
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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the hidden reward

the next day I woke up feeling refreshed and at peace as my dragon side is not fighting against me. I knew I completed a quest but didn't check as I was mentally exhausted from what happened.

I decided to check what I got so I went over the rewards I've gotten in the past few years and as always it is a lot.

the good things I've gotten are {turbo energy (controlled), great balls x100, perfected spiderman powers, assassins gear set (assassins' creed), fire bending (atla), Excalibur complete (dxd), shadow hunter abilities, devil trigger abilities, rebellion (dmc), Yamato (dmc), Savitar suit (collapsible), evil piece set (dxd), space affinity, singing mastery, construction mastery, taming mastery.}

I got more but ill focus on these right now some are self-explanatory. the perfected spiderman powers are the culmination of all the best spider powers like miles Morales venom and invisibility but the venom does not decrease the spider sense. it also has the accelerated vision that Miguel O'Hara had but it still has spider senses.

it has the enhanced abilities and the stingers but the stingers will be combined with my dragon side so nigh unbreakable for now. I will also have organic webbing and the control of spiders just like ant man. this power is going to be fun as who doesn't want to be like spiderman.

the turbo energy is from the max steel tv series, and it had the power to disrupt electronic devices and is from the planet takion. the energy isn't the same as the one max had as it can disrupt and restore devices. so, it is a combo of green and blue turbo energy and I won't have to worry about exploding due to lack of control.

the complete dxd Excalibur is all the Excalibur pieces. it is a decent weapon but when compared to the fate version it still doesn't hold a candle.

rebellion and Yamato are from the devil may cry game series one unifies, and one separates.

the devil trigger abilities are the full set, so it has Dantes and Vergil's abilities while in the form. I'm probably not going to use it often, but I always loved the series.

the evil pieces I will use at a later time as once I take them and fuse them, I would gain the dxd devil bloodline and right now I don't want it and I don't need the evil pieces but later I will use them.

the shadow hunter abilities are what they refer to as the Nephilim blood and the runes. the runes I will know all of them and the bloodline will help give more to my light affinity.

everything else except the taming mastery should be self-explanatory. the taming mastery will give me experience in taming so Pokémon universe, I know how to tame every animal from that universe. any kind of animal I now know how to tame so this will help a lot as it also makes me seem less threating to animals to help tame them.

so overall I have gotten some good things but that is not all I got as helping get team Rwby stronger than what they were, granted me a hidden mission and for that mission I got a title that will help train them it is called, fate changer. the title does what it says as I have changed the fate of the people around me, things won't be the same though I already saw that coming.

Getting up out of bed I did my daily routine as I thought on how to proceed. I don't want to rush this as I want to experience the world around me a bit more and if need be, I will kill Salem.

but onto another matter I'm now going to Glynda's class to help her instead of being bored in a class that I already know, and I would be helping in training other people.

on the way I noticed a few fearful looks towards me, but I shrugged them off as it was not unexpected as I was really brutal to Cardin, but I don't care as he needed to be knocked down a few.

reaching the class, I walked in and stood in the back like last time Glynda noticed me and said, " are you going to always lurk in the dark before join class Mr. dragonvayne?"

I chuckled at her comment and stepped forward and said, " well I have to enter with style don't I as that is one of the fun things about being a hunter as we get to be dramatic most of the time."

she kept a straight face but i could see she had twitch of her lips as she fought to not smile. she finally said with a sigh " I won't deny that a majority of our hunters are dramatic. that goes especially for qrow as I'm sure he started it all."

I chuckled again and nodded as I said " yeah, he is very dramatic. but I'm not here to talk about qrow even though I'm sure he would love that. I'm here to help train these future hunters and huntresses, if you'll allow me Ms. goodwitch."

I finished with a small bow, and I could see her really trying to not smile to keep up her strict teacher persona. I could see the students excited about me training them. Glynda finally said, " very well Mr. dragonsvayne your help would be appreciated."

I smiled at her and nodded as we both began to teach until the next period. after the period was over me and Glynda were now watching the student file out of the classroom, so I started talking with her and said, " so Glynda how has your day been so far?"

she snickered a bit and said, " better now that I have help as that means I have less paperwork to do later."

when she said that I froze and smiled wryly and said " right the paperwork. how could I forget about the hell that is paperwork."

she chuckled at what I said and smiled at me then said, " I don't know but I'm certainly happy about it as now I won't suffer alone."

I shook my head at her words before thinking about helping her relax a bit more and then i had an idea.

I then said, " hey Glynda what if I could help cut that paperwork down by half at least what would you say?"

she stiffened at what I said and asked hesitantly " is that really possible? can you really cut the paperwork down by half?"

I could have sworn that I just saw a few tears in her eyes as I thought ' wow she really needs the help with this. now that I think about it does oz push all of his paperwork on her as every time, I see him he isn't doing anything but drinking his coco.'

I nodded at her as I brought up my scroll and said " yes, I can, and this will help a lot. Jarvis say hello to Glynda or Ms. goodwitch I am going to need you to help her out with paperwork as well as making sure she has time to relax."

Glynda looked confused and was about to speak until she heard a British accent talking man on my scroll say " hello Ms. goodwitch it is honor to be in your service and am looking forward to working with you. my name is Jarvis I am an ai created to help Mr. dragonsvayne with his work along with other things."

her jaw dropped in shock at what she was hearing and after few said " yes, it's a pleasure and thank you for helping me. you Mr. dragonsvayne have surprised me yet again I'm not sure if you have any more or not but thank you very much for this."

as she said that she gave me a big smile and walked up to me and got on her tippy toes and pecked my cheek. I stood there stunned as I was not expecting that but smiled at her as I gave Jarvis added himself to her scroll.

I was happy as a man can be and who wouldn't be when a sexy woman gives you a sincere smile and kisses your cheek in a thankful way. it just has an effect that makes you happy.

it was now time for the next class as I see team Rwby walk in with jnpr close behind they all smiled when they saw me as they figured it was going to be a fun training session.

phyrra looked to be thinking about something but ren and Nora looked to be determined to get stronger as they could see how strong their teammates were one was a former tournament champion and the other was their leader who had only trained for a short while.

as I saw them, I knew they wanted to get stronger, and I was going to help them in more ways than one. I was going to help them get together as they belong together.

so class started and Glynda set up some spars and we helped correct some mistakes that they made. halfway into the class I saw ruby was going to spar against yang, and I was looking forward to seeing how they do.

they got their stuff and went into the arena and they looked excited as well. ruby spoke soon after, " I'm not going to lose this time yang but should we do just hand to hand or with weapons?"

yang grinned and said, " let's do no weapons so we can show doryu how much we improved. we never showed him so this is the perfect time and we can show everyone how strong we are."

ruby smiled and nodded as she got into a stance that looked to be a mix of what I taught her. Yang's stance was a mix of what I taught and her dad's style and I can tell they have practiced a lot. each stance only has one opening which is impressive for their age.

the fight then started and they rushed at each other as ruby used her small size to duck under Yang's punch and tried to elbow her but yang put her hand and caught it. they then started to move into a flurry of punches and kicks yang has more strength but ruby has a lot more dexterity. so yang has trouble hitting but ruby has to be careful as she can't compete in strength at least not yet.

after a while yang used her semblance and did get a hit in and it made ruby fly back some but ruby recovered soon after and used her semblance and got a hit in and the hit disoriented yang but also put her aura in red.

the buzzer rang and they stopped yang groaned and ruby was smiling brightly and I announced the results. "Yang's aura is in the red so the winner is ruby. the only thing I can think of for advice is ruby needs to build some more strength and yang needs more flexibility but nicely done ladies."

after hearing me they smiled a lot more and they went to the showers glynda was amazed at how strong they were if her wide eyes were anything to go by.

she then spoke, " wow I'll admit they are stronger than I thought and that was just hand to hand. you really trained them well."

I smiled at her and spoke "thank you for that Glynda I'm very proud of them. they have come a long way and still have room to grow both as people and huntress's."

she nodded as the class went on and soon enough the bell rang so I bid farewell to Glynda and met up with my team and team jnpr.

I smiled at them and spoke first, "nice job you guys I'm proud of you all but don't get complacent as you still have more to learn. ren and Nora I saw that you both want to get stronger so I'll help train you and get stronger. Pyrrha if you want to join your always welcome."

they all smiled and nodded so I spent some time training them and refining my control soon a week passed and Glynda had decided to take everyone to forever fall forest.

heres a little gift i had this one stowed so here and again see you all soon

Wolfe_pack22creators' thoughts