
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · Urban
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10 Chs

A Path to Better Things

The sun had yet to fully rise as Jake ventured deeper into the city's labyrinthine streets. Today, his heart was heavy with a sense of determination that transcended his usual scavenging for food. He had made a promise to himself to embark on a journey of self-education, and he couldn't let his dreams be derailed by hunger or despair.

Near an apartment complex, he noticed a row of pristine dumpsters that caught his attention. They seemed different from the usual discarded treasures he encountered. With curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously, eyes scanning for any sign of overlooked valuables. As he rummaged through one of the dumpsters, his fingers brushed against something unexpected.

Pulling out the object, he blinked in disbelief. It was a library card, a small piece of plastic bearing the name of its previous owner. The discovery sent a surge of hope through Jake. This, he realized, was his starting point in the quest to give himself an education.

Clutching the library card tightly in his hand, he felt a sense of serendipity in the air, as if fate had guided him to this moment. The card represented access to a world of knowledge, an opportunity to immerse himself in books, and a chance to take the first steps toward his dream of self-improvement.

His heart pounding with excitement, Jake knew that he needed to make the most of this discovery. He knew little about how libraries worked, but he was determined to find out. With the library card as his passport, he would step into a world he had only glimpsed from afar—the world of books, learning, and boundless knowledge.

Carefully tucking the card into his makeshift wallet, a worn and tattered piece of fabric, Jake made his way to the nearest library. It was a journey that took him through unfamiliar neighborhoods, past bustling streets, and into the heart of the city's knowledge hub.

The library, a grand building with towering shelves of books that seemed to stretch to the heavens, was a sight to behold. Jake hesitated at the entrance, feeling a mixture of awe and trepidation. He had never set foot in such a place before, and the sheer magnitude of it all was overwhelming.

But his determination spurred him forward. Approaching the librarian's desk, he presented the library card with a tentative smile. The librarian, a kind-faced woman with glasses perched on her nose, offered a warm greeting and guided him through the process of borrowing books.

Jake's heart swelled with gratitude as he was handed a new library card. Fred Schmidt, this would now be his identidy in this place. A small but significant marker of his newfound identity as a seeker of knowledge. With his card in hand, he ventured deeper into the library, his eyes dancing over the rows of books that beckoned to him.

For the first time in his life, Jake felt the exhilaration of choice. He could pick any book, explore any subject, and dive into the depths of human understanding. His hands traced the spines of volumes on science, history, mathematics, and literature. Each book held the promise of a new adventure, a step closer to his dreams.

With an armful of carefully chosen books, Jake found a quiet corner where he could lose himself in their pages. The world around him faded as he immersed himself in the written word, devouring knowledge with a hunger that surpassed any physical craving.

As he turned the pages, Jake knew that he had taken the first step on a remarkable journey of self-education. The library card, a simple piece of plastic he had stumbled upon in a dumpster, had become his passport to a world of limitless possibilities. It was a symbol of hope, a testament to his resilience, and a reminder that even in the darkest of circumstances, the pursuit of knowledge could light the way toward a brighter future.

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