
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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the inner dragon

the next day I did my daily's but during my meditation I could feel that all I needed was a push then I would be able to figure out my instincts. I asked Lumi but all she said was that it is a trial set by the 3 and I had to overcome this without her help.

so, I just thought about what I should do but I couldn't come up with anything. so, I just went back to my dorm and waited for classes while playing a bit with Fenrir. soon enough it was time for classes and doctor Oobleck was the first class. I have to say I look forward to his class as he was one of my favorite characters.

on the way to class, I met up with Mordred and talked on the way. she complained about ban a bit but then she just gave up as he would just keep on doing what he does. neo and Konan have been getting along great as they did lose themselves to despair from their past but now, they have hope again. I'm happy that they are friends they both needed that.

after a small walk we got to class, and I saw Cardin and my blood boiled in anger at being looked down on, but I was soon able to restrain it. Oobleck soon came in and started his class. he started it with explaining the importance of history and how if we don't learn from it, we are doomed to repeat it.

I agree with the statement but there will always be fools who think that they know better, and it starts another cycle of bloodshed. after all humans are mostly controlled by greed and lust. their greed for power and money, and their lust for women or men. that is how earth was almost in a war with someone if all the minds of the world combined, they would create something amazing and solve so many problems.

I'm getting sidetracked as I'm thinking this Oobleck starts explaining some of their greatest failures as a kingdom like mountain Glenn and how so many lives were lost. that was the most recent failure in the kingdom, but he then started to say how they could learn from it after all failure was the greatest teacher.

overall, his explanation and class was great. the next class was port, but I skipped it as I'm not sitting in there for an hour listening to his stories. so, I decided to go to the combat class as that is the next one, we will go to. Glynda was teaching the second years some pointers.

she noticed me watching in the corner and spoke " hello there Mr. dragonsvayne do you need something or are you just going to lurk in the corner?"

I chuckled and said, " hello to you too Ms. goodwitch and I'm skipping ports class and since the next one is combat class, I figured I would hang out here and watch, or maybe help give a few pointers if you'll allow me to."

she thought about it and said " very well I'm sure they won't mind you helping as you have experience in teaching. after all you trained team Rwby even before coming to beacon and trained jaune and helped Pyrrha as well."

I nodded and spoke " well I didn't help Pyrrha that much just gave her a few ideas but the other I can see what you saying as each of them I only trained for a few months other than ruby and yang but that was because I had to hold back since they were too young at the time. oh, I have an idea if you'll allow me to say it."

she nodded and I spoke " well I was thinking since I'm at a professional hunter level we could spar and show what level they should be able to reach as we are both high levels. what do you say?"

she looked down in thought and looked at the students and saw that they looked like they were excited to see it. so, she sighed and said " alright I guess that's fine, but we need to adjust the rules a bit. instead of watching our aura it will be a certain amount of good hits let's say 10 to 15 hits. both of us have a lot of aura so instead of being here for hours it should be a short but good fight. what do you say?"

I nodded and everyone was watching us as we entered the arena, I will be using my dual blades only and Glynda has her riding crop the disciplinarian. we both got in ready stances and coco was the acting ref sort of as we will be able to tell when we reached our hit limit.

soon coco said begin and I ran at her as she broke apart the ground to give herself projectiles and flung a few to me and I sidestepped and slashed at her, but she moved a rock piece and blocked it. she then imbued her crop with some fire dust and fired a telekinetic blast at me, but I was able to roll out of the way, but she then shot a piece of rubble at me, and I got hit.

I then recovered and dashed at her and did a faint slash and hit her with 2 hits and I then rolled out of the way as she countered with a rubble imbued with ice dust. we then stopped for a second as I smiled at her and then decided to do something I wasn't planning on. I changed my weapon configuration to my scythe as I hear gasps from the crowd and Glynda is now looking nervous as the scythe is one of the hardest weapons to master and since I haven't revealed it yet and how I fight with it.

I swing my scythe around to kind of show off and soon stopped and said to Glynda " well you should be proud that you were able to get me to reveal one of my configurations. you are the first person I've fought with this not even qrow has seen it. though now that that I think about it ruby going to be a little upset, she didn't get to see it first."

the class chuckled and Glynda actually smiled and said " I thank you for the honor then you are powerful. I will admit I had my doubts, but you blew them away and showed how strong you are."

I smiled and said " I'm not surprised that had those thoughts, but you got one thing wrong I never showed how strong I truly am. I hold back a lot so as not to accidentally kill anyone."

everyone was shocked to hear that I've been holding back. Glynda had a wry smile and got into a ready stance again. I then dashed forward with my scythe at the ready and did a crescent slash. she shot some rubble at me, and I dodged and slashed another 4 times and she recovered then threw a rubble with fire and ice dust and exploded into a steam cloud. she retreated to get some distance, but I ran through the steam and slashed her for the final time as we reached the limit, we are able to do.

she was breathing heavily and sat down to catch her breath and I was perfectly fine, and the students were looking at us with awe. I spoke soon after " so that was fun but who can name a mistake that Ms. goodwitch made?"

velvet was the one who raised her hand and I called on her and she said, " she underestimated her opponent and let her guard down near the end."

I nodded and said " yes that is one mistake most hunters do as they grow stronger, they get too confident in their abilities and think they are stronger than their opponent and they underestimate their opponents and often time that lads to their death. so don't underestimate anyone or anything as a single mistake could lead to your death in the field."

Glynda stood back up and spoke " yes that is true I have seen it happen to others so please follow that advice. now let's get back onto you guys."

the rest of the class was me helping out and giving advice. the class finally ended and as everyone was leaving, I decided to talk to Glynda. " Hey Glynda, I didn't say this earlier but that was a good match and if I may offer some advice."

she looked at me and said, " thank you and sure I suppose I could hear it."

I gave a wry smile and said " well I've noticed how stiff your movements are and im thinking it has to do with your outlook or lifestyle. so, the advice is this learn to live your life and have fun. you don't need to be so strict all the time as that is no way to live. there must be chaos for order to exist and vice versa. that is one rule of the world or any world as we must have hardships in order to truly enjoy life. you need to find a balance to live."

she looked down in thought for a moment and sighed and said " your right I've tried to find a balance, but I lose it soon after. I'm strict because I believe without rule, we are nothing. I try to keep order in the school but I'm not able to as there are always areas or things I don't see."

I smiled at her and said " Glynda you can't do things by yourself as even gods need help sometimes. the brother gods are a good example they needed each other to create us and the world. so, if you need help anytime let me know and ill help doesn't matter what. even if its paperwork."

I grumbled the last part and she actually laughed at that, and she smiled at me and said " thank you Doryu, I'll probably take you up the offer. especially paperwork."

I grumbled again and she smiled at me, and I soon said, " your welcome Glynda but I guess it's almost time for class to start and before anyone else comes I'm going to go meditate to calm myself."

I really did need to calm myself as her smile was beautiful, I wanted to kiss her because she was so cute. alas I couldn't so I just waited until my fight with Cardin as I have a feeling that this will give me what I need to tame my instincts.

while I was in my meditation everyone arrived, and Glynda explained what combat class was for. Cardin wanted to fight me, but Glynda said to wait until she was done explaining as he got a detention for speaking out. he just shut up and got angrier.

finally, she stopped and asked for volunteers for the fight and Cardin immediately joined and he then said, " hey Doryu, I challenge you so get your weak ass down here or are you a coward as well?"

I got out of my meditation and looked at him as my eyes turned even more draconic and if you looked closely you could see some scales appearing around my eyes and my eyes had a red glow in them.

I soon jumped into the arena and took off my glasses I was wearing and just stared at him coldly as I could see him flinch. I wasn't going to use my weapons, so he had his mace and armor on as I had my regular clothes on. I could feel my back pulse as my tattoo had a glow.

Cardin then started talking " heh so you're not a total woose. I still don't believe that your stronger than me or that you did all those things. so, I will prove that you're not as strong as you say!"

I shook my head and spoke " I don't care that you don't believe me the only reason I accepted this duel is because you're a racist piece of shit your heart is so corroded in darkness, I don't know how you even got here."

he got angrier and yelled " yeah so what those animals belong below us because that's what they are animals! they belong in cages serving us as their masters!"

I looked at him and said " you know you were right about one thing. I'm not as strong as I say."

as I said that he got a cocky smirk on him as if saying he was right, but I continued soon after. " I am so much stronger than I say. I hold back my strength to not kill unnecessarily. you really piss me off looking down on everyone as if you're a god and untouchable. you're not and your one of the weakest here."

as I said that he got pissed and as soon as I was finished, he charged at me with his mace raised but I lost myself in anger as my aura started leaking out and my dragon side started to take over.

soon I saw nothing but black as I looked around. I had a feeling I knew what was happening and just waited. soon enough I saw a dragon flying to me and looked ready to fight. I also got ready to fight as I knew I had to fight my inner dragon and win to get control.

as I started fighting in my mind outside was a mess as Cardin just kept running and I was just chasing him around with my aura covering the whole area. everyone was afraid at my aura, but a few were unaffected they were the ones i considered my weyr or my pride.

they all looked and wondered what was going on with me as I had a bloodthirsty smile on my face. Mordred was able to figure it out fast but didn't do anything as there is nothing she could do same with her team. team Rwby and jnpr as well as Glynda were looking at me with unsure faces.

inside my head I was fighting my dragon and inside was a lot longer than outside. it felt like I was fighting for years I lost track. the dragon and I were bloody all over as we knew that it was time for the final blow. we both got ready he got a flame going as I used my ki and fired. soon after I won as I started laughing like a maniac.

I soon stopped and felt in control and then decided to get out of my mindscape. outside no one could do anything. they all watched as finally I caught him and was about to land a blow as I was finally back in control and hit the ground next to his head. as he saw what happened to the ground he fainted, and I smirked at him.

Glynda called the match and told me to go to ozpins office. I nodded as it was expected and walked to oz as I went over what happened in my head. it seems that I was just chasing him around and torturing him in a way.

I made it to Oz's office and went in he looked at me and sighed. I chuckled at his expression and said, " I take it you want an explanation as what happened and why I went out of control."

he nodded and I then explained what I truly am, and his expression was priceless. after explaining what happened to me and why I went out of control he sighed and said " I still find that hard to believe but it is understandable as even Faunus are overwhelmed by their instincts same as humans. I guess we should be happy that you got it under control. I do have a question though. why if you're so powerful not take care of Salem and end this war?"

I sighed as well and said " I can't babysit everyone and I'm not going to be here all the time to save people, so others need to step up along with me. also, where is the fun in just doing that after all the journey is one of the best parts isn't it."

he sighed again and said " yeah, I guess you're not wrong as I have tried doing it by myself and failed. I suppose I see where you are coming from. just please step in if things get out of hand."

I nodded at him and said " yeah, I will and if I were you, I would tell your inner circle about Salem and the truth about her. ironwood will freak out if he finds out on his own but tell him that we can seal her. I still don't know why you didn't think of that even if you guys fail, I have something that can kill her."

he nodded as I left to my dorm I was in my thoughts as I felt something fly into my side and hug me. I looked at what it was and chuckled once I saw what it was. It was mew hugging me as I guess she got worried at what happened.

so, I just hung out with mew and went to my dorm to sleep in peace as my instincts have now become under my control. I won't have to worry about random anger or anything.

sorry for not posting got sick and didnt write and my computer was put away as the room im in doesnt get internet but wensday ill have something that will let me get internet so thanks for reading

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