
Chapter 676: Harry's Dreamland (Edited)

After the conclusion of the second event, there was once again a grand celebration.

Exquisite wine, delicious delicacies, all sorts of fun toys, and also couples...

The young wizards of Hogwarts were celebrating in the name of victory. Even though the gap between them and the two following competitors had narrowed, Hogwarts was still in first place, so why not celebrate?

Or perhaps they were just looking for an excuse to celebrate.

After the celebration, the exhausted young wizards lay down on their beds and sank into sleep, Harry being no exception.

Butterbeer and various snacks filled his stomach to the brim, making it difficult for him to even turn over. As he lay in bed, Harry's awareness gradually blurred, and accompanied by the snores of his roommates, he fell into slumber.

Harry had another dream.

In the dream, he found himself on a rural road, surrounded by dry and desolate bushes. The stars in the night sky shone intensely, giving him a sense of unease.

In the dream, his heart was restless and anxious, and uncontrollable anger welled up within him. He flew quickly along a bumpy road, with a whisper behind him, as if some creeping creature was following him.

The road turned left, revealing a valley in his field of vision, where a small village lay. On the hillside was a large mansion that, despite the darkness of the night, looked decadent.

"Harry," he looked at the mansion, and the anger in his heart flared up once more.

This anger arose out of nowhere, but dreams don't require logic, so Harry didn't perceive anything unusual. He watched everything coldly from his dreamlike perspective.

After staring at the mansion, "Harry" turned towards a barely visible path leading into a dark forest.

Within the forest hid an extremely dilapidated cabin, covered in moss and grass. It could barely be distinguished if not looked at carefully.

The cabin's roof no longer had tiles, and it seemed that with a slight push, the house would collapse.

Harry arrived in front of the cabin's door, and with a single gesture, the thing that could be called a door collapsed, raising almost half a century's worth of dust.

When the dust cleared, Harry entered the cabin and carelessly pointed at an oil lamp in the corner, which lit up, filling the cabin with a glow.

Judging by the objects in the cabin, no one had set foot here in decades. The roof was covered in cobwebs, and all the furniture was shrouded in dust and cobwebs, so much so that Harry raised large dust clouds as he walked.

The house had three small rooms, and Harry was currently in the central room. In the center of the room, there was a table filled with various objects, and a ring lay silently on the table.

A burnt hand reached out and rested on the ring. In the next moment, a stabbing pain shot from his fingertips, as if flames were scorching his fingers.

After a few seconds, the black diamond on the ring shattered into pieces, and the burning pain in his arm disappeared.

Although he had paid a high price, Harry couldn't help but laugh wildly. Amidst his arrogant laughter, he suddenly woke up, feeling the scar on his forehead burning once again.

"It was Voldemort..." In an instant, he understood the dream: Voldemort seemed to have successfully healed his hand injury!

At that moment, in the distant village of Little Hangleton, Voldemort suppressed his laughter, waving his wand and cutting the withered hand in a single stroke. A silvery mist erupted from the tip of his wand and fell onto his arm wound, forming a silvery hand.

After resolving his concerns, Voldemort narrowed his eyes. He had already noticed something strange.

"A free show, but not that interesting."


"Your face looks really bad, want some fries?" Ron was surprised to see Harry early in the morning; Harry looked like he had spent the whole night without sleep.

"No, thanks." Harry's voice sounded hoarse, anxious to share his dream from the previous night with Ron.

After hearing Harry's dream, Ron's expression also worsened.

"At least he paid a high price," he said dryly.

"Harry!" Just as Harry was sharing his dream with Ron, Luna appeared. She rushed over to remind him not to forget to organize the process of the second task of the Triwizard Tournament in manuscript form since the next edition of "The Quibbler" would surely talk about the event.

Shortly after Luna left, Harry received another notification from Snape. He informed him that the "Occlumency" special training session would be on Saturday.

"But that's Hogsmeade Opening Day." Harry was furious, but he had no options. He couldn't refuse Snape's request.

During Hogsmeade Opening Day, Tom would naturally go on a trip with Hermione to Hogsmeade. For him, strolling through the streets with his girlfriend was a wonderful memory.

"A walk to the Three Broomsticks?" After taking a stroll through the streets, Tom suggested going to the Three Broomsticks for a while.

The temptation of having a couple of cups of warm butterbeer in the cold weather was quite appealing.

Hermione agreed without hesitation.

The Three Broomsticks was bustling with activity. Fortunately, Tom got lucky and managed to secure the last empty table, saving them from having to stand at the bar.

After Tom took his seat, Hermione arrived with two cups of butterbeer.


"Hey, Yodel, can we share a table with you?"

Just as Tom was about to take a sip of Hermione's drink, a voice reached them. Tom turned around and saw Ludo Bagman, who was accompanied by an Asian wizard.

"Don't you ever have to go to your office?" Tom muttered.

"Of course I do, but today, I have a special task. Let me introduce you to our distinguished visitor from the Far East, Mr. Tsuchimikado Genghu, Ambassador from the Department of Magic in Japan. We've had quite a few interactions recently between our department and Japan's..." Bagman quickly ordered some appetizers and a jug of eggnog, then sat across from Tom.

The wizard named Tsuchimikado Genghu wasn't as outgoing; he respectfully bowed to Tom and Hermione before sitting beside Bagman.

"So, why did you cross the entire Eurasian continent to come here?" Tom looked curiously at Tsuchimikado Genghu.