
Drawing Though The Multiverse

"Soooo your saying you'll give me three wishes, but I have to make them interesting" said a disembodied soul. "Yes" said GOD "Alright then I wish for..... if you want to learn what happens then read it. Also I can care less if you like it or not, I'm just writing for fun. I own nothing except my OC's. side note harem would probably be just three to five max and I don't know a thing about love

salamander_yt · Anime & Comics
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Antihero. Before I do that though let's make some abilities. I started to draw a pill the description I gave it was, it gave me Reapers abilities from overwatch 2 but without the cool downs, I also add I can fly but I turn into a cloud of black smoke. I also decided to go with Reapers fit.

l also made a creature that look like a lycan but with a bit of a longer snout. They also are all pitch black with orange glowing eyes. They can also hide in my shadow. Oh if I give them a name they get stronger, they also can't infect people with there bites and they have better smell. There stats are also really good.



titles: hounds-better at tracking then normal (AN: the MC gave them the that title) Apex predator-humans fear you, animals run when in your presence, monsters are more careful around you

str: 60

end: 90

dex: 100


[Expert tracker]-helps in tracking

[Age less]

[Superhuman regeneration]

[Cold blooded]-doesn't show on infrared

[Bullet proof hide]

[Improved senses]

[Can't be cloned]

Needless to say I was quite proud of my creation. I made about 500 of them. I send 250 to the dungeon. I also found something out when they kill something in the dungeon it gives half the EXP to me. Anyways I made another pill that made me age less. I just thought of something awesome I could draw. I started to draw the whistling birds from mandalorian they have infinite ammo and the thing that launches them is indestructible well they also have anti Kryptonian rounds, also made my reaper suit out of beskar . Then I started to draw the mandalorian sniper rifle, also made that have infinite ammo and anti Kryptonian rounds and had it soul bonded.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~~~~~~~

So form my scouting in a forest next to Gotham. It's pretty much clear so I draw a bunker form GTA 5 and it was automatically placed in the ground. It also had a few Skills, which are.




[infinite power]

[anti surveillance/hack]-no one or anything can hack, trace into the bunkers computers or security

[Security drone]-has anti Kryptonian rounds

[bunker supercomputer]-like batman's but a lot better

[Security turrets]-also has anti Kryptonian rounds

[anti tracking]-so if batman places a tracker it gets teleport to a random volcano cause FUCK TRACKER]

Well this week has been an eventful one to say the least. I have started to hunt it went well I did have to draw a ticket that gave me a skill called [soul reading] run down of it is it can tell me the sins of that person. If I don't like it I'll kill them. So a lot of gangs have disappeared this week. I also found that I'm lacking in the departments of skill, so to remedy that I draw a ticket that when ripped gave you taskmaster ability but better; by better I mean I can still copy there martial arts and then another and still have both and then I can combined them to make a better one.

'status'I thought

[Name: Jason Black

Age: 15


Aliment: chaotic neutral


str: 30




energy: infinite


[thought acceleration]

[parallel thoughts]

[ture free will]-no one can mind fuck you or mess with it and you control your own fate and destiny

[singularity]-no one can clone you or steal/copy your powers. also no other versions of you in that multiverse

[cold blooded]-don't show on infrared and has a easier time with the coping of killing another human

[genius strategies]

[genius in all fields]-like science, mathematics, English, enchantments, runesmith, smithing ect

[all speak]-instantly learn a language when spoken to me

[true living paradox]-if one goes back in time to try and kill me I'll still exist from where they left

[infinite energy]-for my magic, my drawing power ect

[protection against any entity higher then gods (like Greek gods)]-they have to physically see me with there own eyes not magic, not anything like that I'll appear as a normal human to them

[Reapers teleport]

[Reapers wraith mod]

[Reapers ult]

[taskmaster ability]

[black cloud]

Soul bonded things:

infinite note book

infinite led pencil

mandos rifle, infinite ammo, anti Kryptonian rounds

whistling birds, infinite ammo, anti Kryptonian rounds]

I have also switch out my hounds for the ones in the dungeon. So they could level up today I'm going to go on patrol and use them to hunt let's see how it goes.

Batman's POV:

I have been investigating a lot of gangs going missing and haven't found anything. Who ever or what ever this is it's cautious. I going to go on a patrol, to see if I can find anything...