
Wait go where?

Stepping out of the time chamber I felt my legs ache slightly. Well really it was my whole body, but since i was standing up and walking it was my legs that ached the most. I waved to Kame as I was about to jump of the look out and find Piccolo to test my power. Kame gave me a werid look before shrugging and going back to eating brownies?

I stepped to the edge of the look out and felt the wind. Getting ready to jump I really wanted to test out how strong I got. Except just before I did I got a call from Bulma. Lifting my phone to my ear I answered.

"Hey Bulma, is this about Mom?"

"Huh? Oh no she went back to home. Though she did tell me to make sure you aren't doing something stupid like trying to sneak into the demon realm again."

"That was one time and I learned my lesson."

"Haha! I'm just joking Eins, nah she said she loved you and all that. Now Kiddo the reason I called, I just finished up analyzing Crocili's stuff. Wanted you to test some of it."

"Why me?"

I heard a snort on the phone, and krillin was the one to respond. "Because she nearly killed me off with her last experiment. Don't trust what she sa-"

"Don't listen to krillin, he is just a baby. There were these Saibamen things and they almost exploded on Krillin it was only two of them."

I sighed, "Yeah sure I'll come over."

Bulma's lab was a lab hazard when she had something new to mess with.


Landing at the back door I walked into the Lab. "Bulma! I'm here!"

She jumped out from behind a counter and smiled. "H-Hey! perfect timing. I don't mean to be awkward, but can you help me get this thing of my leg?"

Bulma had what looked like spandex wrapped around her leg. It seemed she was doing something with clothes Crocili was wearing it looked like his stuff.

She read my mind and answered, "I 3D printed the stuff. I miscaluclated my uh... Preportions and yeah."

I nodded, blushing slightly as I pulled of the stretchy material. "So what's up?"

Bulma was a a decade or two older than me physically, but with the amount of time I had spent in the time chamber it made me extremely embarrassed when interacting with certain arousing situations.

As i got the stuff of her, she addressed my question. "So besides a spaceship which I am working on. I researched the stuff in Crocili's space pod, As well as Crocili himself. One of the items is this material you have right now. From my tests its very stretchy, highly resistance and a very strong insulator."

I nodded stretching the material out. I had to really pull to even try to rip it, I didn't however. "You want me to?"

She nodded, "Well besides Krillin's destructo disc almost no ki attacks were strong of enough to damage it so i wanted you to try."

I nodded and with a little effort the material went up in smoke and ash. My eyes widened along with Bulma. "What was that?"

I shrugged, "I uh, guess I got stronger I was training?"

She looked at me in a disturbed manner. "With a fucking god?"

I shrugged, "I unlocked my hidden potential I guess?"

Bulma rolled her eyes, "I guess that's fine leads me to the next one." She held up the exact device Crocili had. "This is a scouter, I know you destroyed one previously so you know what it does right?"

I nodded and Bulma continued. "When I scanned Crocili, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan and Piccolo, in that order. They had power levels of 677, 893, 1024, 1332 and 1670. So you are getting the idea, right?"

"You want to see my power level with that thing? I was about on par with piccolo, but what do you think will be my power-level?"

"I have no idea! You were the one who does all that martial arts stuff. I'm just a researcher and the worlds richest person, hottest women by capsule magazi-"

I raised an eyebrow at Bulma's boosting. "Don't you own that magiz-"

Bulma put a finger to my lip, "Shhhhh, now let's see here."

Bulma held up the scouter and watched as the number go up. It took a second, but Bulma spoke, "Are you sure you and Piccolo were on par with each other?"

I nodded, "Yeah why?"

"4313, that's you power-level. Ein, Kiddo what did you do?"

Bulma looked at me with concern and I felt my jaw almost drop at the number. 4313, how was that possible? "Are you sure its not like miscalculated or something?"

Bulma dropped it in my hand. "Pretty sure it isn't my power level is 23."

I raised the scouter up and sure enough it was 23. She saw the hint of worry on my face and responded. "Honey, you didn't actually go back in the demon realm did you?"

I waved my hands, "No, No! I just... Don't tell Mom please?"

Bulma nodded, "Only if it isn't something extreme."

With that I sighed, "Do you know how Roshi was immortal because he used the fountain of youth which burned up his hidden potential to increase his lifespan." Bulma nodded unsure of where this was going, but I continued.

"And how Gohan once said it was too bad Roshi couldn't reverse the process due to the hidden effect of the energy that represents one's lifespan."

Bulma's eyes widened, "You didn't!"

I rubbed the back of my head while looking away. "I did..."

Bulma put her fingers to her chin before speaking. "Gohan said that would have been able to make Roshi strong enough to kill King Piccolo and then some. Wait that was a little before you... None the less that concept was supposed to be very dangerous since one couldn't completely control the process."

I gave a half-hearted smile as Bulma stared at me. "I found a way..."

Bulma shook her head, "Can you control it? You won't just die becuase you burned off your life span?"

I shrugged, "Not really since my lifespan is now the amount of ki in my body. As long as I have some, I can regenerate my ki and live on. I guess that makes me immortal now in terms of the aging process."

Bulma laughed, "Man i wish I was like that, how a girl can dream... Eh i won't tell you mom. I believe you won't kill yourself on accident. You are a smart kid."

"Thanks Bulma."

She nodded, "Since you are so strong then, how about I grow the rest of these Saibamen and you help me restrain a living one or two."

I sighed. "I guess I wanted to see what I can do."


Bulma almost laughed, "THIS IS AMAZING. With these Saibamen I can easily grow food for the entire earth! I can even genetically modify those senzu beans you martial artists love so much. Cultivation hundreds, if not thousands of them."

I held up the Saibaman in my hands. "What do I do with this one then?"

Bulma smile was beaming. "I don't care break its neck or something."

I shrugged and did exactly that. "Kragh! Kur-Kag, KeKeKeeee-eh."

The Saibaman went limp and I placed it on the table with the Saibaman Bulma vivisected. "Now what besides you uh, food idea?"

Bulma shrugged, "Before I do proper research and all that I plan on making a space ship or two. Thanks to Crocili's space pod my space program is up by several years. Speaking of I don't suppose when I make said spaceship. Can you perhaps ride it to the outer solar system?"


Bulma smiled, "Can you fly it to the outer solar system."

"Uhhhhhhh." I bolted into the sky flying off to find Piccolo to mock him and his weak skills.