
Dragon Warlock: Divine Summoner in The Apocalypse

A thousand, thousand years ago, the gods and daemons clashed in a furious apocalypse, The War of Doomsday. That perilous war spawned the creation of Time Storms, Teleportals, and recently, Sorcerers. A Sorcerer was a person born with the ability to manipulate the energy of the gods. With their amazing abilities, they protected the world from FlashBacks, beasts, and other perilous vices out to slay humanity. Once each ten years, hundreds of people would develop an Energy Core and thus, would become a sorcerer. They would then spend some time at The P.A and come out as Protectors. This was one of those decades. Red haired teenager, Tai Leong had been born in the other parts of the Floating Isles. Abandoned by his birth parents, he had been raised by a nice couple who took him in. However, they had died soon after when a Grade-2 Flashback had occurred near their house, luckily, Tai had been saved in the nick of time by a Protector who happened to be in the area. But never had he ever thought that he would now become one of the Protectors himself. However, with a weak summoning Affinity, Tai resigns to his fate of being a forever weak item summoner. Until ... [You have slain a divine level beast, Shadow Dragon's spawn.] [Your soul energy grows stronger] [You have received a Summon] Armed with the power of The Divine Dragons in his hands, and extreme misfortune by his side, Tai is determined to survive the apocalypse and become the strongest Protector to ever live while at it.

Dark_Daemon_2 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

I have the worst affinity!

As the people were all led to a different room after the Affiliation process, the next step was one Tai hated a whole lot...

"I got fire!"

"Really?, That's amazing! I ended up with earth."

"I have an affinity to wind, what's yours?"

"Oh, I have one for water."

It was Socialization!

Tai was always an outcast, no matter where he was, be it an orphanage, the streets, or a servant quarter.

It was not because he found it hard to talk to other people, no, It was infact the opposite.

He found it way too easy to talk to other people.

He would tell secrets, bluntly insult someone, and say whatever was on his mind.

This annoying trait had gotten him into quite a lot of pickles in his life.

Instead of sitting idly, though, Tai decided to lament his fate.

Why did he of all people have to unlock summoning of all things?!!

Why couldn't he just unlock fire, or water, or earth, or even wind?!

Summoners were always the bottom of the barrel, even though they were an important asset for every cohort, as they would not have a role higher than carrying the stuff about and summoning them when needed.

While the red haired teenager was lamenting his fate, the room seemed to drop a few degrees as the blue haired girl had walked in.

First, everyone shuddered from the cold that seemed to emanate from her.

Then people swarmed her like ants on sugar, asking questions.

"Hey, what's your affinity?"

"Would you go out with me?"

"I have fire, impressive right?"

But the girl simply ignored them all and went to lean against a wall.

However, the fire affiliated boy would not be ignored.

"How dare you fucking ignore me?!"

Turning swiftly, his fists erupted in flames as he dived towards the girl.

But before he could hit her, she caught his fiery fist with ease.

"Fucking... fuck...off!!!"

Then she sent him flying over the room.

Tai had his mouth hanging wide open.

How could a girl of his age be so strong?

He had the unnatural ability to see things in greater detail than others, so he could see that she had used only her physical strength to hurl him.

She was not putting on any pieces of enhancement type armor, so it had to be her strength alone.

The blue haired girl glared at the star struck teenagers present in the room as she turned her hands into ice.

"Now leave me alone."

Tai groaned in frustration as the crowd around the girl slowly dispersed.

He felt so jealous right now.

"Inhumane strength, plus a super rare affinity to ice?

Some people just get all the luck."

Soon enough, the teenagers had gotten back to their idle talks.

Strangely, no one had approached him, the blue haired girl, and the blonde girl who had an affinity to revelations.

Finding the blonde girl sitting in a corner, Tai smiled a bit.

Which came out looking really weird by the way.

"Hello, I'm Tai."

However, the girl just stared blankly at him.


"Won't you say your name?"


"...ok?, What do you think about your Affinity?"




The blonde girl had vehemently refused to talk.

However, Tai could read some serious 'get away' vibes coming from her.

Creeped out and slightly embarrassed, the red haired teenager stood up and gingerly walked away.

"Well, that was extremely awkward."

Luckily, the bald fire mage from earlier appeared in a burst of flames at that moment.

However, he was accompanied by five other people carrying chairs.

"Alright students, could you all please form a straight line according to your name?"

Since Tai began with the letter T, the teenager found himself at the back once again.

The bald man smiled and continued.

"Very good.

I am called Jonston Grand, and I will be handling the fire classes.

Those of you with an affinity for the flame should gather yourselves in a group and come to meet me later."

The woman next to him straightened up before taking a low bow.

"I am Diana Helmswort, and I will be taking the water classes.

Those of you with an affinity for the waves, please gather yourselves into one group and meet me."

The man by his side scratched his head full of long brown hair a bit so he came up and bowed.

"You guys should just call me Zain.

I shall be taking the wind classes, so those of you that were blessed with an affinity for the breeze, please do gather into a group and approach me later."

The man at the back was obviously for the earth classes since he had dirt over his hands for some reason.

"I am Hareton black, and I will be handling you guys on the earth.

Anyone who has an affinity for the earth and rocks, please do not fail to gather Into one group and contact me."

Then the last person, a black haired lady at the very back, stood groggily.

With a deep sigh, she took a very slight bow.

"I am Athena. Anyone who doesn't fall into any of these categories should find a way to find me later, I'll be around somewhere...I guess."

Jonston, the bald fire mage, gave her a dirty look to which she just shrugged and slumped down on her seat.

Sighing at her unbecoming behavior, he continued.

"Please, you all are now considered students of the Protector's Academy.

Please act earnestly, to become a good Protector for our city, and keep our name in esteemed glory during your stay here.

I look forward to seeing you fire affiliated protectors tomorrow morning during classes.


Then they all left one by one.

The lady with black hair, Athena, was the first to leave, while Jonston, the bald fire mage left last. Watching their receeding figures, Tai groaned once again.

"As if getting a terrible affinity wasn't bad enough, now I have to deal with a lethargic teacher too."