

HIATUS AFTER 21/4/21 FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS. The discovery of Dragons has been swept under a rug and hidden for many years. This is the story of their rediscovery and their journey to be accepted into a dystopian society. The Dragons learn to take on a form we are very familiar with even today, cats. More about novel: Estimated Length of novel (when completed): 112,200 words. Part 1 chapters are 1,000 words minimum (10 chapters) Part 2 chapters will be 1,100 words minimum (20 chapters). Part 3 chapters will be 2,100 word minimum (30 chapters)

Stephy_Doe · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning

Time continued along, but it seemed more like time had taken a step backward instead. The Great War had devastated humanity. They were sent back thousands of years. Parents would sell their children to labor farms where they were guaranteed food, shelter, and work earnings were sent back to the families.

Alec had never had any children, but the others did. Alec's sister decided to name her son Charlie. Charlie looked a lot like Alec at age seven except he had curly dark brown hair, but they had the same dark brown eyes. Lex had a daughter named Lexi. She had the same smallish face as Lex fit for a five-year-old, but her eyes were much like Stephan's bright blue and hair like her father- wavy blonde hair. Her eyes would probably darken soon to be brown like her father's.

Erik had a daughter named Ericka. She was a skinny child with dark skin and light brown eyes, fitting somehow for a five-year-old. Stephan was always so busy he never bothered to have kids, but somehow there was Avery. He was a somewhat bony young boy of nine years old with short dark reddish-brown hair and not quite so bright blue eyes.

In all the labor farms, there was an appointed "Granny" who cared for the kids' meals, baths, and all other needs. These "Granny" figures were what would have been called once preschool teachers or nannies. Most of the time the kids slept in groups of four or under to avoid the spread of diseases amongst the kids. All girls would be forced to do more mundane work like kitchen work or pottery. Occasionally, they were treated to a lesson with the farm animals of the village or caretaking. The boys took on iron work, science, or took on full care of the farm animals.


This village had a special treat for the kids as the iron forge worker had spent extra time before these new kids had arrived to create a swing set for the kids. There was an area in front of the pottery barn and iron forge buildings that was kept for the kids' breaks. Both buildings were a bit run down, but mostly kept up. The small building that that the kids slept in was between the two buildings and was always kept up even though the kids weren't even given new mattresses. The nursing home and medical office was an old run down building not really kept up because it wasn't deemed as important as the kids learning new skills.

Avery laid back in the grass enjoying his afternoon break from his shift with the iron forge. He wasn't that great at the skill. Maybe he should talk to his boss and try to switch to take care of the farm animals. He had many scars all over his body and face from the mishandling of raw iron. The other kids of the group would have breaks at different times, but Lexi and Ericka got frequent breaks since they were only five years old.

"Avery!! Come swing with me!", Lexi pulled at Avery's arm, but he didn't budge. She was almost in tears with her pleas, but for he wouldn't look away from the sky. Deciding she would make the most of the few minutes they got to play together she decided to lay on the grass with him and look at the clouds.

That's when she saw what had captivated his attention: the fluffiest cloud ever! They both watched the sky as the clouds started to move further apart. "Lexi, get back in the house!" Avery said jumping to his feet.

The partially sunny day with a few clouds turned dark with the chill of rain in the air. Lexi hadn't bothered even getting up until a sudden roar of thunder made her fly to her feet. "Why's the sky mad again?" She asked while they walked to the part of the workshop where they slept. Avery didn't even reply or look at Lexi. He just watched her get to the tiny building first before going in there himself.

The floor was matted with straws and some old mattresses with a bunch of holes and anything the kids could find that was soft in one corner of the room. The other corner of the room had a small low table with baskets under it and four small chairs. A cabinet had served as a seat for Granny to fix the kids' food, but she never ate in front of the kids. Most of the kids stayed in the village to learn trades that would be necessary for survival. Only four remained in this little village now. Everyone knew the unspoken rules. Lexi was just too young to understand the dangers. Don't go out at night or during the rain if the clouds darkened the sky.

"Is everyone here?" Avery managed to light a few candles then raised the chandelier higher to illuminate their tiny building. Charlie would usually do this, but he was too ill to do it right now. They slept together in the small room and in the next room separated with a wooden divider was their Granny.

The adults would be willing to teach them trades but didn't have the capacity to care if they got to their sleep quarters daily. So many young kids vanished without a trace. Rumor had it that the older adults knew why, but no one was talking.

"Yea, I'm here" a squeaky voice came from the sleep corner of the tiny room. It belonged to Lexi's best friend- Erica. Both Lexi and Ericka had the same 'squeaky voice' for five year old girls. She must have used their break time to come nap. Lexi wondered why she didn't think to come nap as well.

"Good. You all made it inside!" Granny brought down the chandelier and lit the rest of the candles, so the room was bright when she tied it back up again. "I made you some food." Granny said after unpacking a picnic basket filled with food and plates. "Erika and Lexi, set the table for us."

The two girls worked as fast as they could. Avery worked to empty the basket on the small table while Granny talked with the girls about their day. "Is Charlie feeling any better?" Granny asked moving to go check on his temperature, "He's been sick for a few days now..."

"I think he'll be better tomorrow!" Ericka moved in front of the bed. Charlie had stayed out after dark. He had mysterious cuts all around his rib cage and his hands and knees were so scrapped up. He'd be thrown out if any adult knew he disobeyed the rules. His family needed the money.

The gang of kids decided to tell the adults that Charlie had a bad cold and was sick so bad he couldn't stand up. Granny grabbed bowls and fixed them each food while the storm raged on outside. "Now you all know that when it gets dark and shadows can be free to get inside." Granny said mostly to Lexi.

"Why's the sky mad again?" Lexi was not letting this go. Avery smiled remembering when he was so naïve too.

"Lexi. I know you are young, but the sky isn't mad. It's just rain." Avery helplessly attempted to calm her down. "The storm feels like it appeared out of no where, but that just happens during the spring every year. This didn't happen at your old home?"

"Even I know that Lexi." Erica felt superior to her for a few seconds until she remembered how scary it was just a few days ago for her. Her shock had come to a reality came when she saw Charlie's wounds. She was the one who pulled his nearly lifeless body back into this house. Ericka hugged Lexi, "It'll be okay. We're inside now and we're safe, okay?"

When it gets dark. Hurry. Hurry. Get inside. Hurry. Hurry. Or you'll be gone. Hurry. Hurry. The shadows are hungry.