

After Tony went out, Derek decided to do the daily mission of the system, but before starting he received a notification from the system..


[ As the host haven't completed the previous daily missions, all the money will be taken away as a warning because it is the first time, if it happens again the punishment will be worse. ]

Derek : "What?, all my money.... damn it AIM, damn Adaptoid ... If it wasn't for that piece of junk I would still owe my money and wouldn't have forget about the daily mission" shouted Derek, in the room with fury and resignation, "Haaa, I better concentrate, on the mission of the hour".

Without another word Derek pulled out the 15 ton metal block and started with his daily routine, two hours later Derek was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his hands open, but in his right hand was on fire and the left hand was covered with metal, but if one were to look closely, one would see a metal ball between liquid and solid trying to take shape, while the flame in the other hand wanted to want to take shape.

Time continued to pass without Derek noticing, beads of sweat formed on Derek's body due to the concentration he was putting into controlling the elements in his hand.

In a moment out of nowhere the fire and metal in Derek's hands stopped moving as if time had stopped, very but very latently the fire began to take the shape of what could you see a flower, as did the metal, but it could not be completed once Derek opened his eyes losing the concentration of the elements and disappearing, as if they had never been present.

"Ha ha ha, the concentration required to shape my flames and metal is ridiculous, this way I will never be able to use it in battle, but if I succeed, it will be easier for me to face those adaptoids" said Derek with tiredness.

He has been wondering, why, his powers have not leveled up after all the battles he has had, that's why he decided to train his control on each element.

Controlling the temperature that his flames can reach, it is 3000 degrees, but if the temperature rises more everything in its path will burn or melt like butter, while with the metal his control is almost perfect, he can shape it, but only the metal that is in his body or the one that comes out of it, if it is an external metal he can not shape it easily, it would take him a long time to do it.

It seemed that what he was doing was correct, because the percentage of the base Slayers skill increased by 1% / 100% for the next level, in that hour, but the sound of the door opening distracted him

Derek could see Kamala and Cassie entering with trays of food each, but what caught his attention was to see that they were a little bruised, one or two scratches and dirt on their faces.

"From what I see you went about your business, getting lost and forgetting the time, didn't you Derek?" asked Kamala rhetorically, "Looks like I was right to bring you lunch."

Cassie for her part smiled, as she gazed down at his body, "I for one, just wanted to know what you and Uncle Tony were up to, but I think I'll appreciate the view as well," she said.

"Stop eating him with your eyes Cassie" Kamala shouted in reproach, but Cassie quickly replied, "As you are doing it" Cassie said calmly.

Derek seeing that this was going to get worse, decided to get in, "Thanks Kamala, Cassie, if you didn't come I would forget to eat" - He smiled at them, and luckily managed to get their attention.

Kamala sighed and sat down next to Derek putting the tray in front of him, Cassie on her part smiled triumphantly and sat down on the other side of Derek putting the tray in front of him as well.

"As I noticed you have a big appetite, I was suggesting Kamala to bring you lunch Derek, I hope it is to your liking" Cassie said mischievously, Kamala for her part nodded as what Cassie said was true.

"I see I appreciate it" and without further ado Derek began to eat, Kamala and Cassie for their part started asking him questions about what Tony wanted from him.

They were very surprised when Derek told them that Tony was dying from poisoning, but he quickly reassured them, telling them that he already said he had solved that, he also told them about the new element that Tony and he were creating with the absorbent metal as a base.

"Amazing, I didn't imagine the metal you created was so amazing" Kamala said in surprise.

"Yeah, but it was all thanks to you, if you didn't give me that pyrite I wouldn't have been able to create this new metal Kamala" Derek told her, Kamala smiled happily at Derek

"I didn't know, that pyrite helped you so much, I'm glad I gave it to you" Kamala replied.

"Hey, don't flirt when I'm here lovebirds" Cassie shouted pulling them out of their almost romantic surroundings, making them both cringe, "Well at the moment as you're back to normal, what are you going to do Derek?".

Derek : "Mmm, after Tony left I was training the control of my flames and metal, giving them shapes or up to what temperature I can control them" answered Derek.

"I believe you already have an almost perfect control over metal Derek" said Kamala,

Cassie : "Yes it's true, in the fight against the adaptoid you transformed your arms and feet into swords, not to mention that you can create metal weapons like Kunais Right? " Cassie also said, remembering Derek's battle against the synthezoid.

Derek : "Yes that would be the basics, but my control over the metal, is only for the one I create not for the external, I would have to spend a lot of energy or concentrate too much to do that, my flames are more difficult to control, since from the beginning they are special, manage to hurt beings like abomination for example, even though the wound healed my still burned the affected area "

"Amazing that's why you didn't use your flames from the start against the adaptoid isn't it?" asked Cassie realizing that if the adaptoid managed to assimilate or copy Derek's flames, the battle would have gone to another level.

"Yes that's the reason, because I used them as a final attack, in an hour I could barely make the metal and fire barely form a flower shape but it wasn't even detailed and it didn't last more than three seconds, that took all my concentration" replied Derek.

"I see your powers are incredible flames that ignore the defense of category 100 beings like abomination and the power to create metal, if you can manipulate those elements you will be very strong Derek" said Cassie.

"I understand that you want to become stronger Derek, but don't hold back on that, yes" said Kamala trying to appease him, because even though Derek didn't realize it, she knew he was a bit prideful.

"I promise Kamala, but at the moment I want to ask you, how, did you end up like that?" asked Derek seeing their state, he didn't care that someone else had bullied them since he knew how strong Kamala was and he could imagine how strong Cassie is so he decided to ask.

"Hehehe, ehh ... I think we took our training too seriously" laughed Cassie ruefully.

Kamala : "Very seriously Cassie! Damn it! You transformed into a giant and started throwing punches I could only run until I found the opportunity to get bigger!" yelled a very angry and frustrated Kamala to Cassie.

Cassie : "Hey! I was just preparing you, in a real life and death battle, AIM will not give you time to use your powers as you want, you have to be prepared for all kinds of attacks, I learned it the hard way, but you're partly right Kamala I think I went a little too far "said Cassie in reproach to Kamala, to finally apologize.

"I .... understand why you did it, it's just that I felt very frustrated by what happened, even so I am grateful even though you hit very hard" said Kamala with gratitude while smiling, Cassie for her part nodded, to what Kamala said

"You also hit very hard Kamala, the next one won't be a draw" smiled Cassie.

Derek seeing that the two of them solved their problems, also smiled "I'm glad you understand each other, and Kamala what Cassie said is true, that's why I advise you, to always be aware of your surroundings, I'm telling you from my own experience" Derek said seriously to Kamala as he did to Cassie, making her nod in agreement.

"But... What do you plan to do now Derek?" asked Kamala.

Derek thought for a moment, until he suddenly brought up his phone, on which Lucy was on, but before he could ask her anything, she started yelling at him very angrily

Lucy: "Derek you finally get me out of that place, I was calling you so many times but you never answered, no matter how many times I called you."

"Derek, do you have an AI too?" asked Cassie, surprised to hear his cell phone.

"Yes, her name is Lucy, she is a few weeks old" said Derek, Cassie was very surprised, since for her it is the first time she has seen an AI except for her Uncle, her father and AIM who have an AI, Lucy for her part was still upset complaining to Derek for not having taken her out of the inventory, since she had no way to communicate with him.

"Lucy I'm really sorry for not getting you out of there sooner, I'm really sorry, I promise to make it up to you" Derek apologized with total sincerity.

Lucy: "You know, how worried I was, I didn't know what happened to you in the battle against that synthezoid.... but It's ok... I understand."

(Amazing every time, that I talk or interact with her she shows more emotions, and it seems she doesn't like me keeping her in the inventory.) thought Derek, deciding to make her a temporary body, with AIM's drone parts.

"Thanks honey, I promise that won't happen, girls asked me, about what I plan to do now, no! Well, I'm going to create an experimental body for Lucy" Derek didn't talk to them anymore, taking out a group of drones and using Observe on them to find out what they specialize in.


*Drone Swarm*

*These specialized Drones provide advanced protection to nearby AIM units, their masters are plasma attacks, and grenade launching.

*Plague Drone*

*Equipped with a lethal and highly poisonous chemical charge against Inhumans, it can also release bombs of the same chemical.

*Security Drone*

*This standard AIM drone is equipped with light defensive weaponry. AIM deploys these drones to observe and report suspicious activity, it also has the function of connecting to other drones.

After reviewing the functions of each Drone, Derek took from his inventory, some screwdrivers, a portable keyboard and some Elite synthroid cores, and then grabbed his cell phone and pulled it a little making it make a clicking sound causing the screen to separate a little and a holographic screen to appear in front of him, surprising both Kamala and Cassie, then he connected the keyboard to the modified phone.

Once everything was ready he scanned each drone causing a hologram of each to appear, "Lucy I want you to disassemble each Drone please."

Lucy: *Understood"

Lucy answered him showing each part and circuit of each Drone, what interested Derek the most was the installation of each weapon in them because he had already thought how Lucy's body would be, while he started typing for a few minutes looking for a way to put all those functions in one body until he achieved it, he quickly took from his inventory a laser and three pairs of special glasses for eye protection, giving it to the girls.

"Put those on girls, this can damage your eyesight if you don't use the necessary protection tools" they quickly put them on, so they could see what Derek would do.

Once the body circuits were done, Derek integrated and improved the surveillance system of the security drone, so that it could record and connect with the CHIMERA satellite or send important information

For the swarm drone he decided to use Stark's propellants as a base, the grenades were changed for freezing grenades and for the final touch he added some stingers with non-lethal poison that would immobilize the victim for an hour, he bought it through the system with the money he earned from today's daily mission.

Derek decided not to use the chemical of the plague Drone since his fight was not against the inhumans, but against AIM, once achieved the most important thing followed the body, Derek concentrated on his hands making them covered with absorbent metal, and then of these same began to form parts of the spider body, this took him about thirty minutes, then he began to assemble everything, until he finished.

Looking at Lucy's body proudly, he disconnected his cell phone and connected it to the USB port of the drone, making Lucy integrate her consciousness to the new temporary body.

"Alright it's finished, Lucy tell me how is your new body" said Derek waiting for her to do something, a few seconds passed and two lights like eyes blinked from the Drone, slowly she stood up using her four legs.

"Ow, how cute is she, Derek I want one too" Cassie approached him as she approached the Drone along with Kamala, who was also looking intently at the Drone

"Hehehe, it seems all girls are the same with cute things and you guys are no exception," Derek's comment brought them back to reality, causing them to blush and get a little upset at what he said.

"What do you mean Derek?", "Yes Derek, or are you saying we are not girly?" they asked him grumpily.

"Calm down, calm down, I didn't say that, it's just that it's the first time I've seen you guys make that kind of expression, especially you Kamala, and in my opinion you two are very feminine and in the right parts" Derek answered them giving them an appreciative look, making them blush.

+ 5 of affection from Kamala

+ 5 of affection from Kamala

But before they could continue, Lucy's voice caught everyone's attention.

Lucy: "Derek I have checked the state of this body, the state is optimal, stable energy, weapons... working."

Derek smiled happily seeing that Lucy's temporary body was working perfectly, grabbing it with one hand he used the other to engrave runes on it, the runes he put were control, release, for the energy to absorb from enemy attacks and durandal for greater defense and durability, then he used to observe.

*Machine created: Arachnid Drone (surveillance and attack)*.

*Grade: Rare+

Durability: 1000/1000

This drone has been created to record and obtain information, it can continuously record the area and everything within a radius of 600 feet, it continuously stores images of events for two weeks and send it, it has security measures, energy attacks, the ability to hack, freezing grenades and stingers with paralyzing poison, besides being able to generate energy shields with the stored energy thanks to the absorbent metal it was created from.

Derek was surprised that the grade of Lucy's body was Rare+, he decided to let it go, as she got tired of being in his hand and started to climb it until she reached his head and lay down on it.

"I hope you like your new body Lucy."

Lucy: "Yes, I do like it, with this I will never lose you....."

Lucy couldn't continue as Cassie grabbed her by Derek's head to hug her, causing her to wiggle her legs nervously.

"Derek we can take her out of here, so she can meet the anthill and also so the rest of the team can meet her" Derek thought about it for a moment, but in the end he agreed, as he wanted to be alone to review the rewards of the system.

"It's ok girls you can take her, and Lucy be careful with your weapons, only use them when you think it's necessary" Kamala and Cassie took her once Derek gave them the go ahead, for her part Lucy was raising and lowering one of her paws as she walked away, although she wanted to stay with Derek, the emotions she was manifesting and the curiosity made her want to go with Cassie and Kamala.

Once Kamala and Cassie left, from his inventory he took out the egg he had received from the random boxes, "System, tell me again, what I have to do to make it become my familiar" Derek asked the system.


[ The user must only inject his mana and blood repeatedly, to form a bond, the egg will stop taking when it reaches its limit, you must do this once a day ]

Derek followed the instructions of the system, making a cut in the palm of his hand he put it on the egg and began to inject his mana, in the instant that the blood and mana touched the egg, it began to suck quickly, surprising him, because in a few seconds a quarter of his mana disappeared, but once it reached half the Mp, it began to regenerate without letting the Mp continue to fall further, the egg stopped absorbing the blood after absorbing two liters.

Derek calmed down when his blood stopped being absorbed, he quickly bought a potion to regenerate the blood loss, the only thing that the egg kept absorbing was his mana, which was regenerating without stopping, after thirty minutes passed, the egg suddenly began to glow and levitate a few centimeters from his hand, the egg grew five centimeters and a few seconds later it stopped glowing and fell on Derek's hand.

The egg was no longer the same, besides having increased in size and weight, red and silver stripes appeared around it, this change surprised Derek.


[ Host It is recommended to the user to use skill 'observe' on the egg. ]


*Digit me (VARIENCE)*

*Grade: Unique*

*As its name indicates, it is an egg of the digimon world, beings formed based on data, this egg already had an origin of its species, but due to the different laws of worlds its existence was affected, destabilizing its digicore, but that was solved when it absorbed the mana and blood of the user, making its existence change between digimon and a living being of flesh and blood*.

Derek : "This... how is this possible system?"


[ system is just a bridge, in the store and quests you can gain things or familiars from other worlds that will benefit you user. ]

"Haa, I think I understand, tell me, in the future will I earn another reward like this" asked Derek wanting to be sure because of what could happen.

[ Negative, items of that level of rarity will not appear again. ]

He didn't ask any more questions about it and went back to looking at the egg, he realized that now he could feel a small connection between him and the being in this egg.

"Sorry buddy, you must have been really scared when you came into this world" said Derek in apology, and as if the little being tried to reassure him through the connection that formed between them came a feeling of warmth, Derek held it for a few moments and put it back into the system.

Derek sat down and sighed in exhaustion, so many things happened to him today, creating a new element, losing all his money because of AIM, Lucy's body and now he has a digimon, he saw the time on his cell phone and it was already six o'clock, it was only an hour to go to lunch, he decided to open the rewards he was missing.


[ Congratulations on receiving a blueprint of the Pacific Rim world - Gipsy Danger, and a blueprint of the Knights and Magic world - Silhouette Knight. ]

Derek opened the two blueprints on the table, looking at the blueprints of these Giant beast being the biggest Gipsy, but what caught his attention was that the two complemented each other, Derek was sure that if he showed this to Tony he would go crazy, he took his time looking at the blueprints until his cell phone rang telling him that it was time to eat.

"Haaa, time is flying by, but these two mechas if we reduce their size they would be incredible armors, I think Tony's armor would skip several generations if we use what is in these blueprints, but for that we would have to use nanotechnology" Derek was talking to himself after leaving his training room, until he got to the mess hall, quickly to grabbed a tray and helped himself to a large amount of food and looked for where to sit, but he saw a table where Tony was already at with his new reactor, Hank, Bruce, Kamala, Cassie and Lucy who were waving him over.

"Hey guys, I see you did well" Derek said to them after they sat down, "You look better Stark, how's your new heart" he asked as he saw Tony with the new reactor.

Tony : "Yes, I'm cured, I've finished the tests, and it has a very positive effect on the human body feeding every cell in my body rejuvenating them a little, I would say that if I keep this up my physique will reach that of an Olympic athlete"

Derek nodded to what he said; (I see that explains why he felt so brimming with energy).

Seeing that no one else spoke Derek decided to start eating, so the group spent minutes asking each other casual questions about the body I created for Lucy, when everyone finished eating Stark spoke, "Hey guys tomorrow I'll finish making the final adjustments to my suit, and I plan to bring the CHIMERA here, who wants to join me" but no one answered him.

Tony : "O come on guys, what do you say you Kamala?"

"Huh me?...sorry Mr. Stark but don't you want to talk and find out more about what they do here" Kamala answered him.

"So what do you say you Cassie", "I'm sorry Uncle Tony but I want to show Kamala more of the anthill" Cassie smilingly replied.

"Haaa, how about you kiddo you want to come", "Last time I went with you I almost died" said Derek making Tony's eyebrow twitch

"I would go, but I can't this time I want to train more control of my powers as well as my fighting style and by the time you come back I might show you something amazing" said Derek reassuring Tony, and making Tony raise an eyebrow.

"Well it looks like it's just going to be me and Jarvis" Tony said in resignation.

Banner : "Looks like they turned Tony down hahaha" scoffed Bruce.

"Yeah and the worst part is they were just kids hahaha" attacked Hank, making Tony smile.

"They're just kids, they don't know what they're missing" replied Tony with his big ego getting up and walking out of the comendar like it was nothing.

"Looks like he doesn't take rejection very well doesn't he Bruce" added his comment Derek, making everyone laugh.

A few minutes later they all went about their business, when Derek got up to leave, Hank gave him a key with a number on it and told him that was his room, he decided to go to his room but this time he had Lucy in his head

As he still had to stitch up his condition, he was sure that with the amount he had saved this time he would reach 100 in all his Stats, once he arrived to his room the first thing he did was to leave Lucy in his bed and started to undress while he went to the bathroom, once in the bathroom he filled the bathtub with water while he was there and started to place the 82 points.





Derek received some notifications from the system, he was gritting his teeth as hard as he could to keep from screaming, the muscles in his body swelled making him look like a bodybuilder, but suddenly they started to shrink, inside Derek's body every muscle fiber was compressing and his organs were getting stronger by the second, his brain felt like buckets of cold water were being thrown at him, this went on for a few minutes, but for Derek it seemed to be never ending.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha... that was that last time and I didn't even get, no passive sub ability from this."

(Open status)


Name: Derek Hale Dragneel

Titles: The Reincarnated (aids in gaining skills and Xp), Mage Apprentice (grants 50 mp per level, works with previously acquired levels, makes the user more sensitive to mana and handle it better, increases attack and magic defense by 15% (Evolve him), Magical Crafter (granted to someone who can create items through magical means, created items have a 40% increase when equipped, aids 40% in the creation of items, equipment, tools and machines)

Race: Human (60%)/Dragon (30%)

Level: 40

Hp: 5,040

Mp: 3,040

Strength: 106

Agility: 104

Senses: 104

Vitality: 104

Intelligence: 104


-Mana Regeneration: Lvl Max

-Fire dragon slayer: Lvl 3

-Metal Dragon Slayer: Lvl 3

-Dragon Vitality: Lvl 3

Passive:+200% stamina regeneration

Passive:+20% wound regeneration

-Superhuman Strength: Lvl6

Effect: (Active)(Passive) Pink Muscles: The user's body is composed entirely of pink muscles. Physical damage and stamina increases by 30%, physical abilities increase by 40%.

-Superhuman Speed: Lvl 5

50 kilometers

-Superhuman Senses: Lvl 5


Effect 1: Hand-Eye Coordination

Effect 2: Thermal Vision-(Unlocked upon reaching level 5)

-Superhuman Resistance: Lvl 5

Resistance to explosions physical attacks: 50% -Resistance to explosions physical attacks 50% -Resistance to pain: Lvl 5

-Pain resistance: Lvl 6

This skill helps the user to resist, it does not give immunity to pain, it gives 60%.

-Combat adaptability: Lvl 5

-Metallic spider web: Lvl 6

Effect: The art of spinning

-Sigil: Lvl 8

-Poison Immunity: Lvl 3

-Cooking: Lvl 3

Effect: + Mastery with knives

Effect: + 50% Damage against animals, plants and monsters.

Effect: + 25% Hand Speed





-Crafting: Lvl 3

-Engineer: Lvl 2

-Blacksmith: Lvl 2

-Runesmith: Lvl 3

Absorption - Release - Shield - Reinforcement - Defense - Durandal

-Observe: Lvl 3

-Niko Style: Lvl 5

up to here.


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