
Dream A Lost Time

Life is unpredictable and filled with all kinds of mysteries and unexpected events. After a year of deep sleep, Rey woke up from his coma. Due to a Coma, He lost all his memories. However, Rey remembered pair of beautiful pale indigo eyes of a person from his past. He started to search for that mysterious person with that he felt some deep connections. Unfortunately, people around him never met a person like that description. Rey asked his family and friends about his past life. However, no one was willing to say anything about his past. Fortunately, he started recovering some of his memories through dreams. He felt closer to reach to the truth of his past life as he started regaining his memories back.

Warrior_7 · Realistic
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Dream A Lost Time

Chapter 5 – Shadows of my past

Next day, Rey and his friends took the train to come back to the City of Nirvana. After coming back to his home, he spent the entire day at home with his mom. It was nighttime, Rey was looking at the dark sky through the window. Dark clouds were floating in the sky that covered the whole city. Rain was ready to pour down. Rey closed the curtain and walked to his bed. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into deep sleep. As he fell asleep, he teleported his consciousness to the world of his dream. He found himself in an unfamiliar place and heavy rain started. It was pouring over there, and in a few seconds, Rey got fully drenched. He did not get time to think where he was, and he started to look for shelter. He was looking for a shelter, when suddenly lightning struck the ground. He looked at the direction of the lightning strike. He saw a figure covered in red liquid. He could not recognize him. He walked towards him. He was stunned when he realized that the red liquid was blood. It was flowing out of that person's body. He hurried up and got close to him to help him. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked, but did not get any response from the figure. Heavy rain washed off his blood and his figure became more recognizable. Mixed blood with water painted the area around them red. Rain started to slow down and shortly after the sky became clear. Figure was still standing there like a statue, and he did not move Inch. Figure's eyes were closed before and started to move slowly. Now, Rey could recognize the figure and he was a young boy with short black hair and ocean blue eyes. Blood stopped flowing out of his body. Rey felt shocked for a moment to see him again in his dream, but he composed himself. Rey needed the answers and that was the only guy who could provide him. Rey calmed down and asked the young boy, "what happened to you? what's with that all of this blood?" Young boy's lips curved up a little. That person was Rey's past self whom he met before in his dream when he gave him a clue of that shrine to look at his past life. The other Rey's past self-replied, "you really want to know what happened to you? if it is really your wish, I can make it come true." Rey was taken by his words and thought to himself, "can I really remember everything. Who am I? Why is he trying to tell me now"?

While Rey was in his thoughts, Rey's past self said, "I am your past, I am part of you, you can never get rid of me, I am always with you. If you want to reconnect the pieces of your life, then come with me. Rey was a little afraid to see his past self-soaked in blood and thought to himself, "what exactly happened with me? I want to know, but if he dominates on me and I lose myself to him." "Are you chickening out now? I never thought that my future self would be cowered like you." Rey's past-self provoked Rey. "Don't think so highly of you? I am just result of your actions." Rey replied in a sarcastic tone. Rey's past-self said with taunting smile, "Okey, Okey, I don't have that much time, just answer me, do you want to know your past or not? if you said no, you would never find out what happened, but I promise you that I would haunt you for your entire life". Rey thought to himself, "I am feeling a little scared. This guy is giving me chills. Is it really me? I can't believe it. no matter but it is myself, I must accept him." and he replied, "Hey me I want to know what happened to me, so show me."

Rey's past-self said with a smile, "let's go to your past." All things around him started to change into clocks like objects. There were thousands of clocks around them, and they were all moving at different pace. Rey and Rey's past-self fell into dark space. Rey let out a cry when he fell into the dark pit and where he could only see more clocks and darkness surrounded the area, "aargh, I am going to die here…." Rey closed his eyes with horror and after a few seconds when he felt nothing wrong happened with him then he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. All the things around him were normal and Rey felt like he was not walking but flying through time and he asked, "hey what the hell is happening here?" Rey's past-self replied while flying through the time, "don't be so impatient, you will know soon." Rey asked again, "At least tell me, where are we going?" Rey's past self said while wearing a small smile, "we are almost there, where it all started." Suddenly bright light emerged from the dark and started assaulting their eyes. They both passed through the lights and Rey opened his eyes. The scene in front of him was astonished. There were several thousands of memory clips and pictures flowing in the space. Rey could not believe it and looked himself in these all-memory clips and pictures. He moved his hand towards one of the clips and when his hands touched the clip, he started to feel a headache. He completely emerged in that clip and started to relive in his memories.

Around 8years old, a short black hair boy with ocean blue eyes was walking home from his school. He wore a uniform combination of white shirt and blue trousers. He walked through the bridge over the river. He had a bright smile on his face. When he was on the way back home, a car passed him, and his eyes met with the girl in the car. She was around at his age. She had sparkling hazel eyes and short brown hairstyles with red color ribbon. Car stopped in front of the house, where someone was already moving the furniture into the house. Short black hair boy thought to himself, "who is that girl? I never seen her here before." He got his answer when the car stopped, "maybe they are moving here." He continued walking to his home without stopping. He reached his home in a few minutes. It was a small two-story house. He grabbed the handle and moved it to open the door and said, "I am home." A person was already waiting for him. She was a woman in her mid-20s with an attractive figure. Her beautiful long blonde hair which almost reached to her waist set on loose and falling bangs on her right eye made her look more attractive. She looked like a model in a red dress. Boy looked at the person and ran towards her while producing the word, "mom." She looked at her kid and opened her arms to embrace him. Boy reached her mom and received a warm hug from her. She smiled at her kid while stroking his hair and asked him, "Rey, have you eaten your lunch?" Rey gestured at her by moving his head in nod, "mmm." She planted a kiss on his forehead and retreated her hand. Rey walked into his room and placed his bag on the study table. After changing `his dress, he took a comic book from his collection and started reading while resting on his bed. He could not control his laughter while reading it. He looked at the hanging clock on the wall and said to himself, "I should go now. Nick and the others maybe waiting for me." He put the comic book back and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He called his mom but did not get any answer. He thought to himself, "oh she told me, she is going to the market. Maybe she has not come back yet." He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of juice. He opened the lid and poured the red apple juice into the cup. After putting the bottle back in the refrigerator, he held the handle of the cup and lifted it close to his lips and drank the juice in one go. He washed the cup and put it on the rack. He walked out from the kitchen and took his soccer ball. He walked out from his home and locked the door. He ran towards the ground while holding his soccer ball in his hands. He ran past the bridge and reached the ground where some of his friends were already present. One of his friends with short spiky blonde haired said, "hey Rey, you are late." Rey replied while holding white soccer ball in his hand, "I am sorry, Nick." A kid with long red hair who was playing with soccer ball called to Rey, "hey hurry up Rey, let's practice." Rey nodded while dropping the soccer ball on the ground, "mm, let's start."

There were six players in total. Two Kids had buzz cuts and one of them had spikey light blue color hair. They all started playing. Nick took their position as a goalkeeper. Nick was on Rey's side.

Harvey, Kid with light blue hair said with mocking smile while blocking the ball, "not this time Rey." Harvey stole the ball from Rey and started kicking to get the ball towards the goal post of his opponent. After losing the ball, Rey dashed towards the Kid with blue light to stop him, but he had already reached close to the goal and kicked the ball that sent it flying towards the goal. Harvey did not get the result that he expected. Nick caught the ball, "Not that easy, Harvey. You need a little more practice to pass through me." Harvey was irritated by the fact that he could not score a goal. Nick Kicked the ball to pass it to Rey. Rey caught the ball and started running while kicking the ball with his feet. He also attempted to the goal but failed, Ryan blocked the ball. After a few rounds, Rey managed to score the first goal, but it did not take too long for Harvey to get that point back. They were all exhausted after playing for half an hour. They all took the break to drink water and recovered their stamina. Rey said to Ryan, "you are really getting good in this position, but next time, it will definitely be a goal." Ryan, who had a buzz cut hairstyle replied with a confident expression, "yeah, in your dreams." Black clouds already formed in the sky. Ryan looked at the sky and suggested to them, "hey you guys, it seems rain is about to start. Perhaps, we should stop the practice for today and head back to our home." Everyone agreed to his suggestion when they looked at the dark clouds. Small water droplets started falling from the clouds, Rey and his friends started running. Rey and his friends ran out from the ground and parted ways with him. Ryan and the others waved their hands while parting ways, "see you tomorrow." Rey waved back at them. In a few seconds, the speed of falling water droplets became faster. It did not even give the time to Rey and his friends to reach their homes. Rey was running while holding the soccer ball in his hand and thought to himself, "Dammit, today's weather report did not mention the rain fall." Rey drenched in rain and his clothes were totally wet. He ran across the bridge and reached the park close to his house. He was about to pass the park when he heard someone crying. He slowed down and stopped, "is someone crying? Where is this crying noise coming from? He looked towards the park and found the place where that noise was coming from. He was walking towards the rabbit looking slide and heard someone saying while crying, "mama, where are you." Rey ran towards the slide and looked under the slide. Rey looked at the short brown hair kid who was rubbing her eyes while crying and asked, "hey, are you alright?" Kid stopped crying and looked at the short black hair boy with ocean blue eyes. Her hazel eyes stared intently at him while confused expressions painted on her face. She blinked her eyes before asking him in childish voice, "who are you, are you a knight who came to save me?" Rey looked at her with a bewildered expression and thought, "A Knight, what is she even talking about? wait, haven't I seen her before, but where have I seen her?" When the short brown hair girl did not get any response from Rey, she asked again, "hey, tell me. Are you my knight or evil god who wants to kidnap me?" She started crying again, "Mama, evil god here to kidnap me." Rey snapped out from his thoughts and startled by her words. Rain was still pouring, and Rey's half body was still exposed to rain. Rey replied to her, "hey stop crying, I am not an evil god or anything. I am not here to kidnap you." She stopped crying and asked Rey, "then you are saying that you are my Knight who is here to save me?" Rey looked at her with a perplexed look and replied, "look I am not your Knight or anything. Just tell me what you are doing here? Are you lost?" She started crying again and replied in a childish manner while crying, "I am not going to trick you. you are an evil god." Rey was irritated by the girl and thought to himself, "This girl, why is she so insisted on evil god and Knight? should I leave her alone here? No, I can't do this." Rey stared at the crying girl again and suddenly he remembered something, "I know, where I have seen her. I saw her in that car when I was on my way to school. she probably came here to play and forgot the way to her home. What should I do with that Knight thing? I don't think she is going to stop crying until she recruited me as her stupid Knight." He sighed and played along with her Knight act, "hey, I am your Knight, and I am here to save you from the evil god." She stopped crying and looked at Rey with her sparkling hazel eyes. Teardrops were still falling but her eyes looked so sparkling. It was like she got her favorite toy. She asked, "you are really my Knight." Rey nodded with his head and asked, "can I sit here next to you. you know I don't want to catch a cold." She nodded with her head. Rey sat down next to her and finally got shelter. Rey asked her, "are you new here?" She nodded with a smile and asked him with curiosity, "which Knight you are and where did you come from?" Rey looked at her with a perplexed look and thought, "This Knight again. I thought she was going to stop when I admitted that I am her knight. I must think about a little story to keep her busy." After thinking for a few seconds, Rey made up a story to please her, "I am here from the holy palace, and I am here to save you princess from the evil gods and all the evil beings in this world. I will protect you from those who want to harm you." She heard him with excitement and believed him completely. Rey looked at her and thought, "is she dumb? She just believed me like that. that's good, at least she is not crying anymore?" Rey asked her, "I am Rey. What's your name?" She answered quickly without asking anything to him, "my name is Kiniko." Rey asked another question, "do you know your address?" she shook her head and replied, "I don't know." While they were both talking, suddenly lightning struck the ground and made a loud sound. Kiniko grabbed Rey's arm and started shivering with fear. Rey was also scared by the lightning and frozen for a few seconds, but he snapped out and looked at Kiniko who was still holding his arm like she was stuck into it. She was not crying at that time but trembling with fear. Rey asked in slow tone, "hey, it's alright now." She did not respond to him. Rey thought to himself, "perhaps, I let her like that for few more seconds." Rain slowed down and completely stopped in a few more seconds. Rey looked at the sky and saw a beautiful rainbow formed after the rain. Rey said to Kiniko who still did not want to leave his arm, "hey Kiniko, looked at the sky. it's beautiful rainbow." She calmed down a little and peaked at the sky. Small smile returned on her cute face when she looked at the rainbow, but she was still holding Rey's arm. Rey moved his eyes towards Kiniko. His heart skipped a beat when he looked at her cute face and he thought to himself, "She is cute." Rey's face was almost about to touch her face because she was holding his arm. He averted his gaze, and his face turned a little red. Rey pointed at the direction and said, "let's see the rainbow from there." Kiniko nodded and retreated herself to walk outside from under the slide.

When Charlette came back from the market after shopping, she did not see Rey at home. Unsettled weather already formed in the sky. She took an umbrella with her and started looking for Rey. Rain drops started falling from the sky when she was on the way to search Rey. Charlette was walking towards the soccer ground to look for Rey. She knew that Rey usually went to play in the soccer ground. Speed of falling droplets increased significantly. On the way, she saw a short brown hair woman in her late 20s. Her hazel eyes were moving wildly in every direction. Charlette walked towards the lady. She looked towards Charlette and asked to Charlette while showing a picture of her daughter, "did you see my daughter anywhere?" Her hands were shaking, and her face was pale. Charlette looked at the short brown hair girl with hazel eyes in the photo. Charlette replied, "I haven't seen her. calm down first, tell me what happened." She told her that her family moved to Old Town. When she was busy managing things, her daughter sneaked out to play somewhere. Charlette said, "I see, there is a park nearby. Maybe she went to play there. Let's look for her over there." She nodded at Charlette. Rain stopped and the sky turned clear. They introduced themselves while walking towards the park. They reached the park and entered the park. They both saw two kids staring at the sky. Even though they could not see their faces, they could imagine that they were smiling while looking at the rainbow. Makino ran towards the kids. Rey sensed someone approaching them. He turned to face the direction of the approaching person. He looked at the short brown hair woman running towards them. Kiniko also turned around when she saw Rey. She looked at a woman with short brown hair. She also ran towards while calling, "mama." It did not take Rey to find that woman's identity before even Kiniko confirmed it, because She was the exact adult version of Kiniko. Kiniko ran into her mother's arms. Makino hold her into her arms gently, and strong emotions welled up which showed in her eyes as the shape of tears. Rey thought to himself, "Definitely, she is her mom. she is also crybaby like her." Rey's eyes met with the blue eyes who were looking at him behind Makino and he thought while staring in those eyes, "mom, what is she doing here? is she know Kiniko's mom?" Rey called to Charlette, "mom, what are you doing here?" Makino looked at Rey with confused look and thought, "mom, is he referring to Charlette?" Charlette replied with smile, "I was looking for you, you know." Rey apologized to his mom, "I am sorry, mom." Now Charlette confirmed that Rey was her child, Makino looked at Charlette with astonished look and asked, "is he really your kid, Charlette?" Charlette replied with smile, "yes, he is. why are you so surprised?" Makino did not say to her but thought to herself, "but she looked so young." Makino replied, "it's nothing." Kiniko retreated herself from her mother's arms and looked at Rey while saying, "mama, Rey is my knight. he saved me today." Rey stopped on his track and looked at Kiniko with dead face, "This girl, why that Knight thing again. what is she even thinking? Is she making fun of me? is not that over already?" He averted his gaze to his mother who was smiling at him. His face turned paler and thought to himself, "I know what you are thinking mom. Dammit, this is all my fault. I should have been played along with her." Makino looked at Rey and thanked Rey, "thanks Rey for taking care of Kiniko." Rey looked at Makino and said while forcing smile on his face, "you are welcome." Charlette looked at Rey and said with teasing smile, "good job Knight." Rey's face turned red with embarrassment and thought, "stop teasing me mom. Dammit, this is so frustrating." Rey walked to Charlette and asked, "mom, are you acquainted with her somehow?" Charlette Shook her head and replied, "I met her when I was looking for you," Rey said, "I see, that's explain why you come here with her." Makino thanked to Charlette, "Thanks Charlette helping to find Kiniko." Charlette said, "you don't need to thank me. I am glad that she is Okey." Makino nodded and they all started walking. Rey and Charlette parted ways with Kiniko and Makino. Shortly after, they both reached at their home. Rey took a shower, and Charlette prepared dinner for them. Rey explained all things what happened in the park while eating delicious food with her mother. After eating Rey went straight to bed.

Life is unpredicable as it this story.

Warrior_7creators' thoughts