
Drawing cards at Hogwarts

"One more time! This time I must get the animagus spell from Professor McGonagall!" Draw! Cash draw! Who is it? "I am the great astrologer, Trelawney!" [Divination +1] Tears welled up in Tom's eyes. Confronted with the magnificent magical world, Tom felt deeply that Muggle power has a limit, so he decided to shout that phrase: I will not be a Muggle! *I do not own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel or the Harry Potter book. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 28: Werewolf Slaughter (Edited)

Werewolf Killing is a puzzle game which is divided into three sides: man, werewolf and god. The werewolf side can kill at night, while the god and the man side aim to find all the werewolves and expel them during the day.

When the six returned to the Common Room, they immediately cut paper and made a werewolf card game, but they still needed to find someone, after all, there were only six of them, and the game required at least seven people.

"Sue, do you want to play?" Kevin Entwistle found a new student named Sue Li, whom he knew better.

"Yeah? What's the game?" Sue Li approached with her best friend, Murray McDougal. Kevin told them the rules of the game and Sue thought about it for a while before participating. Her best friend Murray stood on the sidelines with Hermione and watched them play.

To make the game run more smoothly, Tom was the host.

However, the six-player game was over quickly, with only two rounds of interventions before the six rookies split up. The werewolves won by eliminating either the gods or the villagers; of course, if both gods and villagers were eliminated, the werewolves had a huge advantage in the six-player game.

"It's a fun game!" exclaimed Anthony Goldstein, fascinated by the sense of deduction.

"What are you guys playing? can we play with you?" Padma Patil, Mandy Brocklehurst and Lisa Turpin approached with curious faces, as they had already noticed that the men were playing a novelty game.

"Werewolf Slaughter, do you want to hear how to play?" Anthony explained the rules to the three girls as he put away his ID card.

By the time the three had understood the rules, the entire Ravenclaw first year class was able to play the game. Eleven players, and the game had become more varied, with the addition of the sheriff's profession. After a few games, everyone quickly became familiar with the rules and routines. For example, prophets are better off going to the police on the first round, for example, civilians can go to the police to fish in troubled waters, and everyone won't have their eyes wandering and their ears reddening when they lie.

Werewolf Slaughter is the best game for Ravenclaw, it is a very thorough test of a person's ability. The ability to communicate logically through words, to observe what others say, to use one's own eloquence when persuading others, to think independently in the face of information, and in some cases even to resist it mentally, are skills that are rarely tested in an entertainment game. These are the things that Ravenclaw students love, they love knowledge and they love complex, mind-bending games, so several of the new students quickly became addicted to them.

As they became more familiar with the game, they added a few more characters, such as the White Wolf King and the Idiot.

"Okay, it's my turn to speak," Anthony cleared his throat, "Well, I'm the seer, and I'm pretty sure Lisa is the witch..."


Anthony: "???"

Padma Patil: "I'm the White Wolf King."

Tom: "The White Wolf King chooses to self-destruct, player Anthony dies, goes straight into the night."

The White Wolf King's ability is the ability to choose to take a player with him when he blows himself up during the day.

Anthony: "!!!!"

The remaining three gods and four people: "..."

What the heck is this?

Anthony's speech helped Anthony identify the prophet and the witch, and then the white wolf king used his ability to self-destruct...

The prophet can check a person's identity at night, the witch has a bottle of poison and a bottle of antidote, the poison kills and the antidote saves, both are critical to the side of the good guys. As a result, they were sent out on such a wave....

But over the next two nights, the werewolf side made repeated mistakes and failed to find the two remaining gods, so the game continued.

Soon it was Michael Corner's turn: "What's going on? I can't understand this game. Look, I think Anthony just played a ruse, I'm the witch, and the prophet is still alive..."

Stephen Cornfoot instead laughed out loud, "Looks like someone is hallucinating..."

The corner of the Common Room was filled with merriment.

Throughout the evening, they played Werewolf Slaughter, and as the night wore on, the group grew closer together. When they went to bed at night, they were still reminiscing about the Werewolf Killing game they had just played.

"I told you, I think there's something wrong with Michael's speech..."

"Stephen is still good, first round of three werewolves..."

"Don't say it, since that outstanding performance, I've been the first to get stabbed in every game, AND I have game experience! Even if I didn't get stabbed, after two rounds, you'd say, 'Hey? why isn't this guy dead yet?


Maybe, that's the fun of playing werewolf among acquaintances, that the newbies can rub it in to the experts that they were beaten.

The next day was Tuesday, and they had Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin, Charms and Transfiguration with Gryffindor. But Defense Against the Dark Arts, a class they all looked forward to, was almost a joke. There was a pungent smell of garlic in the classroom, presumably to ward off a vampire he had met in Romania, but then it seemed to be the smell of his large hood, so it was hard to imagine how the professors next to Professor Quirrell could eat.

Professor Quirrell himself had a big problem, he was like a geek with a severe social phobia, he was hesitant when talking to students, his sentences were incoherent, he was like someone 80 years old trying to be president, he probably didn't understand what he was saying. When students asked him questions, his face would turn red, he would be vague and even start chatting.

When he discovered that the professor was a slacker, Malfoy from Slytherin was furious. He mocked him to his face when Professor Quirrell said that his turban had been given to him by a prince in Africa because it had helped him fight a reanimated Vampire. He then went on to ask Professor Quirrell which prince from which country it was.

"Malfoy's family has many friends, and he should have even heard of the prince of Africa" Malfoy said lightly, but with a lot of bravado in his voice, "Professor, can you tell us how you defeated the Reanimate Vampire?" After reprimanding Professor Quirrell, he went on to ask the question, and Professor Quirrell blushed, completely unable to answer.

"I think it was the smell of garlic that smoked him!" said Malfoy to Goyle, who was sitting next to him, but loud enough for the class to hear.

Professor Quirrell was so pale he couldn't even say a word in response.