
Drawing cards at Hogwarts

"One more time! This time I must get the animagus spell from Professor McGonagall!" Draw! Cash draw! Who is it? "I am the great astrologer, Trelawney!" [Divination +1] Tears welled up in Tom's eyes. Confronted with the magnificent magical world, Tom felt deeply that Muggle power has a limit, so he decided to shout that phrase: I will not be a Muggle! *I do not own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel or the Harry Potter book. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 71: The visit to the infirmary and the end of the course (Edited)

While the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and the Gryffindor Quidditch team fought, Tom was recovering from his injuries.

In fact, he woke up with his wounds healed and was feeling quite well overall, but Madam Pomfrey insisted that he not go out and stay in the hospital for observation.

Tom, being a man, was very obedient, so he didn't insist and stayed in the school hospital in peace. He wanted to draw more cards, but every time he moved his hand to the draw screen, he had a bad feeling that if he drew a card, something bad would happen. So Tom gave up on the idea.

But even though he couldn't leave the hospital, the visiting conditions were much more relaxed.

Then Hermione saw Tom again, two days later.

She ran to Tom's bedside immediately, looking at him with concern and tears in her eyes, "Are you okay? I've been worried for two days, but Madam Pomfrey won't let anyone visit..."

Tom patted the back of her hand gently, "I'm fine..."

His words were interrupted, as Hermione reached out and hugged him.

"Tom, I thought you...the whole school has been talking about you being hurt for the past two days, what happened after Professor McGonagall took you away that day?"

All Tom could sense was a fragrant smell in his nose, and for a moment he couldn't organize his words. Hermione noticed the difference in Tom's face and immediately released him, holding back, though a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

Tom sighed in relief and regaining his senses, told Hermione everything that had happened. What had happened, it wasn't as complicated as the rumors of his companions had suggested, but it was still frightening enough.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise when she heard about the traps. When she heard that Professor Snape had come up with a logical reasoning question, she was so excited that she pulled out a quill and asked Tom to repeat it back to her.

When Tom finished writing the question, Hermione looked at it for a while, frowned, took out her quill and wrote on the paper for a few minutes, and finally said to Tom, somewhat unsure of herself, "The little one I carry forward? The round one let them back up?"

"That's right-"

"Oh, then you've written this condition wrong, it should be like this..."

Tom: "..."

He thought carefully, and it seemed to him that he didn't remember that condition very well, but Hermione's words made more sense.

Smart people are scary!

When Hermione learned that Quirrell was behind the Philosopher's Stone, she exclaimed even more.

"Harry and Ron and the others asked me for details! I didn't expect it to be Professor Quirrell trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone!" Hermione covered her mouth and, after a moment, burst out laughing again, "Harry and the others were arguing about how Professor Snape was hiding his identity... I told you Professor Dumbledore couldn't go wrong with anyone, Snape may be a hard man, but he's still good overall!"

When Tom told her about the battle with Quirrell, Hermione was even more nervous and gasped.

"So you finally got the Philosopher's Stone?"

Tom shook his head, he wanted it too much to get the Mirror's approval.

Hermione, after hearing it all, couldn't help but say, "Gee, how could Dumbledore... I mean, they shouldn't have sent you, they almost killed you, didn't they? If Professor Snape had been sent..."

"Then I'd probably fight Professor McGonagall," Tom couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape teaming up to get through the levels together, "And I know these levels a little better, to make sure Professor McGonagall gets there as soon as possible."

At that moment, Madam Pomfrey burst in and ejected Hermione. "Taking an extra hour! You must go." She was very determined.

Behind Hermione was Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, wearing his trademark spectacles and starry wizard's robes, sat in front of Tom's bed with a smile.

"Good morning, Professor," Tom exited.

"Hello, Tom."

The name seemed to bring back some memories for Dumbledore, a hint of relief appeared on his face, but he quickly hid it.

"Quirrell's teacher, is it Voldemort?" Tom asked knowingly.

Dumbledore looked at Tom with interest and confirmed his statement, "Don't worry, the Philosopher's Stone has been destroyed by me."

This statement confirmed Dumbledore's intention to use the Philosopher's Stone to catch Voldemort.

"In fact, I should have given you the Philosopher's Stone, but if it had not been destroyed, Voldemort would have known and put you in danger instead." Dumbledore spoke calmly, as if he were talking about a trivial matter. In his words, destroying a Philosopher's Stone that could turn stone into gold was as easy as destroying a piece of paper.

However, he pulled a small leather pouch from his pocket.

"It's the remains of the Philosopher's Stone, you can do some research on it; it's not very useful, but it has good research value."

After handing the bag to Tom, Dumbledore left.

The system also displayed a message: [Received the remains of the Philosopher's Stone].


The next ten weeks seemed to go by in the blink of an eye, and Tom was so glad he didn't have the pressure of final exams, and all the teachers-except Snape-said Tom got top marks in the exams, and Professor Flitwick even hinted that he might sit for the second-year exam.

Tom tried and, predictably, failed: he still hadn't tried hard enough and barely passed.

For the final ceremony, the Great Dining Hall was decorated in the colors blue and bronze, representing Ravenclaw, to celebrate the breaking of Slytherin's seven-year monopoly on the House Cup.

All the professors and janitors were present in the Great Dining Hall, and Dumbledore himself presented the Cup. Snape could be seen smiling awkwardly from the staff table, while Professor McGonagall smiled as if Gryffindor had won the Cup.

After the ceremony, the results were soon announced, with Hermione getting first place in her year and Tom coming second, but it didn't matter, they both had straight A's on the report card.

And Tom decided to do one thing before he left school.

[Dungeon: Battle of the Realm]

[Reward: a large amount of magic stones and a booster to the Boggart ring].

He had activated a dungeon earlier, but didn't enter. With nothing else to do, he looked at the dungeon rewards and decided to clear the dungeon before leaving the school.

The rewards of this dungeon are extremely rich, not to mention the magic stones, but the strengthening of the Ring! The duplicate rewards partially made up for the shortcomings of one of the transformations, and the system was generous enough to let Tom check what was wrong with his transformation for free. Tom took a look, and sure enough, it was pretty much the same as his previous analysis: the undead bird has no immortality, the three-headed dog has only one head that moves at a time, the fire dragon is juvenile and can't fly, and the witch...

To choose one of them and make up for it, Tom went to the hallway and, after making sure that the copy was not life-threatening, put his hand on the helmet.