
A Minor Character!

In a dark place closed off from the world, one could see several machines flashing and blinking here. An old man with a wrinkly face could be seen working on something, however, a red light began flashing frantically.

"What? What's going on?" This man was Dr. Gero, he walked over and brought up some surveillance. This was a silent alarm from one of his bases around the world, places he hadn't visited in a while.

Gero pulled up the frame, but he was feeling stunned as he was doing this. Who could be in his base, was it a rat or something? Just as he was pulling up some surveillance on one of his bases, another alarm alerted him!

"What the hell is going on!?" Dr. Gero's eyes went wide, this couldn't be a coincidence, right? Eventually, the footage came up, with the first one revealing Turles walking around his old base.

"What? It's Turles, how can he be in my base? How did he find it?" Gero took a step back and knocked over his glass of water on the floor by mistake.

"There's no way! Was I found out?" Thinking for a second, Gero quickly brought up the other footage. And there, he saw Nappa and a few of the other Z-fighters, this wasn't a coincidence at all!

"Impossible! This is impossible, how can they know about my bases?!" Gero slammed his fist on the table as he stared at the frame.

It was Nappa, Tien and Chiaotzu. He heard Nappa sneer, saying they are and should blow this place up now since it might have those Androids.

Dr. Gero's expression turned extremely dark and unsightly when he heard this. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out how they knew all of this. Goku didn't even know about him, if he did, he wouldn't remember such a minor character like him.

"T-this c-can't be!" Gero clenched his fist tightly, he was so furious right now. He wasn't done upgrading 17 and 18's strength yet, he needed another 6 months for that.

"That damn computer I created, it made a few Androids of its own. They should be done and more powerful than the current 17 and 18 right now." Seventeen and Eighteen would have been stronger, but he didn't have time right now.

"That damn brute is about to level my base!" Dr. Gero started to type something on the Cpu Interface. A whole bunch of protocols started to activate, giving off a red glow with each activation.

It was done, so Gero sighed in relief.

"Could they know the location of my current base?" Right then, the Androids in the base where Nappa, Tien, and Chiaotzu were located, activated.

Gero watched as 3 pods opened up.

Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen!

They were given orders right away, they were about to leave the base to complete their tasks. However, it was level by Nappa at that moment, he used his signature Technique—Blazing Storm.

The whole base was leveled as Nappa broke out into wild laughter. There was nothing he loved more than pure demolition. Tien and Chiaotzu just watched, they covered their eyes to some degree during the process.

Right then, the Androids emerged from the cloud of destruction.

Gero lost connection to see what was going on, but he already knew the base was destroyed.

"Damn it!" Just as he was raging, another alarm when off!

"What now, what's going on?! Wait, this is..." Gero was shocked. Someone was coming to his location, no, there were a few of them!

"Unbelievable, they really know where I am!" Dr. Gero's expression changed again. He rushed off quickly without thinking until he arrived in a small room close by.

And there they were. There were three other pods with the numbers 17, 18, and 19 on them.

Dr. Gero released Nineteen first, then he went to his computer. Before he could activate anything, the door of his base was destroyed. It was hidden behind a fake rocky mountain surface, so no one would notice it.

"Nineteen, go deal with those intruders." Nineteen nodded and went on his way. Android Nineteen was slightly stronger than he was in the original. Having a battle power of 135 Million this time around.


Turles' Location.

Feeling that Goku was in trouble, I Immediately warped to his position. Once I arrived, I could see that they had taken down a giant robot. It had been reduced to scrap heap metal by Goku, who had fought it first.

"Ahhhrg!" Goku was hollering out, he was being held up by Raditz. Raditz couldn't figure out what was wrong. Goku had activated Kaio-Ken times two to fight the robot, but afterward, he started acting like this.

"How could this be? So it wasn't what I thought?" I took quick strides over to Goku.

"What's wrong with him, he just started acting like this all of sudden. He's sweating and hollering out in pain." Goku couldn't say anything in reply, he was panting while holding his chest.

"T-this is a heart virus..." It all made sense, there was no way Pybara wouldn't know about his planet containing such a virus without telling anyone. If Pybara did, he would have some countermeasures in place to prevent it; this was how I felt Pybara was.

"I'll take him to Roshi's, you go and help Nappa's squad," I said hurriedly. Right as I said—I could feel that another fight had been initiated by Piccolo's group. I was stunned, wasn't Nappa's group fighting the Androids already?

Raditz nodded before flying in that direction as fast as he could. He was still pretty new with the Super Saiyan transformation, I wonder if he could tap into it whenever he wanted?

"Arg-Ahhhh!" Goku was grasping his chest tightly, like that was going to stop anything. I appeared in front of Roshi.

"Eh?" Roshi lowered his glasses in confusion. I told him that Goku would be away for a while. I said that I would explain later before focusing and teleporting again.

I told him this just in case Chi-chi wanted to know, but I doubt he would need to tell her. I would be back soon after leaving him, I hoped. The next place that I appeared was in front of Pybara's mini Palace.

The little Yardratian's led me to Pybara's chambers, he seemed to be expecting.

"Hoho, my good friend is back so soon?" Once the door was opened, Pybara was shown with his hand clasped behind his back.

"Yeah, it's an emergency, can you heal him of his Virus?" That should be one of his abilities if I remembered correctly.

"Oh, a Virus, it shouldn't be a problem." Pybara gazed at Goku and nodded calmly. Goku was yelling out in pain constantly. I couldn't understand why this virus was attacking now, this didn't even make sense.

I carried Goku over to a bed where Pybara told me to sit him.

"Stay for a little. I know you're here for something else, and not just to have him healed. You want a favor, maybe?" Just when I was about to leave, he told me to stay for a bit.

"I really need to get back, something has happened that I need to resolve fast," I said gravely.

"I won't hold you for long." Pybara with no worries.

"Okay." I nodded and walked over to where he was—he was currently sitting in a chair next to Goku.


Meanwhile, Krillin's face was smashed into the streets of the road, being dragged across the pavement.

"Hah! You damned robot, get off him!" Yamcha shot a palm strike towards Nineteen's head, hitting him in the cheek as hard as he could. However, it seemed like Nineteen's face was made out of steel, thus, he wasn't affected or knocked away at all—he didn't even budge.

Nineteen looked over with a smile before saying. "You're weak, your energy is insufficient for my growth, you can die." Nineteen's squeaky voice was chilling, then he shot some lasers from his eyes.

Yamcha's chest was penetrated easily by these two beams before his eyes went completely white. He fell to the ground with his life and death unknown.

"Yamcha~~!!" Krillin yelled seeing Yamcha take a direct attack to the chest. At that moment, Piccolo jumped out and kicked Nineteen in the back of the neck. Nineteen was pushed forward a little but he really wasn't affected at all.

"Your energy will help a little, I'll take some." Nineteen's face was indifferent, bearing no expression. Just when he was about to rush Piccolo, Krillin punched out at Nineteen. Unfortunately, he was quickly countered and slapped in the face, flying somewhere into the distance.

Nineteen's attention was once again locked onto Piccolo, who was sweating and worried. Veins could be seen poping out of the top of his head. A threat like this was lurking around all along, how could this happen?

"Nowhere to run." Nineteen smiled lightly before walking nonchalantly and slowly over towards Piccolo.

"You fat clown!" Chi-chi appeared and started kicking Nineteen in the back, but he didn't seem to feel it as he kept walking.

Nineteen waved his hand and knocked Chi-chi flying, she was getting annoying at this point. She insulted him the minute she saw him for the first time, now she was doing it again. He will definitely kill this woman after he was done with Piccolo, he thought.

Nineteen felt like he wasted too much time, so he rushed Piccolo this time.

"Damn!" Piccolo jumped back and extended his arm out to attack, it increased in length. Like a snake, it rushed towards Nineteen, who dodged it with ease. Afterward, he quickly appeared in front of Piccolo, stunning him.

"Hihi!" Nineteen laughed before sent a powerful punch towards Piccolo's stomach.

"Urgggh!" Piccolo's arm retracted, then he bent forward like shrimp.

Nineteen, with a smile, lifted Piccolo up by grappling both his arms from the side. His smile was growing increasing creepier before he started to absorb Piccolo's energy.

Piccolo couldn't move, his arms were being grasped tightly by Nineteen. He wanted to launch a mouth beam at Nineteen, but he found that his energy was draining rapidly. Piccolo was helpless, as his energy and possibly his life force—was being drained away.

Nineteen just looked him in the eyes as he drained him, still smiling stiffly. Piccolo was about to blackout when he saw something, it was fast.

A kick slammed right into the face of Android Nineteen, hurling him hard and fast into the forest below.


Dust clouds emerged along with the sound of a crash. Piccolo fell to his knees before falling flat onto the ground.

"Oh, so that was the Namekian getting beaten. Just a minor character." It was Vegeta, but what shocked Piccolo was the fact that Vegeta had turned into a Super Saiyan!

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