

     I slowly sit up, clutching my head with my right hand as I do. What the hell just happened? I slowly stand up as I look around, my eyes widening in shock and confusion. The air feels lighter, the sky is a more prominent blue, and I seem to be standing on… clouds? Wait a second, where am I? 

     I begin to walk in a random direction as I backtrack my thoughts, trying to remember how I ended up here. Let's see… I went home, got called into the living room, and… It hits me, anger and disbelief taking complete control of my emotions. "That fucker knocked me out!" I yell in frustration as I kick a little patch of clouds, watching it disperse into the air. "He's so gonna get it when I get back!" 

     When I get back? It took me a second to understand what I meant by that, but once I realize, I feel stupid for not noticing sooner. Of course, this is a dream. I walk around for a bit to calm myself down, my anger clearly messing up my thought process. Once I finally calm down, I stop in my tracks, my body shuddering in disgust and fear. Why the hell did he need to knock me out? What's he… doing to my body?! I need to wake up now! 

    I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as I allow myself to fall backwards. Usually, this is how I would wake up from an unwanted dream. But this time, I felt the clouds beneath me as I landed on my back. What the hell? I open my eyes frantically looking around, and to my surprise, I'm still in the dream. Okay… I just have to try again. 

     I stand back up and close my eyes, allowing myself to fall back once more. I open my eyes as I feel the clouds again, banging my hand into them. Dammit! I stood back up frustrated, dusting my clothes off. "Ugh, I guess I'll just have to wait it out." I say with an exasperated sigh as I begin to walk in another random direction. 

     After some time of walking around and cursing the young man in my head, I figured it was time to try to wake up again. I take a deep breath, and begin to close my eyes. Right as my eyelids close, I quickly open them back up, something piquing my interest. It was a door, just a plain white door in the middle of absolutely nothing. A door? Why the hell is there a door here? 

     I decide to wait to attempt waking up again, and begin walking towards the door. As I reach for the handle, a cold chill gets sent down my spine. I pull my hand away for a second, but then put it back on the handle and take a deep breath. It's just a dream. I then open the door, my body trembling in fear from the sight within it. 

     It's a completely different atmosphere behind the door, the sky black with a dark red hue. The ground is covered with dead grass, and the air feels much heavier. I hesitantly step inside to take a look around, but as soon as I go through, the fear in my body spikes. "Oh hell no." I say as I turn around, only giving me more reason to be afraid. Why, you ask? The door is gone. 

     Why why why why why?! I start to panic, taking quick sharp breaths as I clutch my chest hard, my heart feeling like it's going a million miles per second. I frantically look around, nothing to be seen for what seems like miles. I decide it's best for me to calm down in a situation like this. After all, it is just a dream, right? 

     I close my eyes, taking control of my fear by taking long, deep breaths, my grasp on my chest becoming softer. A few minutes pass, and I've finally managed to calm myself, even though some fear still remains in my heart. I take one last look around, confirming that there's nothing for as far as I can see. Hesitantly, I let out a deep sigh and began walking. 

     The further I walk, the heavier the air becomes, the darker the atmosphere grows. I feel my whole body trembling as I walk, my eyes frantically scanning my surroundings as I slowly continue to move forward. After what felt like hours, I finally spot something in the distance, although it's too far to make out what it is. I stop walking to take in my surroundings one last time, and after noticing that there's nothing else, I begin walking towards the unidentified object. 

     Everything seemed fine at first, until I got close enough to start seeing the outlines of the object. Well, I guess with the shape of it, I can't really call it an object anymore, but I still can't really make out what it is. As I get closer, the fear in my heart begins to grow, my breath becoming shaky. The air around me feels a lot more dense than when it did only moments ago. 

     The closer I get, the more features of the 'thing' I can see. It stood on its two hind legs, maybe 12 feet tall. It had long horns that curved sideways, and huge, dark wings. What the hell is that?! At this point, I feel as though my heart is pounding out of my chest, begging to escape the situation. Sweat runs down my entire body, probably due to how much I'm shaking in fear. As determined as I am to get out of this dream, every bone in my body is telling me to turn around. I stopped walking forward, listening to my body, but maybe that was the wrong move. The creature instantly turns to me, its eyes a deep red as it howls. It then began to walk towards me, each step sounding like boulders being dropped from the sky.