

Thanks to the fact that the house Derek lived in was a bit secluded from the other houses in the neighbourhood.

Nobody knew that an Avenger lived in his house, not to mention that Nat is a spy trained for infiltration, seduction and other things, it is easy for her to hide her identity with a wig and glasses, they left in a blue Jeep with black windows, making it so that nobody could see their faces.

The old one was quiet, Nat was talking to him about the school he was going to enroll him in.

While in Derek's face was written his refusal about studying.

So the time passed until they arrived to the new Tower that Tony bought after recovering all his wealth and technology.

Nat stopped the car and Derek created a metal mask on his face not wanting his identity to be revealed to the public.

The moment they got off they were greeted by the cameras.

Derek : "Tch, that's why I didn't want to come"

He complained knowing how annoying reporters and journalists can be, seeing this Nat smiled crossing her arm with his entering the building

Once in the elevator they went up to the top floor and he removed the mask, when the elevator doors opened they saw the rest of the avengers, fantastic four, including Jen, Dante, Theo, Cerise, Cassie and Yelena.

Jen seeing the two smiled approaching them.

'Haa, why am I beginning to think that Nat, brought me here on purpose' grumbled Derek as he saw Jen approaching them, wearing a purple dress.

Jennifer : "Nat, Derek it's good to see you, I haven't heard from you in over a month".

Natasha : "Mm, I just wanted to take some time off, after spending over two years infiltrating AIM, I couldn't rest or relax at all, having to be vigilant if I got caught" she explained as she waved her off.

"And no sex at all" joked Jen, causing Nat to deny with a smile, releasing Derek as she went to where Yelena was.

Derek : "Seriously Jen"

Jennifer : "What, you're the same, or worse than me with your changes too, and don't you dare say that no thoughts of doing it with Nat have come to you this month that you and her have been living alone."

Derek smiled, but he wouldn't admit that in front of Jen that he had a slight case of blue balls "Who knows, but congratulations and thank you for standing up for the inhumans"

"Thanks, come let's talk at the bar" Jen grabbed Derek's arm pulling him towards the bar making him sit down as she walked into the bar preparing some drinks for them.

Jennifer : "Here, since I don't think you've ever had a drink start with a margarita something light, while for me something stronger was nothing in my body anymore" she said as she poured herself some Whiskey.

Although in his previous and current life he never drank alcohol thanks to the condition of his previous body and in his current one due to being underage.

He accepted the drink, bringing it close to his face he caught the slight smell that the drink released thanks to his heightened sense of smell

Derek : "Thank you"

He said taking a small sip of the drink.

Derek : "Tastes good."

Jennifer : "Yeah too bad, my fast metabolism won't let me enjoy it."

Derek : "Well I can't say I understand what you're missing, nd it doesn't do anything for me either Jen."

Jennifer : "What do you mean"

Derek : "Well you're not the only one with a fast metabolism" smiled Derek.

Jennifer : "Hehe, well I don't know what to tell you, you don't even know what you're missing out on."

They laughed for a moment, enjoying their drinks until they finished them

"How's the inhuman thing going" Derek decided to ask.

Jennifer : "Ha, although some people in the senate and military, want the identities of inhumans to be recorded in an act under their power or imprisoned, others agree that beings with powers have to have their own rights like any human."

Jennifer : "I have reminded them of what happened to mutants and their small population that can be counted on the fingers of one hand, that helped a law nd that also would help you a lot" smiled Jen as she thought (with your little woman problem)

Derek : "I see"

Jennifer b: "And, it's working, the moment you name the possible dangers the earth could face, by naming people like Thor or Superman if the earth was attacked by hundreds of them or a possible alien invasion, plus naming the secret invasion of the Skrulls, we would need all beings with powers to defend the earth" smiled Jen and Derek unconsciously looked at the father and daughter pair.

(Ha if you only knew how fucked up the earth is, maybe I should have made another wish) thought Derek.

"Mm, you know I actually agree that there needs to be control over beings with powers" said Derek and Jen gave him a look like he was serious

Derek : "Don't look at me like that, you know it's true, even though the mutant, inhuman and metahuman population is reduced none of that takes away the fact that there are people who will abuse their powers, that's why I think control and regulation of beings with powers is a good idea"

Jen was about to speak but Derek stopped her

Derek : "But instead of the government having the power over our identities and information, why don't we just have one person know it and he's the one who controls it, like Steve I'm sure if he talks about it a lot of inhumans, mutants and metahumans would agree."

Jen understood Derek's point, she could see that this would be feasible in the long run.


Cassie who all this time was standing next to her father listening to the conversation he was having with Reed and Bruce, noticed Derek sitting at the bar talking to Jennifer Bruce's prime (Hulk) now known as She-Hulk, she was pleased and without Hank noticing went to Derek, wanting to surprise him about to tap him on his shoulder but had to stop herself when he spoke to her.

Derek : "Hey Cassie."

Cassie : "O come on I wanted to surprise you" as she was pouting.

Derek : "That would be a bit difficult Cassie, unless you're trained in stealth, not to mention I could pick up your scent and I know your heartbeat very well within a few feet of me."

Cassie fidgeted and her cheeks took on a red hue, knowing that he could her already had her scent on him "That's..."

"Kinky stuff" Jen completed, making Cassie go shy.

Derek : "O come on, it's because of my heightened senses, it's not like I'm sniffing every person that passes in front of me" denied Derek but a smile couldn't help but form on his face as he noticed the nervous Cassie was now giggling piggybacking on him.

Still giggling a little she sat down in the seat next to Derek

Cassie : "How have you been doing this month, I've only seen you on video calls, so how's Fire Hero been doing?"

"Fire Hero?!" asked Derek in surprise.

Cassie and Jen smiled seeing the surprise drawn on Derek's face "Well there was another name they gave you, Dragon Hero, but I want Fire Hero, I think it suits you" boasted Cassie.

"I think so too, you have control over fire, you exhale fire like a Dragon, if they didn't call you that I don't know how they would" commented Jen.


Nat decided to leave Derek with Jen and approach her sister as she noticed her in the corner sitting alone in a white dress making it easy to notice her.

Natasha : "You didn't learn anything, if you want to infiltrate and not be noticed you have to be discreet Yelena."

Yelena : "Says the woman in a dress like yours, who walks in with someone wearing a mask like Victor Von Domm."

"Haha, looks like this month has done you good Yelena" Nat said sitting down across from her sister.

"Well even though that idiot Reed is still annoying, it's fun training with Jen, or going out shopping Susan, although I still wonder how that idiot Reed doesn't notice Susan, even though he feels the same way about her, but that's all trumped by his Ego and science" complained Yelena stating what an idiot Reed is.

"I think so too" Nat denied, then pointed to some tables with Wiski and other drinks on it

"Well I think I owe you a drink" Nat replied and offered, pulling a bottle of Vodka out of nowhere surprising Yelena.

Yelena : "Where did you get that from"

"Once you learn how to conceal weapons on your body it's easy to do this" Nat boasted, but without anyone noticing a slight glint in the ring on her finger. Yelena decided not to ask and headed to the table with Nat.

Nat and Yelena, finally talked about what they had been through in the red room remembering all the bad things they had been through and how they together supported each other, even when one of them was ordered to kill the other.

Yelena admitted that she let Nat kill her so that she would live, but what Yelena never expected was that they would save her only to use her as a replacement or weapon if Natasha ever turned against them, hiding her in one of their bases on standby, until AIM contacted them.

Yelena : "And that's what happened."

Natasha : "I'm sorry, I... I should have thought something like this could happen, I could have helped you all this time."

Yelena : "Nat... it's okay, I don't blame you, we were just kids, well trained but still kids".

She sighed understanding what Yelena meant, still she was frustrated.

"Now tell me, how is your protégé doing with his little hormone problem" Yelena raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer, but before Nat could respond a rainbow pillar fell on the Tower.


The three continued talking for a while

"Tell me do you know why Kamala didn't come" asked Cassie

"Yeah, she's grounded until further notice for running away from home earlier, so I've been to see her or we do video calls" said Derek but a rainbow pillar interrupted him.

Cassie turned and saw through the window as did everyone else present, a large rainbow pillar crashing through the clouds onto the landing pad of the building, as the pillar disappeared she could see the figure of Thor in civilian clothes instead of his Asgardian armour and three kegs of beer in each arm.

Seeing this Derek became curious, using his observation he knew they were barrels of mead "The drink of the Gods" he whispered in surprise.

Thor smiled as he saw his friends gathered

Thor : "I'm back friends, you didn't think I wouldn't come" he shouted and entered heading towards the bar

Thor : "and I brought mead, though be careful, this is the liquor of the Gods, and no offense you are mortal" Thor said without any mocking tone.

Tony : "Oh come on, I don't think Jen can't drink some Asgardian liquor like it's nothing, I've seen her drink my most expensive and strongest liquors from my bar like it's nothing" replied Tony as if challenging him.

"Don't take this the wrong way Stark but this liquor is aged for a thousand years or more in barrels made from the remains of the Bronhelt fleet it is not made for mortal men" said Thor proudly.

"Then how about a competition," Jen spoke up causing Thor and Tony to look at her.

Jennifer : "You say mortals can't resist what you brought, but not a Hulk or Inhuman so let's see who wins".

Thor : "Hahaha, very well, I accept the challenge so..."

"Wait" Jen interrupted.

Thor : "Yeah?"

Jennifer : "You have three barrels of Asgard's most aged mead, why don't we bring in a third competitor."

"Mm" thought Thor for a moment "I don't see anything wrong with it, who is the third one miss Jen".

"Him" said Jen grabbing Derek by the shoulders making him almost water his drink.

"Me?" said Derek with surprise, Nat and Susan spoke at the same time.

"He's a kid you can't get him into that kind of competition Jen" "Don't even think about it" said Nat and Susan at the same time.

(Shit why would they bring me into this without my consent) thought Derek, starting to get annoyed.

Derek : "Alright before this escalates, let me ask this why should I do this?"

Jennifer : "That it doesn't bother you that chuckles belittles us?"

Derek : "It really doesn't? Thor only said it as a warning at no time did he belittle us, although people like Tony with a lot of pride might take it the wrong way."

"Hey" complained Tony making everyone smile especially Pepper next to Stark

Pepper : "Relax Tony, he's just messing with you, I think I understand why you want to be his legal guardian" she whispered next to him.

Derek : "And secondly what do I gain if I go into this and what if I lose?"

Susan : "Wait Derek you can't seriously be thinking about participating, you're still a minor."

Thor : "Asgardians at his age already drink, Susan and if he wants to participate it's his choice"

Said Thor, Susan was annoyed but still kept quiet, Nat frowned wanting to know what Derek was planning to do.

Thor : "Well... you are right my friend Derek, since this is a competition, I as the prince and future king of Asgard will comply with whatever you ask if you manage to beat me and if I win you both will fight me."

Derek shrugged "Sounds good to me."

Jennifer : "Hehe, we have a deal curly."


A few moments later the three were reunited, being a God, Dragon and a Hulk sat down, next to them was a keg for each of them, beer mugs in hand and they filled them up.

Tony approached as if he was the referee

Tony : "Alright the rules are as follows, the winner will be the only one left standing, the first one to pass out loses, if he gives up he loses or if he stops drinking he loses. Begin" declared Tony

Tony : "Make me proud kid".

Instantly all three drank their mugs until they emptied and refilled them. An hour later Thor was red faced and staggering.

Jen due to her exotic skin had purple cheeks showing that for the first time since she transformed she was drunk.

Derek despite having drunk the same as them looked a little better.

Although he almost knocked over his mug when he saw the notification in front of him.


Poison Immunity leveled up.

System: [ Host I recommend you to be careful, this Poison Immunity skill might help you, but it won't prevent the mead from affecting you, because the brewing of the drink is magical, but if it is drunk in excess it can be harmful or poisonous to the host, I recommend you to be careful host]

The minutes passed, at this moment Thor, Jen and Derek all had in their hands the last jug of mead that their barrels allowed, they looked at each other and nodded, at the same time they lifted the jugs and started to drink, the first to finish drinking was Thor

"I..." that was the only thing he could say before he fell to the ground snoring.

The second to finish was Jen "Hehe... that teaches you RiSitoS" mocked Jen only to collapse on the floor snoring just like Thor only before falling to the cold ground a blue shield prevented her from hitting it.

Susan could only deny, although she was upset she was happy to see her friend having fun, everyone present saw Jen smiling.


"I... I... Win" shouted Derek raising a hand and using his fire shaping it, making it take the shape of the words Winner, everyone laughed at his antics, except one person being Nat who approached him

Natasha : "Derek" she named gaining the drunken Derek's attention "Shi"

Natasha : "Come on, we're going home"

Derek : "But I'm having fun, Natch"

Nat smiled listening to him call her name, knowing he wasn't in his right mind she walked over to him holding his arm "Come on"

Even though Derek wanted to refuse he decided to listen to her.

"Adiosh Cassie" he said goodbye getting into the lift.

So far.