
Dragonball: A Human's Tale

We all know the story by now. A truck hits someone and they get reincarnated in another world. This is exactly what happens to Sam and he get's transported to the Dragonball world after getting some very limited wishes. He was reincrnated as a human and by using the Dragonballs although he may not match up to he could keep up with the other Z fighters while still being a human. Follow him on his journey to hopefully reach the peak while utilising the Dragonballs in the correct method. Btw I should just tell you this, I am very unreliable and update sporadically this book could even be considered dropped so DO NOT, DO NOT, give me stones, not like my book is worth them anyway.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 27 The Ring Of Time

Note: You mad lads reaching 10 reviews. So today 2 more chapters and now tomorrow 2 chapters and the day after same thing. If I dont manage 3 today then I'll do 3 tomorrow. By the way the vote ended if you want scroll up to check I'll be moving it to the Auxiliary volume after a few hours.

As Yuudai reached his house he went in and sat down while fiddling with the ring. "I should probably spend more time with Luna I mean it's going to be pretty lonely staying all by my self." Yuudai said while thinking about his life.

"Well enough moping around I better use this ring." Yuudai said enthusiastically as he stopped fiddling with the ring and put it on his ring finger and willed it to go into the other dimension. It didn't work though but he continued to try nevertheless.

"You look like you're constipated." A voice said which came from the door. Yuudai stopped trying and just looked at the door with a blank gaze. "What are you doing here?" Yuudai said a bit irritated. "Don't look at me like that. I just finished my trial but why do you look like you need to take a sh*t." Luna said while giggling.

Now Yuudai was very annoyed as he appeared in front of her and flicked her on the forehead slightly "Knock first bozo!" Yuudai said even more annoyed. "Ow! That hurts! Also I think you shouldn't be doing that in your living room, you should be doing that in your bathroom you constipated sh*t." Luna said angrily as she rubbed her forehead.

Yuudai was about to burst a vein when he started laughing "Hahahaha!" he laughed as he looked at her "What's so funny?" she asked. "Nothing." Yuudai said while waving his hand.

"Now go off and train I dont know why you didn't use the training feature since you should be able to access it now." Yuudai said as he closed the door. What he couldn't see though was Luna behind the door turned red and she mumbled softly "I just wanted to see you." and she flew off to her house.

(I am sorry for the cringe dont flame me! (i never said I was good at this.(I can feel the embarrasment already as I write this chapter.(what have I done!)))

As Yuudai headed back in he tried for the last time to access the dimension. "Take me to the dimension of spirit and time!"

"ZZP!" Yuudai was gone in a flash and reappeared within a completely white dimension. In front of him there was an room akin to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber except it was white and red in colour.

"Let the training begin." Yuudai said as he made 7 clones "All of you charge up to max ki fuse and then fight each other." Yuudai shouted at his makeshift training partners.

'Not only did I increase my power level to 3mil while fight the Ultimate Robot but I also remembered the multi form technique. This is practically the shadow clone jutsu but not as broken training wise since it only gives me another training partner.' Yuudai thought as he and his clones started powering up.

Soon you'd see 4 identical people fighting each other day in and day out in the dimension. They were tireless as they fought each other with all they had.

Every single day Yuudai would sleep for 8 hours exactly then he would eat. After that he would train for 6 hours and then he would eat again then he would train for another 8 hours then he would eat again and then relax for 2 hours as he thought about how to progress his training.

He kept this routine every single day till one faithful day.

6 months later.

"YOSH! I feel like I am about to surpass 10mil in terms of battle power then I could surely trample Freeza even with my make shift fusion." The Yuudais said with confidence as they battled each other. For the record Yuudai's fusion with his clones only multiplied there overall power by 20 times but that was still a high increase especially to a human.

After an hour they all unfused and returned to the original Yuudai. "PUUUU!" the energy was sucked in and compressed as Yuudai's power level reached 10mil "Although 10mil is a lot there shouldn't be such a reaction." Yuudai said but he soon found the cause of the reaction.

I am sorry if you didn't like the first bit I mean you know and I know this has to be done for the romance as well you cant do much in the HTC. Now I regret to inform you but I will be dropping the novel. JUST KIDDING DONT LEAVE! On a serious note I probably cant release the 3rd chapter today at least in the Webnovel time zone so I'll either release it "the next day" for Webnovel time or tomorrow my time. (btw I know about time zones don't flame me for referring to it like that.)

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