

Everyone has a dream. At some point or the other they wish their dreams to come true. But not in my wildest dreams I thought I will be struck in my dreams and drag the whole world with me. WHAT!!!! I get it , confused? I'm Vish , to get a clarity join my adventure. WELCOME!!! to my dreamland

nika2907 · Urban
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Day before the "MIRACLE" -4:

At that moment, I did something, I never did in my entire life.


I didn't even know why I thought that to be particularly why I wished like that. But I did and I meant it.

It's like the book is calling me. Asking my help to save it from him.

Anyways, It's already late. He chose that book.

I didn't know why but I felt sad. For the first time in my life, I felt like that book belongs to me like a part my mine and I lost it and

I need it back in my life.

I sound stupid if I tell this to anyone. But I being sincere.

But what I didn't notice is the sad face on the diary turned into an evil grin(totally sinister).

When I was about to pick the fire dragon diary.

The boy I saw just now, suddenly came to me and placed the book on the shelf next to me.

Immediately, he chose the blue shark diary and then silently went outside.

I: "Wow, really"

I guess today is my lucky day. That's when I noticed that evil grin on the diary.

(to view the picture look in the comment section)

As an instinct, I took the diary and started to notice the features of the cover page.

It has a mysterious vibe around it.

Generally, there will be either an angel or a devil image I have seen in many such books. But it's my first time I saw a combination of good and evil.

you know like an angel wing to the right and a devil wing to the left then it has horns, a halo, and a tail.

I like it. It's cute, to be honest. So interesting, I want to know who came up with this idea. Anyway, it's just a diary nothing more, nothing less.

* Alex selected fire dragon diary.

* Ivan selected the diary with a rabbit on it. That's so like him.

A rabbit represents Virtue, serenity, low curiosity, quiet talent, restrained passion; the special guardian.

* Ritu selected a diary with a photo of a girl with glasses on it.

* Sam selected a diary with a mountain symbol on it.

* Jenny selected a book with a rainbow on it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hello busy people,

So what do you think all these diaries are about?

Comment and let me know

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