
The Low-class recruitment plan

While Zeta was preparing to finish off Gas a laser beam comes towards his direction."Huh?" he Dodges the attack and instead of using the charge ki attack to finish Gas off he used it to launch an attack in the direction where he thought the laser was coming from.

Oil saw this and tried to block the attack with his body but he missed and the attack grazed some parts of the body as it hits the target.

A small explosion occurred as the attack landed and the oil looked in despair as smoke covered the land where Elec and Macki were standing on.

"You bastard. How dare you do that to my brother." Gas yelled out.

Gas who have already increased their power during the few seconds that Zeta was distracted appeared in front of Zeta to punch is in the face but then.

"Stop it Gas." a loud shout was heard from the place where the explosion occurred.

The smoke clears up and reveals that both Elec and Macki didn't have any injuries on them.

Macki was sweating as she used an energy shield to protect Elec and herself.

"It seems that there was some sort of a misunderstanding between us," Elec said to Zeta.


A few minutes before.

[Hey are you okay?]

Bardock who just woke up and heard a noise in his head.

[It's me Monaito. The namekian from before. We are currently on a planet called Namek and with the help of the natives, we have summoned a dragon. If you want to we can get you and your family out. Since you disobeyed you're superior from what I remembered. I don't want to let my saviour die for nothing.]Monaito said.

"Buzz off. This is not your problem. It's my choice and I am the only one that can decide what I do." Bardock replied.

[But still. You have already helped enough. I am sure that one day the kindness that is inside you is going to help others.]

"I am a Saiyan. I would rather die than Ran away from my enemies. And if he truly wants to die he might have already killed me by now." Bardock said.

[I am just trying to help you. Please tell me your wish]

"A wish. Like praying upon a stat. Fine. I wish for my son to thrive above others." he said while smiling as he got up.


"What the hell was happening?" When Bardock got up and looked up at the sky he saw Zeta fighting against several people at the same time.

They seem to be wearing formal clothes so there is only one that came into his mind. "Heaters."

Suddenly he heard a noise behind him.

"Why are you Talking to yourself a few seconds ago, Dad?" the mysterious man said.

"Who the fuck is your dad? I only have two sons. Raditz and Kakarrot?" Bardock said as he looked at the man.

"Hahaha. Relax. It was only a joke."

He seems to have the same appearance as him apart from their skin tone as the man's skin was a little darker.

It was turles.

"But still What a horrible thing to say to your saviour. I was the one who patched your wounds up. Without me, you would have bled to death." Turles said as he smiles.

"I am a Saiyan. I would have naturally healed up even without your help." Bardock said.

Then he remembers something.

"You. Tell me. What's happening? Why is Zeta fighting the heaters?" Bardock asked Turles.

"I don't know much. I was just watching the fight from here since It seems interesting. But if I have to guess I would bet that they are fighting to the death for something insignificant. Like their pride or money." Turles said.

"Of course, a prideless bastard like you makes fun of a Saiyan's pride. But Why are you even here in the first place?" Bardock asked Turles.

"Well, I came onto the rumours that King Vegeta was trying to get rid of the boy while I was searching for something. And I just wanted to see what this kid can truly do. If he shows potential I can even offer a position in a new unit that I am preparing to set up." Turles said.

"Dream on that kid has a higher rank than both of us combined," Bardock said as he looked at Turles with a smirk on his face.


During that time back on planet Vegeta.

"Can't your brain comprehend why I am so angry?" A mysterious silhouette said as he steps on the King of the Saiyan's head.

The silhouette was revealed as the lights flashed above his head for a second and revealing his appearance.

A purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointy ears.

Possesses a thin and bony body and dawns an Egyptian-looking attire.

His name was beerus and he was the god of destruction.

He was accompanied by his martial art master and attended. Whis the angel.

I will move on from the heater in the next two chapters. Sorry about that taking a little more time.

I just want to quickly resolve the conflict that I didn't like in the original manga without leaving any plot holes.

Lion_Hikaricreators' thoughts
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