
Chapter 1

Year 2000(all of them have 21 years besides Luna and Ginny)

Hermione finally finished work and was on her way to the apartament she called home that she shared with her boyfriend Ronald Weasley. She never complained about work , she works at the Ministry of Magic at the Departament for Cares for Magical Creatures , she loved her work but today because she was a helpful person , had to work for five of her colleagues so she was very tired. She hoped that the moment she was home her boyfriend,an Auror of course ,was home and waited for her with a hot cup of chocolate and some chocolate chip cookies.

As she quickly entered the apartament because outside was very cold but it was still autumn she did not find her boyfriend waiting for her,she taught that of course he was still at work but no,she heard some strange noises from the bedrom,she climbed the stairs and tried to listen to what the people inside were talking.

"Yeah,babe,I will leave the Mudblood and run with you,of course"

She couldn't hear her ears,that was her boyfriend voice,tears started to form in her eyes but she bit her lip and fight them away.The other voice a girl voice that she found quite familiar but she couldn't place it.

"and you will kick her out ,right?"

"of course,babe"

Then she heard some strange noises that sounded like kissing and a hint of nousea hit her,she opened the door quite brutally and couldn't belive her eyes at what she saw in her bedroom and in HER bed.The sight of her boyfriend shirtless and a raven haired girl on top of HER BOYFRIEND made the tears spill

"You"she screamed pulling the girl by her hair

"hello Mudblood,do you remember me?"the girl asked

"leave her alone 'mione!"Ronald Weasley said

"don't 'mione me RONALD" she said "don't you have standards Ronald,Pansy bull-face Parkinson?"

"don't name her that MUDBLOOD!" when he realized what he said his eyes where filled with horror "I'm sorry I didn't mean it,but you were-"

"Shut up!","I'm leaving" and with that she leaved her home leaving her not so perfect life and her not so perfect boyfriend behind

And wit that she steps into her new miserably life



He sat in his grey apartament all alone like he always was,and read the newspaper

-Hermione Granger,the Gryffindor princess went missing two months ago when she was saw leaving her apartament at ten o'clock pm.-

He tough of her,the bossy bookworm,the m-,nevermind,he never used that word again,he changed like everyone after the war,he never tough of pureblood priorities ever again.

With that tough in mind he leaves his comfy apartment and steps in to the cold december

yeah,this is my first chapter,it's kinda short but probably all of them will be like that

Mara_Nestorcreators' thoughts