
Drawn to a Flame

-Temporary Synopsis- [An AU] A journey of Naruto in the world of Avatar. Possible lemons in the future, I don’t know yet. Naruto is the protagonist, but there will be combination of NarutoxATLA!!! Putting this here so no one will be BAMBOOZLED thinking it’s only Naruto in the ATLA universe! Art cover is not mine, and it belongs to the original art owner!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Yulah The Merchant

Naruto snuggled against the warm embrace of Azula amidst the cold winter morning. The egg yolk sun poured through the cracks of the blinds and shined across Naruto's resting face. His groggy eyes stood between dream and reality; he shuffled around a few times before the cogs in his mind were finally set in motion. Naruto groaned as he lazily sat up and rubbed his eyelids. The morning silence greeted Naruto as he glanced around the room.

"Morning, Foxy," Azula said softly, her frosty breath vanished as it appeared.

Naruto stretched his arms out until he felt his joints cracked, "Morning." Naruto stood and yawned.

Today was the day; their path towards Ba Sing Se would begin; a journey to a safe haven in the Impenetrable City that stood against the test of time for millennia. It would be long and arduous, but it would be absolutely worth it for them.

Azula combed through her long hair with her fingers, "Seems like someone had a good sleep."

"It's better than most," Naruto smiled at her.

Azula sauntered her way towards and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his warmth that she had been addicted to and rested her head on his shoulders, "Foxy, oh, Foxy."

"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing," She smiled. "Just want to enjoy my morning with you."

The door suddenly slammed open, and Temujin limped in, "Rise and shine, lovebirds! Time ta go!"

Naruto jolted in fright from Temujin's sudden intrusion. His fearful expression quickly turned to anger, "Would ya calm down, old man!"

"No time, lad," Temujin replied. "The caravan's here so be quick on yer feet."

Suki and Tenten showed themselves through the door with disheveled appearances. Their clothes unkempt as they walked into the room like zombies.

"Why is it so loud in here?" Tenten groaned, her face showing irritation. She stretched her arms over her head and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"The sun is barely even up, and everyone's screaming bloody murder," Suki said.

"Enough groanin' and moanin," Temujin quickly said. "Shake tha dust off ya feet and get yerselves ready." Temujin then limped out of the room.

The gang groaned in annoyance but complied anyways. Time passed as everyone were finishing up preparations to leave. However, Naruto meditated next to a wall; it was what Pervy Sage taught him whenever he felt anxious. Temujin limped towards Naruto with a leather bag in hand.

"Here," Temujin tossed him the leather bag.

"What is this?" Naruto asked.

"Kunais," Temujin replied. "You'll need em."

Naruto's eyes shined brightly as he opened it, "Wow, thanks, old man!"

Temujin nodded, "Ya be doin' yerself a favor if you mastered them."

"Che, I'll master it no time, dattebayo," Naruto said with confidence.

"I like that attitude, kid."

Meanwhile, Azula strapped her brown waist belt over the loose dress around her belly and tighten it. Gazing at the mirror, Azula tied her long hair into a half top knot and held it with her golden headpiece. Tenten suddenly walked over with a cheeky grin on her face.

"So, Azula..." Tenten said. "Are you and Naruto lovers?"

Suki's ears quickly perked up. This was important gossip that Suki needed to hear. She discretely shuffled closer to hear them better.

Azula raised an eyebrow, "And what's it to you?"

Tenten clasped her hands behind her back, "Just wondering. That's all"

"I don't have any need to tell you," Azula walked away. Why would she have the need to share private affairs to those who aren't even her friends to begin with? Especially to those she had recently fought with.

"Then, does that mean he's still single?" Tenten suddenly asked.

Azula suddenly stopped and turned around with narrow eyes, her possessiveness began to kick into high gear, "Foxy is not interested in having a romantic relationship with a girl with a pair of meat buns on her head."

Tenten's eyes twitched with anger. Who the hell does this chick think she is? She wouldn't care if Azula mocked her for something else, but her hair? Now, that was going too far.

"At first, I was just being curious, but now it's on, princess hothead."

Azula snorted at Tenten and walked away, not wanting to converse with her anymore. As Azula left, Suki moved towards her friend.

"Wow, what's her problem?" Suki glanced at Azula's retreating form.

Tenten crossed her arms, "If she wants it coming, then I'll give her a run for her money." She glanced towards Naruto with a smirk.

Everyone arrived at a large caravan where a woman of short stature named Yulah awaited them. She had long, straight hair and wore rather ordinary robes considering that she was a merchant. She had bright, brown eyes as she waved at them with a grin.

The caravan was covered in a white linen to insulate the interior from the cold. Small lanterns hung at the edges while simple engravings carved the wooden chassis. A hybrid Deer Mustang stood before the caravan; it was used to haul the caravan for long travels.

"Hey, everyone!" Yulah shouted with glee. "It's good to see you all!"

"Pipe down, Yulah," Temujin limped besides her and patted the Deer Mustang. "We ain't tryna draw any Fire Nation shills."

"Oops," Yulah ruffled her own hair. "Sorry."

Temujin sighed before gesturing the gang to Yulah, "Everyone, Yulah," He quickly introduced. "Yulah...err, what are yer names again?"

"Name's Naruto, dattebayo!"



"And Tenten!" Tenten raised up a peace sign.

Yulah gave them a slight bow, "Well, aren't you all quite the unique bunch. I guess our journey to Ba Sing Se won't be boring after all!"

Temujin hopped onto the caravan and beckoned everyone over. Yulah sat on the coach while everyone else rested inside. Temujin unrolled the linen just above the entrance and blocked any eyes from seeing them.

"Ba Sing Se, here we come," Yulah whipped the Deer Mustang, and it trotted along the quiet road.

"You'll think this'll work?" Naruto asked.

"Yulah's best quality is that she gets along with everyone," Temujin replied, "And I mean EVERYONE."

"I sure hope so," Tenten said.

As they approached the gate, Yu Dao guards suddenly stopped them. Three men stood before the caravan with wielded spears and approached them. Their grim faces suddenly turned into smiles.

"Yulah," One of them spoke out. "Going on another round?"

"You betcha, Renyu!" She replied.

"No mercenaries this time?" Renyu questioned.

"Heh, bandits learned their lessons the last time when they went against me."

"Looks like we have a tough one in our hands," The guards laughed.

"It's true though," Yulah quickly crossed her arms and pouted. "You can even ask the guys in the pub."

"Yeah, yeah, Yulah. We believe you," Ruyin rolled his eyes. "Anyways, you're good to go. Safe travels." The guards parted ways, and the caravan pulled through the gates.

"Hold up!" Renyu shouted at her, his face suddenly turned grim.

Sweat trickled down her face as he approached her. Everyone inside held their breaths as his shadow grew larger through the cracks of the linen. Time had suddenly frozen over while a dreadful silence loomed over them aside from the rapid drumming of their hearts. His eyes pierced through Yaluh's brown orbs as if he was studying her emotions. Yulah's growing nervousness quickly turned to genuine fear of being caught red-handed.

"You dropped this yesterday," He pulled out a red charm talisman from his pocket.

"I've been looking for this!" Yulah shouted with surprise. "Thank you!"

"Anytime," Renyu rubbed his neck, trying to hide his growing blush, "Be careful out there, alright?"

Yulah nodded, "I will."

The caravan finally left Yu Dao, and everyone let out sighs of relief.

"I nearly shat my pants," Naruto suddenly said. He never been so afraid since his younger days back in Konoha.

"We were truly lucky to have come across such incompetent guards," Azula said.

"And I couldn't be more thankful for that," Suki chimed in.

"Then strap on in, brats. This is going to be a long one," Temujin pulled out a pipe and lit it up.

Sorry if I didn’t upload yesterday. I failed my FAA Airframe O&Ps, and I was too much in a pissy mood to upload a chap.

But we reached over 1000 collections, though! Yay!

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