Reborn as Raditz, he found himself with a hole in his chest, a critical situation yes, but not one without solution. With a strong willpower and sharp mind, Raditz would rise to become the strongest being alive.
Vegeta was sent back to Freeza force silently and the z fighters were now beginning to acknowledge the after effects of this battle.
Broken bones, torn muscles, large wounds, all in all they were beaten pretty badly.
"You know, you really hit hard, it still hurts."
Krillin mumbled, Nappa being the person he was talking to.
Nappa himself only smirked, the lot were currently flying towards the lookout, and Nappa was flying just besides Raditz.
Turning towards Krillin, Nappa said with a smile full of confidence.
"What? Wanna take revenge? I'll take you on anytime."
Shaking his hands in a no no pose, Krillin sweatdropped.
"No way! I was just joking."
Nappa laughed at that but didn't take it further, he could see these guys were associated with his King.
The Ginyu force of King Raditz, is what Nappa considered these guys, and he? He was the Zarbon besides lord Raditz.
'I should let King know about this arrangement, it's much better than what King Vegeta had going on during his reign.'
King Vegeta didn't have as good a governing structure as Freeza does, Freeza might be pure evil, but he is still the ruler of most of the universe.
Nappa felt there was a lot to learn from this guy, and he was going to teach it all to Raditz, all in all, Nappa had taken the role of royal advisor by himself.
"Hey, do you guys feel that..?"
Said Yamcha out of nowhere, bringing Nappa out of his thoughts, he didn't know anything about this sensing business, so he wasn't sure what this guy was saying.
But one look at his King told him this guy was not messing around, this sensing stuff was indeed something.
The Z fighters all sensed the energy signature coming towards them rapidly and stopped in their tracks, Nappa followed Raditz and did so too.
A fast flying orange figure rushed towards the z fighters and stopped just before them, making a smooth transition from fast to slow, showing his incredible control over himself.
"Hey guys!"
A cheerful voice with a natural smile greeted the z fighters.
"You are back Goku!"
"Too slow Goku!"
"That's Kakarot.. what happened to your tail..?"
Everyone showed different degrees of emotions, Goku had the ability to incite the best in everyone, his arrival made joy spread, even when the z fighters were beaten up pretty badly.
Goku only rubbed the back on his head with an embarrassed laugh.
"Sorry sorry, I was crossing the snakeway again, I got here as fast as I could, man you guys look beat."
Said Goku while eyeing Nappa and Raditz, the tail on Nappa being a dead giveaway, and Raditz was someone he looked at with a challenging smile.
"Huh, king kai told me you are still alive."
Raditz crossed his arms and looked at Goku with a smile of his own.
"What can I say, you were too weak to take me out, Kakarot."
Goku smiled with narrowed eyes, showing signs that he was going into his fun fighting mode.
But before Goku and Raditz could duke it out again, Yamcha decided to butt in, no way, he wanted to heal, they can fight later.
"Goku! Raditz took care of the Saiyan's, we tried holding those guys off but they were too strong."
"And this guy here is Nappa, he decided to join Raditz, oh and Raditz is the Saiyan king now."
Krillin also added another thing to the list.
"And he married Bulma last week too, we were all invited, I'll show you the pictures later."
Rubbing his head with a disappointed expression Goku groaned.
"Awww, I missed Bulma's wedding, isn't there cake and food all around in a time like that? Bummer.."
Nappa twitched his lips, this Kakarot was hit in the head or something, he ignored everything from Saiyan king to a wedding, and only focused on the food.
Even the most casual Saiyan's show respect to the Saiyan king.
But Raditz himself happened to laugh at Goku's words.
"Hah, Kakarot, I'll throw another reception for you, go bring your family, enjoy, It's my treat."
"And don't be so disappointed that you didn't get to fight, you can fight me, anyway, big brother has to take his revenge, you almost killed me back then."
Grinning a Saiyan grin even when it looked much more playful than prideful on Goku, he said with confidence.
"We'll see about that, big brother."
He was accepted by Goku, that much was clear to Raditz, not only did Goku not stop him from calling him Kakarot, he also called him big brother.
Maybe it was the free food, or saving the earth or maybe it was the promise of a fight, it could even be all of them combined that made Goku see him as a big brother instead of a threat
Whatever it was, Raditz wasn't complaining, he had a future god calling him big brother, there's no better honor than that.
"Excellent, let's get going, these guys are in pretty bad shape, we will have our battle on the lookout, there's plenty of room."
"Alright! Now we're talking! Hey guys, let's go!"
Goku gestured everyone to keep up and the z fighters laughed as they began to fly towards the lookout again.
Goku was infront, right besides Raditz and Nappa, Raditz being the centre of the group as they flew.
While making small talk with Goku, Raditz was wondering if he should let Kami reverse whatever he did to Goku's tail to stop it from growing.
He'll have to see if Goku was willing to go through with it, he will mention it with Kami later.