
Dragon x Angel

Awaken in heaven as an angel, the protagonist sets off leading a new life in the world of Highschool DXD How will it fare? -------------------------------------------- This is a Highschool DxD X Arifureta Fanfic! There will be a large harem ( Of course, it's Highschool DxD, what do you expect?) NO NETORARE (May contains netori) NO YURI NO YAOI

Kururin4221 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

-A few hours later-

"Elphael, wake up! The Seraphs has assembled in the meeting room!"

I slowly open my eyes, and I was greeted with Gabriel's cute face.

"Come on Elphael, the other's want to see you!"

Gabriel is innocent and childish, but I can't really hate her for it.

"Okay, give me a second to prepare then"

"No need! I will tidy you up using magic!"

All of a sudden, a bright light envelops me and I felt strangely energized. The light dissipated quickly and I look at my clothes and hands. Strangely, my clothes which were wrinkled is now tidy, and I felt my body is cleansed. I look at Gabriel with a questioning look and she explained,

"I cleanse your body and tidy up all your clothes, and I energized your body using light magic. If we were human, it would be that you drank a cup of coffee. Aren't I an amazing wife?!"

Gabriel seems proud of herself, if there is tail behind her, it would be wiggling left and right. I pat her head while smiling, she is just so cute I want to pamper her.

"Thank you, Gabriel, let's go to the meeting then"

I then left my room. This is my first time outside my room, what greets me is a hallway, and it seems that there are only my room in this hallway.

"This must be your first time out of your room! We are currently at the Sixth heaven, which only us Seraph can enter. Each of us seraph is given a room, and there are only one room for each hallway. All of this hallway will lead to the middle of the floor, which is where we usually have our meetings."

I see…. So there are only one room per hallway. While walking with Gabriel, she explains to me the basic knowledge of angels which is not given to me by the God of Bible. She also told me about the 3 faction Great war, which I already somewhat know from the DxD anime. But regardless, a lot of the information is not told in the anime, so it should be a good information for the future. I also got the year that we are in, supposedly, it is around 4 months before canon.

Not long after, we arrived at the meeting room. There, I saw 2 Angels beside Michael.

One is an orange haired handsome angel, He is taller than me, probably around 2 meters tall, with a darker skin tone. His outfit is kinda… different from Michael. If Michael is using armors and robe, this guy is only using white stole, and he is not using any clothes…

The other one is a green haired angel, he is the same height as Michael, and he has a soothing face. I am not surprise if he could become an idol if he come to the human world. He is using a white robe embroiled with golden lines.

When Michael sees me, he stood up and greet me,

"Ah, Elphael, you are here, let me introduce you to other Seraphs, the orange haired one is Uriel, and Green haired one is Raphael."

"Hello, you must be the new Seraph. I am Uriel, if you need anything, feel free to consult me."

Uriel smiled at me. Regardless his rough appearance, he seemed really kind, it is like having a reliable big brother.

"Like wise, please take care of me"

I smiled back at him, and slightly bow my body to show my respect to him. In a sense, all of them are my senior, I cannot bear to throw my weight around here.

"Please raise your head, we are all the same rank here, we do not have any hierarchy here for you to bow your head to us. By the way, I am Raphael, like wise if you need any help, do not hesitate to look for me."

"Ah yes thank you all for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it."

Michael then clapped his hands to gather up the attention

"Okay, now that introduction is over, we are here to tell you Elphael, about your position in Seraph. First, I think Gabriel should have explained to you about the angels, we are currently on the Sixth Heaven, this is only a place for the Seraph. I do not know how much information Father has given you, so can you tell us what information Father has left for you?"

"He told me that angels are strictly monogamous, and he told me to repopulate the angels. He gave me some skills for it, and he said it is my freedom on how to use this power, but he does leave me a will to help the angels, so I will try my best to help this race."

"Okay, it seems that Father did tell you some information about us, but not complete. Let me tell you the rest then. Before Father left for the Great war, he told me about the abilities that He has bestow upon you. He did tell us that you would be different from us, because your soul was a human. You would already taste the seven sins that would made us angel fall. But as a human you also have done seven virtues, which is the teachings of we angels."

"Why would the God revive me if he knows I was once a human? I was contaminated with the seven sins, I should not be able to become an angel."

I was always wondering about this. The seven virtues of angel should always be upheld, and me being contaminated with seven sins should be detrimental for them.

"Father told me, that we need to make a flexible choice in this. When he heads for the Great war, he knew that all three factions will later suffer from a population crisis. That is why he made a vessel for you, to become somewhat a figure that would unite the three factions. Right now, the three faction is at their lowest point, and a lot of other faction out there are waiting for us to wear ourself down, and then they would reap all the benefit. That is where you came in, as you are given a power to repopulate a faction, whether it is angel, devil or fallen angels. As a human, you were exposed to 7 sins and 7 virtues, while I do not know which of the 2 you were leaning into, but at least you should know both sins and virtue. This made you special, because you could then mediate between the three factions. We angels do not know sins, because if we knew, we would already have fallen."

"Okay… I understand your explanation, but isn't fallen angel also exposed to the 7 sins? Why can't they be the mediator then?"

Michael smiled at my question, and continued explaining

"A fallen angel usually falls because they were exposed to sins, but it is usually one or two sins. They do not bear all 7 sins as usual devil does. While as a human, you were exposed to all 7 sins, and all 7 virtues, that is why the best mediator would be humans. But, there aren't a lot of human with a strong soul, if those souls and inserted to a vessel, at most they would only be a low-level angels, and they would not have any difference from a regular angel, cause when they die, their soul would be purified first. But in your case, your soul was very strong, and your soul is not purified, probably because the system is different on another world, which is why you are suitable for the vessel."

I nodded, "Okay I understand, so what should I do?"

"We are currently negotiating peace with both devils and fallen angels. We plan to bring you forth as a potential bargaining chip if you agreed. At most, you would have a marriage with both a devil and fallen angels. Since Father made you for that purpose, you will have a polygamous relationship with another woman, I have talked to Gabriel about this, and she agreed."

I looked at Gabriel and she smiled at me, I cannot believe I got such a beautiful and understanding fiancée. As far as I know, Gabriel is in a Seraph of kindness and Chasity. That must be why she is so kind, even the favor was not on her side.

For me marrying a bunch of women is a blessing other than a curse, but I still can't feel comfortable, since my race is an angel, and what I am doing is no different from a devil, and will Gabriel get sad over this?

Seeing my guilty face, Michael speak up,

"This is why we say about human are the best mediator for we all. We angel cannot fathom the happiness from such polygamous relationship, but I feel that you felt happy about it, but you also feel guilty about it. The happiness should be from the "Sin of Lust" and the guilt must be from the "Virtue of Temperance". If a devil were to placed in the same situation, they would not feel any guilt for that, they would rather welcome it. But you were guilty, probably because you worry that Gabriel will feel sad. You do not have to worry about this too much, hold on to those feelings, it will help you mediate the three factions."

I nodded, and asked,

"I understand, Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, feel free to ask."

"Why is that neither of you guys thought of marrying Gabriel?"

The three of them went silent for a while, and then all of them laugh together.

Was my question weird? Is it funny?

Uriel stopped laughing and answered me,

"Sorry sorry, we weren't expecting that question. Ok to answer you, Gabriel is like our little sister, and you should know Incestuous relationship is a taboo for us. For lower angels, some of them even falls right after they saw Gabriel. Well in the first place, all of them is not strong enough for Gabriel. Gabriel is strongest among us all, and she is the most doted by our Father, so Father usually gave her the best treatment, and of course since you are engaged to her, it means you are the best partner Father could find for her."

I see… So, it is an honor to be married to her… Somehow it weights on me. Luckily, angels should not be a race of envy, if not I do not know how many envious eyes would be eyeing my position.


(A/N): Please give me a powerstone if you think the story is good! I appreciate your comment as well!