
Chapter 3.

I woke up stretching my hands brushing against scales as i stretched. I quickly got up and stepped away tripping and falling over bahamuts tail. Hearing a soft laugh and that amused feeling wash over me i looked at him. "Do you know if my friends are okay?" He stretched out his wings and shook himself before folding them back against his side "your friends were sent where they needed to go. You 3 were chosen by the gods so you have their blessings." I nodded looking at him. "Do you know where the old man is?" He nodded and stood up "follow me... What is your name boy?" I walk beside him as he heads out of the cave and he leads me up the moutain. "My name is michael" the old man stands atop a post on the summit holding a black and blue bow behind his back another post in front of him just out of arms reach and others at varying distances and angles. "I want to train." The old man smiled and tossed me a set of clothing "good then get dressed a storm is coming we'll start at the first lightning strike." I nodded changing into the light red tunic and black breeches pulling on the leather boots as i finish bahamut picks me up and sets me on the post across from him. The old man beginning to speak as the rain begins to pour down relentlessly "are you ready michael after we start there is no turning back" i nod as lightning strikes he lashes out with his bow as it cracks across my face thunder rumbles in the sky and i hang on to the post just barely and pull myself back up dropping down avoiding another strike but not avoiding the kick that knocks me off fully and i fall slamming onto the ground. The wind knocked from my lungs i roll over gasping as the old man laughs lightning striking all around us the static causing every hair on my body to stand on end. "I am not training you to just be a dragon master. Bahamut like i said is dragon of the storms and lightning. You must learn to move like the storm. Wild unpredictable and deadly. Every day we will train until you succeed in doing what i teach you. And at night i will teach you of our culture and power. You will learn our code and our way of life. Prepare yourself for hell" i look up seeing him smile and look to bahamut as he helps me up onto the post the old man speaking again "first lesson dont fall no matter what. Balance is important when fighting on the body of a moving dragon." He smiles and i nod watching his movements as my training began. The moon had already risen and i was covered in bruises and welts. Irritated and angry i got back onto the post ducking from his bow and jumping as he kicked going backwards and landing on the post behind me steadying myself before looking at him as i felt a sense of accomplishment seeing him smile as he put his bow behind his back a wave of pride washing over me as i looked at bahamut while the old man speaks able to be heard clearly over the storm "what do you feel in this moment?." I look at him "i feel the pain from every hit and fall but right now i also feel accomplished and i feel pride from bahamut." His smile grew wider "your bond is strong even though it is new that is good." He jumps down and i do the same landing on all fours as he lands gracefully on his feet picking up his walking staff as i walk with him and bahamut down to the cave. As i sit by the fire he speaks again handing me a small clay jar filled with a glittering blue gel "remove your tunic and rub this where you can reach i will rub it on the parts you cannot while i teach you" i nod and silently begin to do so as he rubs the substance on my back shuddering as electricity ran through my body "a dragon masters code is his way of life. We all follow it. I will say it once memorize it now." I nodded and he began. "We are the wings that blacken the sun on those who dare to befoul this land. We are power and judgement. We are reason and strength. As we take to the sky and embrace the wind we spread hope. We do not bow to any king. Our cloak is our armor our dragon our family." He patted my shoulder as the electricity stopped and i looked down every bruise and welt gone he laughs "dragons scales are very useful for medicine my boy. Your lessons are done for today eat and rest the real hell begins tomorrow"