
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · Urban
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10 Chs

The Abandoned Dream

The rain fell in heavy sheets, a relentless downpour that seemed determined to wash away everything in its path. In the midst of the storm, a small, fragile figure huddled beneath a tattered cardboard box, seeking shelter from both the elements and a world that had long since turned its back on him.

His name was Jake, a name he had given himself after the remnants of a forgotten birth certificate offered no solace. He couldn't remember much about the time before he found himself alone on the unforgiving streets of New York City. There were vague memories of laughter, warmth, and the comforting embrace of a family that had loved him once. But those memories had faded like old photographs, yellowed and frayed at the edges.

The box was a flimsy shield against the chill that seeped through Jake's threadbare clothes. His stomach growled in protest, a constant reminder of the hunger that gnawed at him day and night. He was just one of countless forgotten souls in this sprawling metropolis, a city that swallowed dreams whole and left behind only the bitter taste of despair.

As the rain continued to pour, Jake's thoughts turned to his family—or at least, the family he once had. He wondered what had driven them to abandon him, what had led them to leave a defenseless child on the cold, unforgiving streets. Had they faced their own trials and hardships, too overwhelming to bear? Or had they simply grown tired of the burden he represented?

In his darkest moments, Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment, a burning anger that fueled his determination to prove them wrong. He would not be defined by their abandonment. He would not become a statistic, another lost soul lost in the shadows of this unforgiving city.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Jake learned to survive on the streets, mastering the art of scavenging for scraps of food, finding shelter in abandoned buildings, and evading the watchful eyes of those who saw him as nothing more than a nuisance.

But Jake was no ordinary child. Beneath the grime and the layers of tattered clothing, he possessed a sharp mind and an unyielding spirit. He devoured books he found in dumpsters, taught himself to read and write, and spent countless hours in the dim light of public libraries, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

With each passing day, Jake's determination grew. He dreamed of a life far removed from the squalor of the streets, a life where he would no longer be defined by his past, but by his future. He dreamed of becoming a big shot, a millionaire who could reshape the world in his image.

Little did he know that the trials and hardships he had endured were but the first steps on a remarkable journey that would lead him to heights he could never have imagined. The storm that had raged around him for so long was about to give way to a new dawn, a chance for Jake to rewrite the story of his life and become the person he had always believed he could be.