
Leaving OtherWorld!

Naturally, everyone found many things to do concerning entertainment. Bardock challenged West Kai to a race and did all sorts of activities. This was the last year that Kayn was sticking around this planet before leaving.

On the fourth month, Gine changed her clothing, she trained a little but not nearly as much. Her clothes were very baggy, Kayn found her dress code to be a little weird. He asked her about it and she said she was just trying out some new clothes instead of wearing armor all of the time.

Kayn didn't ponder on it when she answered in this way and went on with his business. However, Kayn could feel and hear some nervousness in her voice for some reason. Bardock was being taught some Techniques by King Kai.

King Kai said he would only teach him one Technique since he would have to make it to his planet to learn more. Bardock chose to learn the [Spirit Bomb Technique] instead of the [Kaio-Ken]. Gine didn't train, but she helped Bardock with the Spirit Bomb.

Kayn was training as usual; he didn't overwork himself like he usually did. But, he was worried about system points, he needed to earn more to buy things from the system. Kayn also had to upgrade the system somehow because the system wouldn't tell or answer him when he asked.

At first, he wanted to go on a killing spree, but that wouldn't be the way. He could only wait for better missions that gave better rewards or kill highly valued targets. Kayn was now focused on trying to reach Super Saiyan 3 if he could.

He already speculated that the question marks after Super Saiyan 3 was Super Saiyan 4. Kayn also asked the system if he would get his own special Transformation as an Ancient Saiyan. The System told him that once he reached 50% of the ancient bloodline or fused another bloodline, it was possible.

Kayn's strength started to rise, but he figured out something that he wanted to try. He went off to the field; there were fewer people around this time. Gine and Bardock were also present, Gine was still helping him with the [Spirit Bomb].

Kayn told the 2 that he was going to turn into an Oozaru, this was to make sure Gine didn't change against her will. Once she was told, she retrieved her special glasses. Kayn tossed the Powerball into the sky, causing him to transform.

Bardock and Gine looked on with stunned expressions. His size was clearly bigger than their Oozaru forms, Kayn's color was also different.

"Why is his Oozaru state bigger and look different from us and the rest of the Saiyans." Bardock had seen many Oozaru transformations, but he had never seen one this big or one with this coloration of hair.

Gine was also speechless, she couldn't possibly know herself.

Kayn stared into the bright Powerball for a while, he had already garnered allot of attention at this point. Many people had seen this Ape form already from the tournament, but this one was just too big to go unnoticed.

When he was an Oozaru, he felt an unknown rage in himself telling him to destroy everything around. Of course, he had these emotions under control, but these thoughts always seem to haunt him.

Kayn's arms reached out toward the sky. He started to clear his mind until he slowly reverted back to his Humanoid state. Over the year, Kayn had grown dramatically again as he was now 7'3 in height.

Now, however, he was stood taller, Kayn was now standing at a staggering height of 10'2 right now! This wasn't his natural height, this was actually him in his Ikari state. Kayn was bulked up, his eyes were no longer red, but instead, they were yellow.

"I did it! I finally found out how!" Kayn was delighted to have awakened this form all by himself. He no longer needed to go full-on Ape anymore.

Gine's face twitched, was there any limit to his growth, why was he getting so tall!? Kayn reverted back to his standard size before looking over at the groups of people staring in his direction. He put his hand on his forehead with a strange smiled and Teleported away.

"Hmm, he forgot to destroy the Powerball." Just a Bardock said that; Kayn returned and destroyed it before leaving in the same manner.

"Okay, I guess that's out of the way." Many people were talking, they were wondering if these guys came from some gorilla race of some sort.

Meanwhile, Kayn pulled out the Super DragonBall Radar. There was a problem when retrieving these Dragonballs. The first problem was he had to find a way to get to Universe 6 and the other was going unnoticed by the angels.

However, there were devices on the system that could provide camouflage from these individuals. The price for them wasn't that bad either. Each of these different tools cost 250,000 System Points each, so it was somewhat reasonable, kinda.

Without these tools; If Kayn were to get his hands-on 1 Super Dragonball, they wouldn't notice anything. This would be different if he went for multiple Balls, so he couldn't get greedy or he'll be spotted.

Since Kayn had completed his learning of Ikari, he figured he'd practice that transformation more in the future. Kayn also found that his Ki Sense and Control were slower when leveling up; this was because of how strong his bloodline was, so it had its cons.

This would be worst if he had the Legendary Bloodline, but to him, it would be worth it in the end. Kayn had thought about getting 25% of the Legendary Bloodline or just getting 25% more of the Ancient Bloodline.

He didn't want to be a full Ancient Saiyan or a full anything for that matter. The mixture of different races helped him be reasonable; this also helped him get stronger as well.

Kayn looked over the Super Dragonball Radar but saw nothing appeared on it. This was obviously because he was in a different world. Looking into his bag, he saw something useful that he was thinking of giving to Bardock.

But on second thought, he decided that he would just give this to Raditz when he met him later. Kayn laid on his bed and started to watch movies through the system, he was thinking of introducing movies to Gine but decided not to.

Time passed; Months went by and he noticed that the clothes that Gine was wearing were getting baggier over time. She only did minor workouts before retreating back into her room the whole day. Bardock never said anything about this, but Kayn asked him about it.

Bardock would only say that she wanted to take a break from training. Kayn didn't really care if she wanted to train or not, it was up to her but the change was too sudden.

Kayn went to ask her about her clothes again, but she only said she wanted to try many different clothes as usual.

At any rate, Bardock was working hard during his training. The thing was he was trying to do was unlock the Grades of Super Saiyan Kayn had told him about. Bardock was able to become an Ascended Super Saiyan in 5 months of hard training.

Kayn was amazed when he first accomplished this, as Vegeta did it in 2 months with the help of the hyperbolic time chamber. This form was referred to as a Grade 2 Super Saiyan or an Ascended Super Saiyan.

Kayn was sure Bardock's progress would be quicker with the help of the Time Chamber, but he could use it in the future. Bardock's hair was spikier and his muscles were more inflated; this was caused by the concentration of Ki flowing throughout the body.

However, the muscles weren't so inflated that they would reduce the speed of the user.

Then there was Ultra Super Saiyan. This gave the user a great increase in strength, but your muscles would also bulk up dramatically, thus, reducing your speed. Bardock hadn't reached this form yet, but he was trying.

Kayn told him about a Grade 4 Super Saiyan, which looked like a Super Saiyan but at Full power. Super Saiyan full power is essentially the regular base Super Saiyan, but because the user has trained their body's to get comfortable in that state; this meant that there were zero adverse effects for the user.

This also meant that the user could use their maximum Ki Potential with minimal stamina usage, they had full control over their body, mind, and their Ki.

Kayn already told Gine and Bardock that it was best to maintain their Super Saiyan states to reach this form, well, to master it.

Bardock was laughed wildly when he first achieved Grade 2, he felt in control!

The months continued onward. Bardock meditated silently, controlling his Ki; he was trying to reach a Grade 3 Super Saiyan. Of course, Gine trained a little bit before stopping and doing other things.

King Kai always instructed Bardock about the use of Ki and what it was capable of. Bardock only told King Kai that he knew this already. On the 9th month, Gine never trained again, she had completely stopped.

Kayn didn't ask her why, she might be vacationing or something for all he knew. He only worked on forming those Ki Claws to use as weapons this whole time. Finally, on the 10th month, Kayn started to work more on his next form which was SS3.

He was still someways away from this, but it was coming soon. Gine only came out to watch other people train, but she never participated. Her clothes were extremely baggy now, she looked like she was wearing a turtle shell.

Kayn walked over and talked with her, but she seemed spooked when he came over. He asked her about her training, and she responded that she would start again soon. Kayn nodded and sighed in relief, he thought she had given up on training.

Eventually, it was time for Kayn to leave, as the first day of the new year had settled in. Kayn told them to train as long as they wanted, but King Kai told them that he was heading back to his planet in a year from now, maybe less.

Kayn couldn't help but think how perfect that was. He also told them to use the giant space ship for travel since it was faster; this was when they returned to Derail 7.

After bidding his goodbyes to Gine and Bardock, he used Instant Transmission and appeared on Derail 7.

"Time to leave this planet!" Kayn's training in OtherWorld had concluded.