
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · Urban
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10 Chs

The Spectator's Gaze

Jake often found himself perched on a weathered bench in a small park nestled amidst the bustling streets of the city. From his vantage point, he became a silent observer of the world that whirled around him. It was a world that he inhabited but remained ever at arm's length from, a world of people with their own lives, dreams, and stories.

One brisk morning, he watched as a well-dressed businessman hurried past him, his crisp suit and polished shoes a stark contrast to Jake's ragged attire. The man's phone was glued to his ear, his voice a hurried stream of conversation punctuated by sharp gestures. Jake marveled at the man's sense of purpose, his steps purposeful and confident.

Not far from the businessman, a street performer captivated a small crowd with his melodious guitar playing. Jake listened intently, his eyes tracing the gentle sway of the performer's fingers as they danced across the strings. Music had always been a source of solace for Jake, a reminder of the beauty that still existed in the world.

A mother and her young daughter strolled by, hand in hand. The girl's face was aglow with wonder as she pointed to the colorful balloons being sold by a street vendor. The mother's laughter, warm and infectious, washed over Jake like a balm for his soul. It was a sound he cherished, a stark contrast to the silence that often surrounded him.

Amidst the cacophony of life unfolding before him, Jake couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a lone spectator in a world that had no room for him. He observed the expressions on the faces of those who passed by—the smiles of young lovers, the furrowed brows of the hurried, and the wearied eyes of the homeless like himself.

But it was one particular encounter that left a bitter taste in Jake's mouth, a stark reminder of the divide that separated him from the rest of society. A well-dressed woman, her designer handbag swinging from her arm, walked briskly toward him. Her high heels clicked on the pavement, a sound that echoed with a sense of purpose.

As she drew nearer, her eyes met Jake's for an instant. In that fleeting moment, their worlds collided, and Jake saw something in her gaze that he had seen before—a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Her lips curled into a sneer, and she averted her gaze with a quick, dismissive shake of her head.

It was a look that Jake had grown accustomed to over the years, a look that stung every time he encountered it. It said more than words ever could, a silent judgment that he was less than human, a stain on the pristine fabric of the city. In that moment, Jake felt the weight of his own invisibility, the realization that to many, he was little more than an inconvenience to be ignored or swept aside.

As the woman disappeared into the sea of bustling humanity, Jake's gaze lingered on the spot where she had stood. He couldn't help but wonder about her life, the world of privilege and comfort that she inhabited. It was a world so distant from his own, a world that seemed to grow more unreachable with each passing day.

But even in the face of such indifference and disdain, Jake refused to be defeated. He knew that he carried within him a spark of potential, a flicker of determination that could not be extinguished by the judgment of others. He may have been a silent observer for now, but he was determined to one day become an active participant in the world around him, to make his mark and rewrite the story that had been thrust upon him.

With that resolve burning in his heart, Jake rose from the bench and continued his daily journey through the city's tumultuous streets. There were dreams to chase, knowledge to acquire, and a future to shape—one that would not be defined by the indifference of others but by his unwavering determination to rise above it all.

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