
Chapter 4

"Realy! Can you take me there?" I shouted in exitement. A big and bright smile appeared on my face. Felix just laughed. "Yeah i will take you there. It is a 4 day long way. Normaly you would walk there for a whole week." "Thank you Felix!" I went and gave him a hug. "We will go in a hour. So wait for now." I nodded and started thinking about what is going on in the castle. My father must went nuts went he found out i ran away. He probably send guard's to find me. I just smiled for myself.

I was thinking about that beautiful red dragon. I realy hope i will be able to tame him and i won't die while taming him. Felix and me went on our way to that's dragon's nest. Let's just hope that shortcut is safe. We were walking thru a forest when Felix suddenly stopped. "What is wr-" He putted his hand on my mouth to shut me up. I nodded and he went closer to one of the bushes. He carefully looked over it to see a small wolf cub. " It's a baby wolf. It look's like it's mother abonded it." " Or maybe it's mother was killed by something." I looked at Felix and at that moment he understand what i was about to say. " No Amari we are not gonna take it with us." "Why not?! I will take care of it. You don't need to do anything!" I sayed and looked at him with puppy. Felix played the tough guy, but in the end he agreed. "Fine. You can take it with us but won't take care of it." I smiled  "Don't worry you won't even know a baby wolf is traveling with us." I took the small wolf and carried it in my arms the whole time.

After few hours of walking we desited to take a few minutes rest. Felix went to the river that was near here. In the mean time the small wolf woke up. And i found out it was a female wolf. But i don't know how to name her. I will have to thing about something. "I'm back Amari. I got some water and three fishes. We can grill them later." "Alright. I don't know how to name that baby wolf. Do you know some cute name?" Felix was thinking for some time. Then he looked at the baby wolf that was laying on my lap and sleeping again. "Don't know if this is a good name but i thing she could be named Dixie." I nodded and smiled at Felix. "Dixie is it then." I got up and Dixie was uo again so she walked by herself for now. "Let's go now."

"Felix are you sure we took the right turn? I thing we are walking in circles." I snatched the map from Felix and took a look at it. "Of course we are walking in circles. We were suppose to be here at the moment." I pointed at the place where was a big lake and a small village. "Oh. You are right. I didn't even realize it. Sorry." "Don't worry it's alright. Let's go. About ten minutes of walking from here should be a village." Felix nodded as we started walking again. It was quite boring. We found the village with the lake. The sun was slowly setting and we decited to camp next to the lake. "I'm going to take a bath in the lake in the meantime you can grill the fishes. And remember no peeking." I went straight to the lake. I undressed and realize my skirt has holes in it. 'I need to find some new and more comfortable clothes later.' I sigh and get in the water. It wasn't that cold i thought it would. It's been few days since a took a bath.

The sky was so clean and beautiful. There wasn't any couds only few birds flew here and there. I realize i've been in here for longer than i was planning so i got up and dressed and went to Felix. When Dixie saw me coming she ran to me in exitement. "Hello Dixie." I patted her on head and sat to the camp fire to dry myself a little. "Felix you can go take a bath and i will grill the fishes." Felix just nodded and got up. When i was done grilling the fishes i played with Dixie for a while. After few minutes she fell asleep. I took one of the fishes and ate it. I layed nxt to Dixie and fell asleep. Last thing i remember was that Felix sayed somethig like 'good night'.