
Dragonfire Flame of the soul

Right at the heart of a mysterious continent, a world of dreams and reality, there lived a young mysterious boy of unknown origins, who lives a lonely and desolate life of being forsaken by both man and fate - a lousy talent at magic and a feeble figure. But one day the mysterious mediocre boy, saved a mysterious mediocre man, who gave him a mysterious mediocre gift, will his mediocrity stop with a grand come back or will it become more mediocre?

Nathaniel_Moon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Big day at Fegnar

The sun slowly rose above the horizon, lightning the sky, and beckoning all things that lives to wake, bringing along, with its glistering and gleaming, vibrance and vigor. It is a new day.

And not just any day, for within its air there's a freshness, and a charm to its melody. It is a day full of promise and anticipation. It is a Big day at Fegnar.


In a land of great mysteries and boundless possibilities, of mythical creatures, and mystical arts, magical beings and abilities; right at the heart of the Noruda continent, exist a grand and ancient Empire - The empire of Fegnar.

The Empire of Fegnar or the Fegnarrian Empire consist of numerous powers and kingdoms and the centre of its civilization, just like every other Major power in the Noruda continent, is centered on Magic. Since the time of man's discovery of tapping and harnessing supernatural abilities and resources, countless researches has been made with many facets, aspects, branches, applications, discoveries, and system being made, structured and implemented. Therefore, to preserve the art and sustain the culture, magical academies are made across the powers to keep the art for the Art's sake.

And today in the grand ancient city of Fegnar, the core of the empire, the biggest and most reputable academy will be making a widespread and large scale admission - The Realmsgate Academy. And due to this great event, the city of Fegnar is brimming with a humongous number of people and great liveliness, exuberance and vigor

Yet far away from all this anticipation and enthusiasm, at the outskirts of Fegnar, in a tatter looking house, amidst a mess riddled room, on a debris filled bed, lies a feeble figure with an unkempt white hair, totally sound asleep. and apart from the slight frown he had on his face which display either an uneasiness from his dream or a disturbance from the movement outside, his aura of nonchalance and fragility is fully shown. And this is none other than Richard Roe.


'Thud' he fell off the bed.

" Ouch!, Ouch!" he cried out in pain as he sat up lazily, rubbing his eye. "What the - shit!" Seeing the state his room was he almost cursed at himself.

Stretching his body while yawning, he opened and looked out of his window to see that it was almost noon. "Whoa, it still quite early, I probably should just go back to sleep but that would have to wait until after the cleaning."

After a rigorous exercise of tidying up his room and having his first bath since weeks, Richard decided to go have a meal as he hadn't had a proper meal for quite some time now.

Arriving at the restaurant, Richard sat at an empty seat, looking through the menu.

"Welcome sir, what would you like to have?" a sweet and charming voice drifted into his ear compelling him to reflexively raise his head and look at the figure in front of him. She was pretty, fairly short and of a slim build, dressed in a white top and a red skirt which perfectly accentuate her figure. Petite and Charming.

"If I may ask, why the sudden rise in price, this is just too much" Richard asked with a heavy countenance as he skim through the menu.

"Oh that is not our fault, sir" she responded " as you know that the number of people in the city has been increasing recently as many have journeyed from afar to witness and take part in Realmsgate academy's admission exercise, and since the supplies are unable to keep up there's no other way but to increase the price." she patiently added while maintaining her professional smile.

"What? Realmsgate is admitting students!" Richard was stupefied and stunned by the information he received. Of course, even though he lives a detached life, he was well aware of the legendary Realmsgate Academy. In fact, ever since he was brought to Fegnar ten years ago, he had been enthralled by the legends and wonders of this magical world and once dreamed of becoming a great archmage and had once pursued that dream. But that was a long time ago. It's all in the past.

Richard quickly regained his countenance as he figured out he's probably zoned out a bit judging from the odd expression on the waitress's face.

"I'll be having two bowls of noodles and a wine" He said while flashing a stiff smile at her.

"Okay be right back."

"Oh I'm so happy that the Realmsgate Academy will be admitting students this year I really hope my son gets in and grow to be a great mage, hahaha" a man said

"You're not the only one, hehe I really do hope my children also get in" another replied.

"Humph, keep dreaming do you think it would be easy" another join in the conversation " Realmsgate is the most prestigious in the empire and boast of high standard."

"Yeah even though they always say it's large scale that is only in terms of evaluation, sigh, and they only recruit once in a decade"

' Realmsgate ' ' Hope ' ' Archmage ' these words drift across Richard's mind as he, absent-mindedly, ate his meal.

Leaving the restaurant, he headed to the train station and boarded a train set for the inner-city.


At the inner part of the city, a lot of people are moving towards a large gate, which was wide open revealing a space covered in a very thick fog, and there were numerous airships hovering above in its sky.

In one of the airships:

"Young miss we have arrived" a lady escort announced.

"Hmm" a girl looking out through a porthole responded.

"Auntie, do you think father will come?" she asked a lady who was standing next to her in a low voice.

"Of course, he will, Megan, he would be there to witness his beloved daughter's performance at the test" the lady answered.

"Humph,"Megan snorted "all he's concerned with is the power struggle, he probably doesn't have time for me."

"You should take it easy on him, he's got a lot of things to worry about."


Then a light envelope them and they were teleported out.

_ In another airship_


"Are you ready son?"

"Yes father"

"Remember Almond, this is your chance to rise above all. Make the most of it and don't let me down"

"I won't"

A light envelope Almond and he was teleported out.


Amidst the crowd, two figures in black - and hooded, walked alongside each other.

"At long last, we've arrived"

"We've come too far"

"Yes, and remember, Regan, we need to be careful"


Having arrived a moment earlier, Richard slowly moves towards the gate not knowing why he decided to be here since there is no hope or place for him in this world, but maybe, just maybe, he should check it out even if he wouldn't be participating. And finally he arrived before the gate and could see people placing their hands on the walls of the gate, which will scan for their identity and grant them a pass, after which they would head into the fog.

When it was his turn, he placed his hand on a wall and his information was displayed:

Name: Richard Roe

Age : 16

Origin : Unknown

Status : Access Granted.

And then a band wrapped around his wrist with the word "REALMSGATE" written on it. He then headed into the fog, and felt light-headed as he could feel himself crossing a kind of boundary.

And soon enough, he had arrived.

I'm trying to have a concrete setup and deliver a promising story, so if you have any comments let me know and read along as it promise to be a great story.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Nathaniel_Mooncreators' thoughts