
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · Urban
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10 Chs

Aching for a Different Life

As the sun cast its golden glow over the waking city, Jake ventured out onto the bustling morning streets once more. It was a ritual he couldn't shake, despite the bitter jealousy that gnawed at him every time he watched children his age heading off to school, their laughter and carefree camaraderie echoing through the crisp morning air.

These scenes etched themselves into Jake's mind, eternally teasing him with the life he could never have. He stood there, hidden behind a lamppost, a silent observer of their joyous rituals. Backpacks slung over their shoulders, uniforms pristine and crisp, they radiated the anticipation of what awaited them in the classroom. They chatted excitedly, shared secrets, and playfully bumped shoulders, all the while oblivious to the eyes of the solitary onlooker.

The bitter pang of jealousy struck again as Jake yearned for a taste of the normalcy they took for granted. The sense of longing was palpable as he imagined the warmth of friendship, the thrill of learning, and the adventure of discovery in the world of education.

For a moment, he allowed himself to drift into the daydreams of what could have been. He pictured himself in a classroom, raising his hand eagerly to answer questions, flipping through textbooks filled with knowledge waiting to be unearthed. He longed for the chance to forge those same bonds of friendship and camaraderie, to have teachers who believed in him and friends who cheered him on.

But the harsh reality was never far from his thoughts. He was an outsider to the world of education, a spectator barred from the classroom door. His tattered clothes, unkempt appearance, and lack of resources were constant reminders of the chasm that separated him from those fortunate children.

As the last of the schoolchildren disappeared around a corner, Jake's gaze lingered on the path they had taken, their laughter fading into the distance. His heart ached with a longing that ran deeper than words could express. He wished for nothing more than the chance to be like them, to feel the simple joy of attending school and learning alongside his peers.

Yet, as the moment passed, Jake refused to succumb to despair. He was determined to turn his yearning into motivation, to find a way to educate himself, even if the doors of the school remained forever closed to him. With a sense of determination and a growing awareness of the power of his own mind, he resolved to embark on a journey of self-education that would rival any formal schooling.

Walking away from the schoolyard, Jake's eyes remained fixed on the path ahead. He knew that the pursuit of knowledge was a journey he would undertake alone, with only his own determination to light the way. As he continued his solitary trek through the city streets, his thoughts were consumed by the desire to prove that, despite the challenges that life had thrown at him, he could still carve out a path to a brighter future.