my body again? He asked himself.

Before long, he was back in the abyss, lost in deep thoughts about what to do next. Suddenly, he noticed something different about his surroundings. It seemed as if something or someone had purposefully destroyed this place. What could have caused this without me noticing? Was I gone for that long? It appears that I am not alone in this place after all.

Looking around, he noticed something moving at a great speed, lurking in the darkness, away from the light. Who or what are these creatures in the dark? Were they here before, or did they manifest as a result of the light that is present? These were the thoughts running through his head when something attacked him from behind.

As he managed to steady himself, he turned to see what or who had attacked him. Again, he could not see anything, only flashes of something hiding in the dark. He thought to himself, "It's obvious these things are either afraid of the light or unable to stay in the light for too long, otherwise they would have devoured me by now."

For the first time in a long time, Abbey felt afraid, threatened, and vulnerable. Like an endangered species, he could sense the danger all around him. His thoughts began to betray him as the light around him began to dim. Little by little, the darkness began to encircle him.

Abbey took a deep breath to steady his mind, not wanting to give in to despair. He yelled, "I will not be broken!" before regaining his composure and settling his mind again. The small amount of light around him began to shine brighter and brighter, extending beyond its original boundaries.

The glow in Abbey's eyes began to spark like thunder. His whole body emitted a new form of energy. He could feel the vibrations all around him. His eyes could now see into the darkness and he could clearly see the creatures lurking around. He called these creatures "abyss demons" because they were of different types and sizes.

"These are the creatures of nightmares," Abbey remarked after figuring things out. "Since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, maybe they can be "transmodified" according to the law of energy," he whispered to himself. "First, I need a way to capture them," he thought, brimming with ideas.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, "in the darkness, there is a ray of light." He suddenly figured out what to do. "I have to kill the light around me, step into the darkness, and bring the light out of the darkness. In other words, I have to bring these creatures into the light from the darkness, using the dark as bait."

Collapsing the light all around him, everywhere suddenly became dark. With his sparkling eyes, Abbey could now see clearly in the dark. Releasing a new form of energy, these creatures seemed to be attracted to him. He began to think of a way to trap them.

Before long, a thought came to him. He could use the darkness to create a web of net to trap these so-called creatures of nightmares.

As Abbey immersed himself in deep contemplation, his hand movements conjured a swirling vortex that transformed the surrounding darkness into intricate webs, forming a vast net. Gradually, this net expanded, ensnaring the elusive creatures that lurked within the shadows.

Filled with a sense of accomplishment, Abbey pondered a decisive moment to test his newfound theories. With a deep inhale and a gentle exhale, he directed his focus towards illuminating the space once more. The light surged forth, intensifying and overpowering the trapped creatures' cries, rendering them incapable of escape. The transformative radiance encompassed the realm, leaving the once-menacing creatures ensnared at its epicenter. Abbey, overwhelmed with relief, exhaled a sigh of contentment.

Eager to proceed with his next phase, Abbey's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as a sharp beam of light sliced through his luminous barrier, liberating the captive creatures. Bewildered and momentarily at a loss, Abbey questioned the identity of this unforeseen adversary and contemplated his next course of action.

A voice like thunder could be heard from behind him, saying " you think you are all alone?