
Chapter 19

Hospital staff engulfed in their work, rushed past Rylie and Joel peering through a rectangular glass. Her mother was on life support with various tubes attached to various parts of her body.

She had stopped crying, but her eyes had become bloodshot and all he could do was offer his shoulder for support as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't cry Rylie, everything will be okay. Can you tell me what happened?"

Upon hearing his question, she looked at her feet.

"Since we slept over at Cameron's house, I was trying to sneak back into the house before my mom woke up. I had knocked over something, but I didn't hear her yell. So I searched all the rooms and…and…" her voice choked up and Joel wrapped both arms around her in a hug.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay."

"I just feel so conflicted. She always put me down and I took in all her abuse. She's dying but a part of me feels relieved I don't have to suffer anymore. Does this make me a bad person, Joel?"

"Of course not. You have every right to feel the way you do. At the end of the day, she was your mother, but you deserved better," he said as he rubbed her back.

*Ring ring*

"Oh, it's Cameron…" Rylie glanced at the screen and felt conflicted. She tossed her phone back into her purse.

"I don't think I can talk to him right now. I wouldn't know what to say and I know he means well but sometimes, he can be a bit suffocating," she sighed and walked towards the washroom.

*Ring ring*

"Hello?" Joel picked up his phone, thinking it was probably Cameron.

"Hey Joel, what have you been up to lately?"

"Hey, just busy with…work and everything. Something up?"

"I just thought of you…and wanted to know if you've heard from Rylie recently?"

He had feared Cameron was going to ask him this question when he picked up. He had never really lied to him before, because he never really had a reason to. Right now, it felt like he was being put through a test.

"I…no, sorry. I haven't seen her since we all left your place the other day."

"It's just, I haven't heard from her either since then and she's not answering my calls.

Hearing Cameron talk like this did make him seem a bit clingy.

"I'm sure she'll call you back eventually. Just remember to give her space from time to time, you don't want to scare her off."

"I know, I just really miss her."

They both hung up just as Rylie returned and stood beside him again.

She stared straight ahead at her mother through the glass and wasn't aware of her surroundings, or Joel looking at her side profile. Even with all the sorrow written on her face, she was still…

"Beautiful…" he mumbled.

For the first time since the three of them met, Joel felt like he was betraying Cameron, and he didn't feel guilty about it.


At a coffee shop a few streets away from the hospital, Emilia was seated by a window, waiting for someone to arrive. She was lost in thought as she thought back to yesterday and the confession she got from Yuki.

He had leaned in for a kiss, catching her off guard. Luckily, she had pushed him away and was able to take a few steps back.

"What are you doing?!"

"I can't lie to myself anymore, Em."

"What are you talking about, I'm so confused. We grew up together and you're like a brother to me. Why now?"

"I…think a part of me has always created a special place for you but I didn't know what that meant until recently. I knew I wanted to always keep you safe and was willing to do anything for you if it meant I could see you smile. But it's not enough anymore. I find myself wanting more. And when I think of you doing all those things with someone else I…"

"What? What do you mean someone else?"

"You've dated and gone after other guys in the past, but things are different with James. When I hear you talk about him or see you together, I get anxious, and my heart gets tight. I have feelings for you Em, that go beyond friendship or family…"

"Stop. Just stop, Yuki," she cupped both her hands over her ears and shut her eyes tight.

Emilia was trying to wrap her head around what was happening, but she couldn't grasp it. She had so many questions for him; like when it started and why.

She asked him to take her home and to give her time to organize her thoughts. He agreed and they both rode in silence back.

That was last week, she had been avoiding him ever since.

She was still in a trance when someone knocked on the window from the outside. She flinched and beamed as she realized it was James. She laughed at him waving frantically and motioned for him to come inside. It was funny because since they've known each other, he had warmed up quickly to her. Sometimes, she felt like she saw a side no one else did, and that made her feel special.

"Hey Em! Are you okay? You seemed a bit down just now," he put his things down and took the seat beside her.

"So I'm Em now, eh?" She smirked teasingly and he blushed.

"You don't like it?"

"It's fine! I just wish I could give you a nickname too but your name's already short…"

"I've missed you, Em…" he blurted out.

"Awww, James! I've missed you too! I always look forward to seeing you!"

He blushed and was so nervous, he grabbed her drink by accident and chugged.

"Ah, no, that's mine! I got you this one!"

He choked and thrust the cup towards her.

"I'm…sorry…!" he said in between coughs, "I'll go buy you another one!"

She grabbed is wrist and gently pulled him back down.

"Relax James, relax. I'll just share with you. It's not the end of the world," she laughed.

They continued chatting for awhile before heading outside. He was listening very intently to her every word but at some point, he found himself mesmerized by her smile, her soft tousled hair and slender hands.

His gaze fell on her lips. As he watched them open and close, he thought about how much he wanted to kiss them.

'Ah, Mickey was right.'


Emilia and James laughed as they made their way out of café. They were on their way to the movie theatre and had just turned the corner but stopped in their tracks. Yuki was in front of them and had just turned around. He was surprised to see them, based on the shock on his face.

"Oh…hey guys…"

"Yuki? What…what are you doing here?"

There was a moment of silence as Yuki and Emilia had not spoken since the confession. She also didn't have a response for him yet. Well, she knew the answer just not how to go about it.

"I…well…" he let out a big sigh, "To be honest, I was driving by and saw you in the window, so I parked nearby and was going to…I don't know. I was contemplating whether I should approach, watch from a far, I'm not sure…"

"Look man, I know you guys are like siblings, but don't you think this is a bit much?" James stood a few steps in front of Emilia and stuck his arm out to keep her back.

"We are NOT like siblings. YOU stay out of it!" Yuki pointed at him and stepped in front of him to close the space.

Emilia got in between them and pushed them away from each other.

"Stop it you two, people are starting to stare."

Bystanders walking past glanced over at them and most kept walking, but many slowed down to eavesdrop.

She turned to Yuki first.

"Go home. What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking out for you."

"Liar, you're just trying to stop me from seeing James. Go home. I know we haven't talked since last week, but I'll talk to you when we get home. I promise," she gave him small smile that showed she meant it.

He hesitated but eventually turned around and walked off. She then turned to James.

"Thanks for speaking up for me. It meant a lot. Let's keep walking and I'll tell you what that was about," she grabbed his hand and held it in hers to lead the way.