
Chapter 7

With her books and binders in her arms, Emilia was trying to find the Kingston West Hall. She had never had a class here before, but she couldn't seem to find anything because the campus was so big! All the buildings had long hallways that connected to each other, and the classrooms all looked the same until she got closer to the little plaque on the door telling her the room number.

As she was trying to read the map on her phone, she didn't notice an unlevelled floor up ahead. The front of her foot hit it and once again, she fell with her things sprawled everywhere.

"Oh my god, how can this happen again?! What is wrong with you Emilia?" She mumbled under her breath. She bent down and started collecting her things. She reached for a pink spiral notebook, but someone beat her to it. She raised her head and found herself looking into James' eyes.

"Are you okay Emilia?" She reached out to grab her book and nodded sheepishly.

"Thanks, sorry you had to see that."

"You don't have to apologize. You look kind of lost, do you need help?"

Emilia's eyes widened and she gave him a huge smile.

"YES!" She immediately put her hand over her mouth.

"I mean…if you don't mind."

After he pointed out the direction they needed to go, they walked in silence without exchanging words and ended up outside again.

'Common James, just say something, anything!' He walked beside her with his eyes cast down to the floor. His hands both held onto the strap of his leather messenger bag.

'What's wrong with you today, Emilia? You always have something to say. Think of something! Okay, how about…' She was racking her brain on how to start small talk. She turned towards him and opened her mouth but was met with James' look of horror. Next thing she knew, he had tugged on her arm and was pulling her towards him!

Realizing what he had done, he had to make a quick split-second decision. Was he going to let her continue falling into his arms? But what if that made her uncomfortable and she thought he was a creep? So, does he push her away? But what if she gets more hurt?

The amount of time it took him to process all this was not enough time. She was a few inches away from his chest, but his brain didn't send the signal to his feet in time. He stumbled and fell backwards, taking Emilia with him. She hovered over him on her hands and knees. Because of her quick reaction time, she wasn't totally lying on top of him.

"Sorry!" A guy on a bike whizzed by as he apologized for rushing to his destination.

The two of them were so stunned, neither of them moved for a long time. In reality, it was only ten seconds or so, but it felt like a lifetime.

James was the first to break eye contact.

"Sorry I just wanted to pull you out of the way but then I didn't want you to think I was being a perv.."

Emilia pushed herself up and dusted off her hands.

"Too late for that, you're the one that drew my portrait while I was minding my own business remember?"

"That! I…I didn't…"

Emilia shoved her phone in front of him.

"I'll call it even if you give me your number."

James blushed while giving her a smirk. "You're smooth, smoother that me."

She raised her eyebrows at him. They both stared at each other and burst out laughing.


The skies were clear, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Joel was at a local farmer's market picking up fresh meat and ingredients so he and Cameron could have a barbecue.

He had picked up some veggies and spices from some of the vendors. He would stop by the butcher shop and beer store on the way home.

"Oh! I forgot zucchini! Cameron loves those," he turned right towards where he remembered seeing them. As he got closer, he saw someone he recognized.

"Auntie, are you sure you can't sell it to me for cheaper? If you do, I promise I'll be back every week and only buy from you. You'll have a guaranteed customer every time!"

"I'm sorry young lady but I can't go any lower. I need to feed my family too."

Rylie looked defeated but she understood. She thanked her and went to look elsewhere. Curious, Joel stayed at a distance and continued following her.

She approached an elderly man who sat by himself in the back corner of the market. He seemed weak and fragile but kind. He smiled as Rylie approached and they made some small talk.

The vegetables he had were much cheaper but when you got a closer look at what was displayed, you can see why. Many of them had blemishes or were picked prematurely. She carefully picked through the piles and paid the man for them. She started heading towards the main road and it was at this moment, Joel picked up his pace and chased after her.

Rylie was about to turn left when she heard someone call her name in the distance. She whipped around nervously and saw Joel running after her.

'Did he see any of that?'

"Oh h-hey Joel, what are you doing here?"

"I was picking up things for a BBQ with Cameron. Did you want to come? I'm sure he'd love to see you," he was expecting her to say yes but her face dropped slightly.

"Thanks, but maybe next time. I really have to get back home, there are…people waiting for me."

"Oh, you have guests over? Can I give you a ride? I'm going this way anyways," he said as he pointed toward the parking lot.

Rylie thought for a second then shook her head.

"No, it's okay, really. It's only a few houses down that way," she pointed right but he could've sworn she was going to turn left earlier.

"Okay then, get home safe. Hope to see you around," they waved goodbye and saw her head right, but he could've sworn she was going left a few minutes ago. When he was out of sight, he peeked around the corner and saw her turn around and like he thought, go left. He was about to follow her when his phone vibrated.

"Joel, where are you? I'm starving!"

"Alright alright, I'm on my way," he sighed as Rylie disappeared from his sight.


Cameron was setting up the table in his backyard as Joel finished grilling food on the barbecue. He turned off the gas and walked over with a plate of various seafood.

Cameron grabbed some squid in excitement and bit into it. Joel grabbed a chicken wing and was about to take a bite as well but paused and studied his friend for a moment.

In the last few weeks, he seemed to have a different air about him. He was more vocal about his opinions and looked up more instead of avoiding eye contact. He even paid more attention to his appearance; something he never really cared about before. Was it because of Rylie? Can one person change so drastically for another?

"Hey Cameron, how have you been lately?"

"Never better! Why?"

"No reason, just wondering. How are you and Rylie doing?"

At the sound of her name, Cameron stopped chewing and blushed.

"We're good, we're seeing a movie next week," he smiled brightly.

"Sounds like things are going great man! Tell me honestly, how do you feel about her?"

"Well, I know I like her but I'm not sure how to answer your question. When I'm with her, I feel like I can be myself. I don't really need to pretend to be someone I'm not because I feel like I can tell her anything. It's kind of how I feel when I'm with you, expect there's something else there…"

Joel nodded in understanding. He didn't know how to tell his friend he basically described being in love. Cameron didn't know because he's never been in love, but he could tell. He just wasn't sure she was the right one for him.

"Since you've hung out a few times now, what do you know about her, on a personal level…?"

Cameron tapped his index finger to his chin and thought for a moment.

"Honestly, we haven't gotten to that part yet. I guess I'll ask her next time I see her."

Joel patted him on the shoulder as he got up to get some napkins, "You really should man, you really should."