
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · Urban
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10 Chs

The Scavenger's Resolve

Seven-year-old Jake had learned to navigate the unforgiving streets of New York City with the instincts of a seasoned survivor. His tiny frame was hidden beneath layers of oversized clothing he had gathered from dumpsters, a makeshift armor against the biting cold that seemed to linger even in the warmest months. Each day was a battle for survival, and young Jake was determined to emerge victorious.

The sun had barely begun its ascent over the city's towering skyline when Jake set out on his daily quest for sustenance. He clutched a battered backpack in one hand, its contents a meager collection of mismatched containers he had found and cleaned meticulously over time. These containers were his lifeline, his means of transporting any morsels of food he might be fortunate enough to discover.

Jake's tiny feet, encased in shoes two sizes too large, carried him through the labyrinthine alleys and streets. He moved with the stealth of a seasoned pro, his senses attuned to the faintest rustle or glimmer of hope that signaled a potential meal. His sharp eyes scanned the ground, and his nimble fingers reached for discarded wrappers and crumpled paper bags, a treasure map of sorts to the hidden gems of leftovers.

As he scoured a nearby park, his heart raced at the sight of a half-eaten sandwich tossed aside by an indifferent passerby. His small hands darted forward, snatching it up before anyone else could claim it. He inspected it closely, checking for signs of spoilage. It was a delicate dance he had learned through trial and error, the price of making a mistake often too high to bear.

Today, luck seemed to be on his side, as the sandwich appeared relatively untouched. With cautious delight, Jake deposited it into one of his precious containers, careful not to squish it. The thought of food warming his empty stomach spurred him on, driving him to continue his search.

Hours passed, and Jake's scavenging efforts yielded a small stash of discarded food items—a bruised apple, a handful of crackers, and a nearly empty juice box. It was a meager haul, but he had learned to be grateful for even the smallest of victories. With his backpack now filled with his finds, he headed back to his makeshift shelter, a hidden nook in the abandoned subway tunnels that had become his sanctuary.

The subway tunnels were a world unto themselves, a dark and damp labyrinth where the echoes of passing trains reverberated like distant thunder. Jake had discovered this hidden enclave through sheer necessity, and he had transformed it into a semblance of a home. Cardboard boxes lined the walls, offering a semblance of privacy and protection from the elements.

Sitting amidst his meager possessions, Jake unwrapped his scavenged treasures and savored each bite as if it were a gourmet meal. The apple's tartness was a welcome contrast to the dry crackers, and the juice box offered a brief respite from his perpetual thirst. It was a solitary feast, but for Jake, it was a triumph over adversity, a testament to his resilience.

As he ate, he allowed his thoughts to wander, as they often did during these moments of solitude. He remembered the family he had once had, the vague recollections of laughter and warmth. In those fleeting memories, he found solace, a reminder that he had once been loved and cherished.

But as the food disappeared and his stomach's ache began to fade, a burning determination welled up inside him. He refused to remain a scavenger for the rest of his life, forever bound by the scraps of a world that had abandoned him. He was determined to rise above his circumstances, to rewrite his story and become something more.

With newfound resolve, Jake packed away his scavenging tools and prepared to leave the tunnels. He knew that education was the key to escaping this life, and he had been quietly amassing a small collection of discarded books. It was time to continue his quest for knowledge, to unlock the door to a brighter future.

As he stepped out into the city once more, Jake's tiny form was framed by the towering skyscrapers that seemed to reach for the heavens. He may have been just a forgotten child in the vastness of the city, but he carried within him a fire that burned brighter than any of its lights. Jake was determined to prove that even in the darkest of circumstances, the human spirit could shine through, and dreams could be forged from the crucible of adversity. He would one day own his own skyscraper he would make sure of that. Nobody will stop him from pursuing his dreams and a family of his own.

Thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read my work.

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