

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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Dragon Berserker: Lvl1 (1/100)

- Vitality +20, Strength +20, Agility, Senses +20 per level.


-Berserker: Lvl 0

When activating the skill you will enter a state of controllable rage, the skill will increase: Vitality, Strength, Agility and Senses x2, every ten levels of the job will increase by +0.50 and -3% intelligence.

Secondary Effect: When activating the skill the intelligence will decrease by -15%.

-Demolishing Blow: Lvl 0

It is a blow that uses all the physical strength of the arms along with mana, it can also be used with weapons, but you must be careful because when launching attacks with all your strength can leave you open to openings, because the skill can not be stopped after activating.

-Decapitate: Lvl 0

The skill allows you to use brute force along with mana to strike a blow to the neck or cut and tear off the enemy's head.

- Shatter Skull: Lvl 0

Devastating blow to the top of the head, creates physical and magical damage.

- Wild Rotation: Lvl 0

Consists of three quick spins in which you use your weapons to deal damage to your surroundings.

-Headbutt: Lvl 0

It is a very useful skill since it does physical and magic damage, stunning the enemy for three seconds (The time will increase per level).

-Blood Vengeance: Lvl 0

This skill puts a mark on the enemy and steals his life and mana by 30% of the damage caused if you attack while it is active.

The mark lasts 15 seconds to disappear, the stolen Hp is given until the mark disappears or the target dies (the time of the mark will increase per level).

System: [ The restrictions on leveling up have been removed, now experience sharing and rewards will be calculated. ]

Derek was very surprised to see the Job he won.

Derek : "I didn't expect this, although this Job is perfectly synchronized with the Hulk Muscle Skill" he said sitting down, almost recovered even though he was completely covered in the blood of the Elder Rock Dragon

Derek : "The good thing is that I will finally be able to level up".

System: [ Host I've examined calculating the experience and rewards, as you were in a group with your familiar the experience is shared ]


Host goes up 5 levels

Agumon goes up 3 levels

Host have obtained Rock Dragon Elder cadaver, for defeating him and freeing him, he has obtained a weapon and two dungeon keys.

At that moment Derek felt the incredible increase in his physical stats just for leveling up five times, at the end he decided to look at his stats and seeing the difference between the Intelligence stat and the others he put all the 45 status points he had gained from the daily quests in Intelligence.



Titles: The Reincarnated

Job: Dragon Berserker Level: 5/100

Race: Human (60%)/Dragon (40%)

Level: 40

Hp: 27,904 Energy: ?

Mp: 6,980

Vitality: 429

Intelligence: 218

Strength: 400

Agility: 234

Senses: 234


*Your Agility has reached 200, you have obtained the benefit.


Effect: Your body flexibility is doubled.

Your Senses have reached 200, you have obtained the benefit.

-Sixth Sense

Effect: Allows you to receive a warning before something bad or harmful happens.

Your Intelligence has reached 200, you have obtained the benefit.

-Quick Learner: Allows you to learn just by watching what they do, this will depend on the difficulty of what you are going to learn.

All this explosive increase in his stats made him obtain three benefits, Derek smiled to see the benefits he obtained, but in his mind he still had many doubts because of the great increase of power that this Job gave him.

Derek : "System tell me why is it that this Job offers so many points when leveling up?"

System: [ because this is a class that belongs to the Dragon Race, you shouldn't be surprised a pure blood Dragon will get +20 Vit, +10 Int, +10 Strength x level without any Job, you are just getting the benefits of being a 40% Dragon and although this Job is a special one, it's not one of the strongest there are Jobs give 100 points in every stat just for going up a level plus you can evolve and get benefits just by having them.]

This left Derek in a terrified silence, realizing what this information would involve, he believed that the increase in his stats thanks to his Job was huge but with this he realized how weak he still was.

Derek : "Tell me what I have to do to get my second Job."

System: [ Raise the Berserker Dragon Job to the maximum level and then get to level 100. ]

Shit was Derek's thought as he realized how hard that would be, defeating the rock Elder Dragon all he got was five levels.

Although it was because he shared the experience even if all the experience had gone to him the most he would have gotten would have been one more level, but for the increase in strength that this job would bring it would be worth it.

He already decided to up his Job to the max he got up and walked towards the portal that had formed after getting his job.

Derek : "Alright guys let's get out of here I need a shower and a good restful sleep"

Once through the portal with Agumon and Lucy they returned to the same park, Derek pulled out his phone wanting to know how long it had been since they entered the Dungeon, in total it had only been two hours, but for them inside the Dungeon it had been over 20 hours to be exact.

Derek was about to order them into his cell phone but a female voice interrupted them.

?? : "So it was you who opened and closed that Dimensional rift and from what I see you benefited from it" said the female figure in monk clothing even without revealing her face.

Derek used to observe at her but he couldn't see anything only question marks not to mention he didn't see any kind of aura on her all this gave him bad feeling, but still he didn't feel hostility from her.

"Mm interesting, ability" said the female figure as if she knew what Derek tried to do.


*A mission has been created.

Become a wizard: convince the mysterious woman? To teach you magic.

Reward: You get a skill, you get a Master in magic.

Failure: You get nothing.

Ancient One : "You know you are an enigma to me in all the possible futures I have seen, you don't exist or rather I couldn't see you it's as if a thick fog covered you, but I could see a little of you thanks to the people you have interacted with"

She said with a smile as she took off her hood revealing her bald head.

"So to what do I owe your presence Sorcerer Supreme" Derek replied, knowing she would understand what he meant.

Ancient one : "Oh I see you know who I am."

"You're not the only one who has way of getting information, so tell me, why do you show up now Elder?" replied Derek.

Ancient one : "I've been watching you five years ago hoping to understand what you really wanted to do, but now you made your way to another dimension, but when I wasn't watching you a dimensional rift opened up, I never expected to see you here," she explained.

Derek : "Well things never turn out the way you expect them don't they?"

"You're right, now that I've seen that you were the reason I'll leave, but be careful when you do something like that again" she said turning around to leave, she moved her hands and sparks formed in the air creating a portal.

Derek seeing that stopped her "Wait" he yelled at her hoping she would stop and luckily she did turning to him with a smile as if she was waiting for him.


"I... could you teach me magic please" asked Derek seriously.

"Why should I?" asked the Ancient One.

"I need power not only to protect myself but also my loved ones, I know I am very weak but I want to protect my home and loved ones from whatever comes, there are beings out there and from other dimensions waiting for an opportunity to target Earth, I can't just stand by and wait for them to come" explained Derek why he wanted to learn from her.

Ancient One : "Alright, I haven't decided yet if I will teach you the mystic arts, we will talk about this after you are done with everything you have to solve here, then look for me" without further ado she stepped through the portal.

Lucy: "Derek, who is she?"

At Lucy's question he answered "She is one of the strongest living people on earth at the moment, she is the one who has defended the Earth from dimensional threats, a strong woman to respect"

Derek answered taking off the nervousness he had at the sight of the current Sorceress Supreme.


Congratulations you have won the skill:

Mana Crafting: Lvl 0.

It is a crafting skill, which allows you to process the will of the crafter by borrowing the power of mana and imbuing it into an object or equipment to give effects and abilities.

System: [ Congratulations to the host for becoming a master of magic.]

Seeing the new ability he gained he smiled, with this anything he creates can add effects or functions to any equipment created by him, sighing at all this excitement he ordered Lucy and Agumon to enter his phone while he went to the Baxter Building arriving in less than thirty minutes.

Taking advantage that no one had yet realized he had left and had hacked the cameras of the building active stealth helping his movements not to create any sound and not to be noticed he managed to get to his room, he bathed and went to sleep.


In the Chimera we can see the assembled avengers talking about what they were planning to do with Nat's figure standing out among all the men.

Bruce : "Maria Hill just informed us that some people in the government are pulling strings to have the adaptoids released to the public" commented Cap.

Tony : "Well after the bomb that Derek dropped on the Justice League who did well to use that information to stop AIM's advance in their cities.

"But that has also put the government on the ropes, including George who I don't think will wait that long, he will feel pressured" Tony gave his argument.

"How long do you think we will have until AIM gets the green light to launch their adaptoids" asked Bruce.

Natasha : "Tarleton doesn't plan to wait, in a week he plans to launch ships with large quantities of black terrigen in important countries at the same time he releases his adaptoids" said Nat making them all look at her.

Natasha : "That Hill isn't the only one who has her ways of getting information" she replied at their stares.

Steve could only smile at this "Then we have to be prepared Avengers, last time Tarleton took us by surprise but this time it's our turn."

The meeting lasted a few more minutes in which Tony with the help of Bruce and Hank decided to create or improve everyone's team for the last mission against AIM. Nat for his part left the meeting room, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

Yelena: "What's up Nat, anything I need to know."

Nat: "Not at the moment, in a few days we plan to attack the AIM bases with everything, something routine these days."

Yelena: "For you yes, I bet at the moment of attacking you will do one of your silly poses, I still wonder why you do those silly poses, you just stretch your legs your hair hits the ground at the same time and you lift your face together with your hair, you don't mind if it gets dirty or what."

Yelena mocked Nat, as she never liked those stupid poses, in the time she was in the Red Room without Nat knowing they would show her videos of her doing her poses wanting her to imitate Nat, for Yelena that was her biggest embarrassment.

Nat: "They are just poses that I use to distract my enemies, nothing more."

Yelena: "Yes, whatever you say."

For a moment Nat was silent, until she decided to ask.

Nat: "How is Derek?"

Yelena: "So long did it take you to ask, for the moment he is fine, I make sure to keep him monitored, but he is well controlled, though maybe it is due to those drinks he drinks, last time I asked him he told me they help lower his testosterone and arousal level to an acceptable one, Nat he just...."

She sighed at this, Nat knew Derek was just delaying the inevitable.

Nat: "I know, Yelena, I know...."

Nat and Yelena continued talking as if they were trying to make up for lost time, while the person of Natasha's worries was sleeping soundly with a robot spider on his chest and a Digimon hugging his leg.

Up to here.