
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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well now we have reached mistral and are heading to the tournament area to sign up and the city is really busy. though I guess that's understandable as there's a tournament soon and people want to see it. when we first arrived, I had Fenrir go into a pup form as to give him a harmless vibe and who doesn't like puppies, I have him on my shoulders chilling. Mordred is looking around to see what this world is like as it is a mix between fantasy and modern really.

over the past couple of days when i was travelling with them we got closer Fenrir trusts me a lot more and Mordred a bit less, I think he can feel her past somewhat as she was known as the knight of treachery. I think over time with me she will start to understand more of why she was declined as we have time instead of a short time and focusing on the grail. her character is complex well it's understandable she grew up with artoria as a person of worship and what they considered a paragon of light and peace. maybe she will have a more peaceful time, but I know she enjoys fighting and winning as she was brought up that way I look forward to her future.

we are now at the venue to sign up for the tournament and I can tell Mordred also wants to participate but I can't let her she would most likely not hold back at a good opponent like Pyrrha, and she would definitely not be happy to give up if asked.

I spoke to her," Mordred I can't have you participate as you are stronger than them and if faced with someone i want to help like Pyrrha you won't give up. later if you want to fight, we can go to the training ground and spar if you want as I'm sure you would enjoy fighting me more."

after i finished she looked in thought then looked at me and spoke," yeah, you're not wrong and sure I would definitely love to fight you more than some kids, but you will fight me later. I will beat you." she started having a bloodthirsty grin on her face i could see the passersby's got unnerved at it, but I just smiled and nodded as I expected this.

after signing up I went to a hotel I may have my inner world but it's not right to use it all the time yet it's too empty still so i got a 2 bed room. once there Mordred flopped onto the bed and sighed in contentment as Fenrir jumped down and was on my bed and just laid down as what I can only say happiness at the bed. I chuckled a bit at them and decided to take a shower then watch tv. on the news it seems girah stepped down as the white fang leader and Seinna started the more radical part and Schnee shipments are being hit now as well.

looks like that's my next destination I'm sure Blake just had a falling out with her parents and went with Adam the bull Faunus Hes a stubborn one. huh i wonder if it's because Hes a bull Faunus that Hes stubborn i never thought about it before.

the next day was the day of the tournament I could already hear cheers for blood. I was in the waiting room after prelims Mordred was in the stands with Fenrir as I can't have them with me, I'm glad Fenrir is getting better Hes still somewhat guarded but that's just something time will solve. there was a few matches before mine but it seems I'm now up so i start walking to the area with my weapon I'm just going to use my dual swords right now.

once there the announcer was commentating as it seems the guy in front of me is a past contender as it seemed he got 2nd place, which means he fought Pyrrha. I'm kind of looking forward to this as I have my ring restrict a lot of my strength my opponent has a sword and shield as his mail and a pistol side interesting combo.

he started speaking," well looks like today is an unlucky day for you to fight me as your first match." when he said that I was irked I was being looked down on me a dragon just because he got 2nd place. I had to take a breath and not let my instincts overwhelm me and got in a ready position with by blades in my stance. I could also hear laughing in the audience it was Mordred laughing at him as she knew how strong i was. I did a smirk and looked at him with a I'm going to win look and he looked pissed.

after that the match started as we charged at each other one of my blades slammed against his shield and the other against his sword as I then moved to dodge a kick from him, and I countered him taking a bit of his aura out maybe a percent. he stumbled at the strength of my strike and i saw an opportunity to strike again so I did a dual upward slash, he then was able to mov his blade down to me but I dodged again. he then did a shield charge i maneuvered behind him and did a spinning kick or roundhouse kick and hit him again. he looked angry and decided to shield up and run with his blade pointed at me. what I did was slide under him and take his feet out from under him and slash his back as the buzzer rang as his aura broke and I won.

I then walked back to wait for my next matches I heard cheers as I heard them chanting blind swordsman, I stumbled when I heard that but then I am wearing a blindfold.

my next matches were nothing to boast about so now I'm in the finals with Pyrrha I was excited she was an excellent spearman and shield user. her semblance polarity won't be a problem a i was able get a kind of magnetic charge like what wolverine did to his claws to not get affected by magneto.

I walked to the stage and started speaking with Pyrrha, " hello nice to meet you Pyrrha you might have heard my name but I'm Doryu and I got to say I'm looking forward to our match."

she spoke," likewise Doryu may we have a good match." we got in our stances her with her shield and spear at the ready.

when the match started, she switched to long range and started shooting at me while i dodged and got closer she went close range after seeing it won't work. she tried to thrust at me, but I parried with a sword and got closer she saw it and I could feel her aura build. she tried to use her semblance, but it didn't work, and she jumped back i let her and stopped for a bit as she looked perplexed.

I spoke," I charged my blades so no magnetic force will work i had a theory on your semblance looks like I was right."

she looked at me amazed and she spoke, " well then this just got a lot harder I was not expecting that, and you have amazing swordsmanship. I have never had this hard a time from someone my age ever really, I'm really happy right now thank you."

I spoke next, " thanks for the compliment and you as well say would you like to make a wager if you win, I'll do whatever you want but if I win, I want a date with you. what do you say?" she looked surprised but then agreed and we started fighting again.

we kept our clash going blade against blade parry after parry all the while we had smiles on our faces as we just entered our own world fighting to fight. then a while later her aura got in the red, we stepped away from each other and decided to do one more big clash. she then charged forward and threw her shield and grabbed her spear and thrust again and again repeatedly as I was dodging the blows. I then built a charge up and slashed at her and silence ensued as her aura broke the commentator screamed that I won.

Pyrrha had a smile on her face as she was on the ground I walked up to her and extended my hand with a smile of my own and helped her and spoke," that was an awesome match you did great and i hope you didn't forget about our wager MS Nikos."

when i said that she blushed a bit but nodded and spoke, " thank you and I didn't forget about it at all its a bit hard to with you. so, when and where do you want to meet?"

I thought and said, " how about tomorrow for dinner at ******* ***** at 5 I can pick you up at your place." she agreed and said, " i look forward to it and here this is my phone number see you tomorrow." she walked away after that and I was having a shit eating grin as i get a date with Pyrrha.

I met up with Mordred after and we walked back to the hotel she spoke," that girl is good I'll admit I can see she still has a bit to go but good nonetheless. I could tell you were holding back a lot, but your first match was hilarious he lost wonderfully after his little speech oh so glorious."

I looked at her with a smile and said, " yep Shes an amazing fighter but she's a greater person in the main time she would have won again, and people would put her on a pedestal as an untouchable goddess so when she went to beacon and finally found someone who didn't she fell for him. she had a silent crush on this kid he was honestly a loser but his determination to help people even when he was bullied and beaten got to her. I'll admit that he had potential a lot of it really, but it didn't get used until he started beacon. then when the fall of beacon happened, she was willing to save him by throwing him away and fighting someone with magic to help people. during that fight she died but was defiant till the end her last words were " do you believe in destiny?" can you believe that. she saved many lives that day and because of her sacrifice a girl named ruby awakened her powers turned a giant wyvern to stone and hurt her killer severely."

she looked to be in thought and finally said, " yeah she does sound like and amazing person though I'm curious about her crush and the girl ruby and if we will meet them and change their destinies as well."

I smiled again and said " well I've already met ruby and her sister so their destinies have changed as well and for jaune I plan on helping him soon as well as more i plan to help the Faunus by giving them a company as Schnee dust will not be helping them and dust if a finite resource I plan to replace it." she nodded as we have reached our room i then decide to take a shower then maybe go to sleep.

the next day I just hung out with Mordred and Fenrir until it was time to go for my date i had on blue jeans and black shirt and a biker type jacket and my sunglasses and text Pyrrha I'm on my way Mordred was looking at me with a bit of red on her face before I left, I also told her where i was going I'm not sure if she heard me.

walking to Pyrrha's house i got some looks but ignored them and finally i was here. I knocked on the door and met Pyrrha's mom i admit she is beautiful. she looked stunned when she saw me as I don't think she was expecting me to be this good looking i spoke first," hello madam my name is Doryu Dragonsvayne I'm here to pick up Pyrrha for our date."

she then snapped out of it and said, " oh yes my name is Elizabeth Nikkos and i heard about you but i certainly wasn't expecting you to be so handsome I'm honestly a bit jealous of my daughter now. come please she'll be right down." I had wry smile as she said that and went in and waited a couple minutes as Pyrrha came down I was blown away her hair was in her ponytail, and she had a skirt and a flower type shirt on.

I stared at her for a few, and she stared back at me we both were blown away I spoke first," your beautiful Pyrrha I guess I should I count my blessings you agreed. are you ready to go?"

she smiled and said," thanks and you really should also yes I'm ready thanks for waiting." I held my arm out and said, "well then shall we go my lady?"

she giggled and took my arm and spoke, " yes, we shall. mom I'll be back later bye." her mom said bye and have a good time and we left to get dinner we talked about our dreams likes and dislikes and more. when she heard my dream, she was blown away as who could think of doing that after all I'm making a company from scratch and competing against Schnee dust company. overall, we had a great time after we had dinner i decided to go to the park and spend more time with her.

while we were in the park we talked more and i decided to tell her some more stuff. " Pyrrha, I want to say that it's been a blast and before we too far in a relationship I want to say that I want a harem later and that I'm a selfish person and if you are in a relationship with me, you are only with me. I'm not telling you to decide now as that is not fair to you if you don't want to be in a relationship with me all I ask is that we can be friends. I am still going to be traveling until I go to beacon I might see you in between but I had to be honest."

she looked at me in shock then looked down in thought after a bit she spoke, "thank you for being honest it must have been hard and I'm sorry I can't give you an answer right now but yes I would still love to be friends with you maybe in the future that will change. we both have thing we want to do right now to better ourselves first and I understand what you are asking I'll think about it over the years and I'm sur well see each other at beacon."

I nodded as I expected as much so we just kept talking as friends and i gave her some training advice so she would be stronger.

I took her home and we were in front of her door and i spoke, "well this is it for now I guess I'll be sure to call every once in a while to talk I'm leaving tomorrow so thank you for this great time today i had a lot of fun I hope you did to."

she smiled sadly and spoke, "yes I had a wonderful time I will keep your advice in mind and I'll see you when i see you and thank you for everything goodbye Doryu." I said goodbye as well as she walked in her home and i turned and walked back to the hotel it was late so walked in quietly and got ready for bed and just slept till the next morning where we left the hotel and started to our next destination menagerie.

please leave suggestions for powers and summons they help alot

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