

Upon the stars there layed a young boy and a bitter old man.

The boy, eyes widen looked at the stars

"Look grandpa, isn't that star lovely. It's so bright, so shiny. How lovely."

However there was no response. The boy being curious began to turn and noticed that the old man was indeed looking at the stars. Only it wasn't the same as the one the boy spoke of.

No, this star was far too dull, it had no spark. There was nothing special, nothing lovely about this particular star so why was it that it caught the old man's attention, the boy wondered?

However, the boy began to smile.

"That star is lovely as well"

And with this, the old man smiled with his eyes closed before saying

"Yes, that star is lovely indeed."

The old man began to walk, leaving the boy in silence. The boy still wondered however stopped and just smiled.

The boy stopped looking at the stars, and headed home.

As the boy slowly walked home, his excited smile slowly fainted, his pace quickly sped up. His eye's slowly widen. His breath became louder. His waking slowly became a walk and slowly became a jog until it became a full sprint. His sweat dripped, tears dripping.

He just stopped, just standing. Looking at his village.

"It... It can't be"

"No, it can't be "


Upon seeing his village, he could hear the screams, he could see the men fighting, he could smell the blood. Oh the horrible smell.

"Mama, where are you. Don't leave me!"

"Where's mama!"

Children and mothers crying

The young boy closed his eyes, crying.

"No, please don't hurt my village. Please don't hurt my family, please please!"

The boy fell to the ground, crying. Holding his crest hard.

But the boy quickly stood up, running. He ran, as fast as he could, he closed his eyes upon seeing the bodies. The bodies of fathers, of mothers, of children.

He ran until he found him.

The bitter old man, laid on the floor. Blood everywhere.

The boy ran towards the man. Kneeling down towards him.

"Grandpa, are you okay. Stay right there don't move I'll call for help."

However the man noticed the young boy's sadness and grabbed his arm tightly with all his remaining strength

"Percy, I don't think I'll be able to make it, my time has come"

"No, I can't lose you, no I won't lose you. Your the only family I have. I won't lose you, do you hear me!"

However the man ignored the boy's words before speaking his final words

"Percy, a war is approaching. A big war, a war that will destroy this world. You have to, no you must warn the emperors that a war is coming a war that will end all wars!"

The boy stood there, not knowing what to do. He didn't have the energy to do anything. He was scared.

"Why, why am I so weak. I can'teven protect you, grandpa"

The boy cried, crying on the old man's face.

"Why, why am I so weak!"

The boy quickly swept his tears away.

"Grandpa, I will fulfill you last wish, I will do everything in my power to make sure your wish becomes reality."

And so the young boy walked, beginning his journey.