
Dreadful Dream Ever

THIS IS MY FIRST STORY... ( Read the whole description please.) It's a story or rather a dream that a girl named Scarlett once had but has had it repeatedly been coming and has left like a scar on her mind. It may include her best friends Emma and Sophia and Jane in her journey. Join me in my story. Romance will be stirring after a few chapters. Try to give it a chance. A warning though " This story may contain mature themes and strong language. Reader's discretion is advised. But after a few or many chapters." It's the original lines after all. See ya. I would also rather say that it depends on true events of my not so good life. So I would appreciate you to read this story. Bye lovelies.. {[(And I swear if anyone tries to copy it I will come out from your computer screen and slap you silly)]}

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12 Chs

11. Is My Dream Becoming Real ?!


After we left, it was already time for the classes to start.

We went our ways and attended our respective classes for the day left. When it was time for going home, all the friends who were released early stood at our decided place as a checkpoint.

After we all arrived, we started heading home together. All the way, while we were going home, I could feel something out of order around me. Just then, a sharp chill ran through my spine. The feeling was too familiar. It's the similar feeling I'd feel when something related to that dreadful dream was going to happen or related to it was closer to me, but I decided to ignore it. That chill just ran through my spine and, I knew something very much scary and related to the dream was practically happening very soon.

I quietly inspected around me. Even though the road we were walking through was filled with many people walking or passing by vehicles could be caught into sight, but it was not a wide road. It was like a one-way going alleyway. Chances of average vans or even cars passing by were naturally next to impossible due to the number of people passing through that path. Noticing that, I was relieved a little. I again did not heed attention after all the reviewing.

I thought that since it looks all clear right now, maybe it means that it may happen afterward as it was just afternoon. Perchance it will when we will be going to extra classes altogether. Though the suspicion of that happening is high, I was sure as hell that my mother would not let me miss those classes. And if I miss those by lying about having no classes, there will surely be a message coming on her phone of my absence. And I would willingly get kidnapped than hear her taunts till I die. Because I know that she will taunt me to death if I miss even one class on my own whim.

I changed out of the uniform and had lunch, trying to occupy my mind with thoughts other than that dream. I had almost forgotten about it. It was almost time to leave for classes. When I reached downstairs, I saw Sophia coming towards my home. Most probably for calling me out. But as I had already arrived downstairs, so there was no need for her to call me. The only one remaining was Emma. And we both knew she would not come downstairs that early as she's always the slow of us all in doing things. We both could guarantee that she was either finishing her lunch right now or wearing her clothes for the classes. We were already used to her habits, so it did not faze us even a little bit. We decided to wait for 5 minutes before we decide to holler. Even she knew better than anyone that if she did not come down in the next 5-6 minutes, there was sure to be a commotion starting.

Just as we ran out of patience after 10 minutes and were just going to shout her name out loud, she came downstairs. Seeing our position, she immediately understood what we were gonna do. She visibly sighed in relief, maybe thinking that luckily she arrived down on time. She knew that we may wake up the whole neighborhood with our screaming. I felt as if I was going through a déjà vu. As if partially fulfilling the dream. My friends saw my distracted face and maybe understood what I was thinking as they started to make me convinced that nothing will happen. And really nothing happened! But there was a strange creepy feeling I was feeling every now. It was as though nothing happened to me, but there was still someone keeping an eye on me. Strange yet making a chill run down my spine. When I studied my friends' faces, I knew that they did not feel the sharpness of someone staring that I was feeling. We continued our way home. Luckily, there was just school for tomorrow. The classes were canceled because of them celebrating the class's anniversary. So if they were planning to kidnap *cough* (me) *cough*, they can't. But only if they were planning like my dream time, that is before classes.

As usual, I woke up with a non-cherry attitude cause who the hell can wake up early in the morning every day except Sunday and go to the hell named-School. It was my regular routine. Wake up, brush and freshen up, eat breakfast under limited time, and rush to school as if your life depended on it. But today still felt different. It was like yesterday. No one in sight, but still, you could feel someone staring or observing the hell outta me quietly. But today, I decided to stay calm, as me being kidnapped from these narrow lanes was practically near to impossible except at one point where there is a direct shortcut to the main road. I passed through that point as fast as possible cause the intensity of the stare increased with an increase in my heartbeats. I rushed my pace and arrived at school. Once reaching there was when my mind finally found peace.

Throughout the whole time today at school, there was an irrefutable peace in my heart. As if knowing that nothing horrible can happen today. My day passed away without any disturbances. We all went home together after wandering here and there a little as we knew there are no classes today. When I arrived home continued with ease with the further activities. And I slept in peace at night.

A new day came and, Luckily was a Sunday!

Knowing my lazy ass, I knew that I would surely not rise from my bed till it's 10 or 11. My whole Sunday was spent at home, thanks to my mother. Without knowing it was already Monday. And the feeling of fear again settled in my heart but at a low rate. Not like the heavy feeling as if a weight kept on it. I was already out of my going to school when this type of atmosphere washed over me. "And this just made my day!" was what I thought sarcastically. After this feeling, I was sure that I will be full of unneeded sarcasm on my tongue today. Just peachy. Just the way to start someone's day. The whole time in the school was worse according to my mood especially.

I finished school and went home, ready for my classes. I totally forgot about the dream in my pathetic mood. My mood had totally made me disregard the nightmare because of which my mind was disturbed in the first place. I went downstairs and towards Emma's building, where Sophia was already waiting for the both of us. Sophia somewhat improved my mood with her '"non-existent in the world jokes,"' which are useful only on us. But there a very dreadful feeling arising from the pit of my stomach, but I did not pay any heed to it.

And just like in the dream (which was not on my mind currently), as Emma arrived on the ground floor (as I think), a white van stopped in front of us.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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