
Dragonball Z: Becoming the brother of Goku

After purchasing Dragon Balls online for $30 and making a wish, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the world of Dragon Ball! However, his fate takes a tragic turn as he becomes the overlooked and often forgotten brother of a legendary hero: Raditz! But who's to say that Raditz cannot surpass everyone else? Possessing the hair of a Super Saiyan III, he has nothing to fear and everything to gain! __________ If any of you want to support me and read chapters ahead go to my patreon. patreon.com/Blaze987

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 93: Starting Point!

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After escaping from the catastrophe on planet Namek, Raditz and his team took quite some time to fully recover. They found themselves in the M187 Division, where the atmosphere was tense. Dozens of single-person spaceships were lined up on the launch platform, ready for deployment.

Over the past few weeks, they had been busy integrating resources and recruiting new members. Now, the time had come when news of Frieza's demise had spread throughout the universe. Reports indicated that several planets had risen in rebellion, toppling Frieza's rule and establishing their own powers. With Frieza no longer in the picture, other factions were vying to fill the power vacuum left behind.

This was the perfect opportunity for Raditz.

Raditz stood in front of his own single-person spaceship, his expression determined. He glanced over the soldiers who were prepared for action and raised his fist high.

"The time for action is upon us, and I believe you are all eager for this moment, just as I am! This will be our first battle together. My command is simple: take down the target planet and return alive. I don't want to lose anyone! Are you with me?"

With a resounding cheer, fists in the air, the soldiers echoed Raditz's determination. These warriors were used to receiving cold orders and strict rules, with little regard for their lives. Raditz's words had touched their hearts deeply.

"Good, let's begin!"

With a single command, the soldiers boarded their spaceships, and Raditz took his place inside his own craft, settling into the pilot's seat.


Seven days later, dozens of single-person spaceships approached a critical planet under Frieza's control, descending like a meteor shower.

In outer space, Raditz issued instructions as they sprinted towards their target, launching a surprise assault.

This planet had been claimed by a minor leader among Frieza's remnants, Bartol. They had strengthened their space surveillance to prevent attacks from other remnants of Frieza. When they detected the approaching spaceships, the command center was immediately alerted.

"It's single-person spacecraft... Could it be exiled combatants?"

"No request for landing clearance! This is an attack!"

"There are many of them, estimated to be over fifty ships!"

"Battle stations! Battle stations! Prepare for combat!" The alarm blared, and the entire Bator army sprang into action. Whether they belonged to Frieza's forces or not, the situation was dire.

Amid the panic, Bartol's men prepared for battle. However, the high-speed spacecraft had already broken through the planet's atmosphere, creating fiery friction as they descended.

"Engage full firepower, shoot down those spacecraft!" The command center ordered as they received signals from the detection team.

On the planet's surface, massive silver-colored barrels, each tens of meters in length, took aim at the rapidly approaching spacecraft. They unleashed blue, transparent energy shockwaves towards the ships.

While their firepower couldn't cover all the scattered spaceships, each volley managed to bring down several of them.

"The battle begins!" Raditz opened his spaceship's hatch while still in midair, jumping out at high speed. His large hand unleashed a barrage of white energy bombs that struck the ground.

Meanwhile, several anti-aircraft artillery batteries launched attacks, and guards stood by the cannons, determined to defend their territory.

Raditz descended with overwhelming power, creating a deafening bang as he hit the ground, causing the earth to tremble. The inhabitants, overwhelmed by an inexplicable pressure, struggled to breathe.

"What's happening?"

"Why is my heart racing suddenly?" The guards exchanged alarmed glances.

"There's something coming!"

Through the smoke, they caught a glimpse of a shadow darting forward with incredible speed.

Could anyone match Raditz's speed? The pale flames surrounded him as he plowed through the enemy ranks, unstoppable.

At that moment, the entire planet descended into chaos and panic.

Bartol had been maintaining tight control from the command center but decided to take matters into his own hands. He donned his armor, retrieved his weapons, and led his personal guards. Despite his imposing girth, he possessed a combat power of over 20,000, making him a formidable force among Frieza's remnants.

More importantly, Bartol was known for his hot-headedness and a reputation for cruelty, often employing ruthless tactics. Many preferred to provoke other powerful figures rather than cross paths with Bartol.

Now, someone dared to challenge him, and it seemed like they had picked a fight with the wrong guy.

Bartol let out a snarl, wielding his trident as his massive form emitted a potent aura. He surveyed the battlefield, his voice echoing across the land. "You arrogant fools! I am Bartol, and if you wish to live, you'll surrender!"

"Your voice is unbearable!" Raditz's voice came from behind Bartol. By the time Bartol turned, Raditz was already there, approaching silently. As Bartol began to speak, he was filled with cold sweat and shivers.

In the next moment, Raditz swung his leg, delivering a powerful blow that sent Bartol crashing to the ground. Despite controlling his strength, the impact still caused blood to spatter, like blossoming flowers.

The tremor from the impact caused buildings within several hundred meters to collapse, and the ground caved in, creating a massive crater. Raditz landed gracefully in front of Bartol, delivering the ultimatum once more, "Surrender, or meet your end."

"You... you..." Bartol sputtered, blood dribbling from his mouth as he quivered. He attempted to speak several times, then, with a sudden jerk of his head, he looked up, his fingers poised to unleash an attack. "You bastard! I'll kill you!"

As Bartol gazed upward, his fear intensified, and he once again coughed up blood. However, the red glow surrounding his fingers dissipated. He had unleashed an empty attack, and it fizzled.

"Jeice, Burter! Aren't you guys supposed to be dead? Didn't you go down with Frieza on Namek? What in hell is this?" Bartol stammered, his heart racing.

Raditz wore a smug smile as he replied, "Bartol, it seems you still remember us." Bartol clutched his chest, unable to comprehend the horror of Raditz's power. He didn't understand why Raditz's team was so terrifying. However, he did know that they were immensely powerful. To his astonishment, members of the Ginyu team even showed deference to Raditz.

Who was this guy?

As Bartol struggled with his thoughts, he involuntarily coughed up more blood, feeling like he'd fallen into an icy abyss.

Raditz maintained his smile, saying, "Bartol is right. Since you don't seem keen on surrendering, I'll oblige. The Prison Planet will be our starting point."

"No, no, no..." Bartol stammered, repeating the word over and over. A swirling white light appeared before his eyes, getting closer.

"No! No! No! No... Ah!"


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