
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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the last 2 weeks have been fun catching up with ruby yang and tai and getting to know amber. (at least her last name isn't heard) I've not missed the pun offs that tai and yang do but overall, I've missed them.

ruby made crescent rose a few years back and it is a work of art I recently added a few things like what she added in volume 7. I also added nano tech to help repair it if anything got damaged. yang's weapons are also updated but I added a function where she can put her gauntlets together and it will form a giant shield.

we are now on the bullhead to beacon academy but I'm not with the sisters I am looking around and I see jaune, so I walk up to him.

" Hey jaune how are you doing?" after i said that he noticed me and smiled.

he said " I'm doing fine thanks for asking. it's been a few months how are you?"

I nodded and said " yeah it has, and I've been good. I've been catching up with a few people you will meet them in the academy."

we talked a bit, and he told me how saph and terra are doing and how much they miss me. after that I walked around a little more and saw Weiss and Blake but didn't approach them yet as Glynda showed up and did her speech.

after we landed, I didn't join yang and ruby to see if the explosion still happens. I saw yang leave with a crowd as ruby fell over and a bunch of suitcases fell. then Weiss showed up and started yelling at her to be more careful while waving a cracked dust bottle and boom.

they exploded so I walked over as they were getting up and said, " well that's one way to make an impression not how i would do it though."

they saw me and screamed at the same time "Doryu!" they looked at each other and said at the same time again " wait how do you know Doryu. stop repeating me! stop!"

i finally couldn't take anymore and laughed at how they were acting. they looked at me with faces that asked why are you laughing? after calming down I said "well ruby meet Weiss Schnee and Weiss meet ruby rose. now get along you don't need to fight as it was an accident."

they looked at each other and nodded as I hear my name being screamed and a girl wearing black jumped on me. " Doryu! I missed you." as she hugged me, I spun her around and laughed with her.

I let her down and said " I missed you as well Blake it has been what almost 2 years. I see that you aren't hiding anymore I take it our training helped a lot."

she nodded then said " yes it did I've mastered my instincts and no longer controlled by them. where is Fenrir by the way?"

I chuckled and said " he will be here soon but let me introduce you to ruby and Weiss. girls this is Blake belladonna daughter of chief belladonna."

they smiled at each other, but Weiss then said, " we should get going as the speech will begin soon." we all nodded and started to the auditorium for the speech.

after a small walk we reach the auditorium, and we see yang and with Blake and Weiss wanting to stay by my side they meet earlier than expected.

yang finds out that ruby actually exploded and me and Blake chuckle as Weiss and ruby blush in embarrassment. not long after I see oz walk out on stage.

ozpin starts his speech "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. (as the students whisper among themselves) You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Glynda soon walks out after ozpin leaves explaining that the initiation starts tomorrow, and we will gather in the ballroom.

we all go to the ballroom later that night as yang and ruby are talking about how it's one big slumber party. I was looking around and noticed a few people like Pyrrha ren and Nora. I also saw the people I was truly looking for. Mordred ban Konan and neo are here as well as neo wanted to become a huntress and the others were bored.

I nodded at them, and I walked over to Blake as she was reading her book. as i sat down she leaned on me so i just put my arm around her as i felt stares on me. the most prominent were yang Weiss Pyrrha and strangely ruby. I didn't think ruby saw me like that yet but i guess she also was living with yang, and she isn't always pg.

the next morning i wake up and everyone looks like they're still sleeping. I decided to go out to the courtyard and exercise a bit and I see someone training as well. Pyrrha is training doing a jog around the place so after stretching I join her.

she noticed me and said " good morning, Doryu and it's been a while since i last saw you. how have you been?"

I smiled at her and said, " I've been great how about you? did you make any progress on your semblance?"

she smiled back and said, " I've been wonderful and yes I have made progress I keep a small sack of metal sand and can use it to shape weapons."

we talked while training for a while, and we then went to the cafeteria, and I introduced Pyrrha to team Rwby as jaune sat with us and we all talked while we ate.

after we ate oz called me up, so I told them that I have something different going on than joining the initiation. they looked a bit upset but still went to get ready and i went to oz.

oz and Glynda were at the cliff and smiled when they saw me. I spoke " so I'm assuming you'll have me watch with you and announce what I'll be doing after teams are formed. I've told them that I will have something different for initiation."

they nodded as oz said " yes that is what I plan on doing. it will be fun to see your friends faces. oh, and your 4 other friends will be on the same team as you requested."

I nodded and spoke " thank you for that they have been fighting as a team for a bit of time with me. so, since I'm going to be a student and teacher what am I supposed to call you guys?"

oz spoke first" in private you can call me ozpin or oz like qrow. in public you can call me headmaster."

I nodded and looked at Glynda as she sighed and said, " you can call Glynda in private but in public it must be ms goodwitch."

I nodded again and said" you guys can call me Doryu. its hell of a lot easier than mr dragonsvayne. hey oz I have to ask why you seemed so out of it at the speech yesterday?"

he sighed and said " well when you live as long as I have and train people and send them into battle you haven't won or that has been going for years. it takes it toll on your mind and soul. so, you could say that I just want this war to be done with and let the future generations have peace."

I smiled at him and said " that is something understandable but I'm sure you've had this lesson more time than I can count but don't lose hope. and besides the tides are changing and time is reaching a convergence of fate. this generation will change the world." as I said that everyone started walking out to the cliff.

they both looked at me and nodded as oz started explaining what to do and they started to launch off after he finished. I heard in the distance ruby scream " birdie no!" and i just started laughing at that even oz had a chuckle and glynda had a small smile at that.

we watched everyone get their pairs and it all went the same but when team Rwby and team jnpr got to the ruins they didn't have a death stalker running after them but ruby still brought a nevermore. Mordred and her team her there watching what happened and as the other teams ran, they followed after them watching just to make sure nothing happened.

team Rwby made it across the bridge but team jnpr stayed behind as a pack of beowolves came and started attacking them. so, team Rwby were fighting the nevermore alone.

team Rwby started some long-range attacks but they soon noticed it wasn't working. yang went up and started firing shots at it and it went after her hoping to eat her. she just grabbed on and kept its mouth open as she kept shooting into its mouth and the others were getting set up. Blake set up the line and ruby then jumped with crescent rose onto the line and Weiss used her glyphs to pull the line back like a slingshot.

yang then knocked the nevermore down to the edge of the cliff as ruby shot to the nevermore and Weiss used her glyphs to help her run on the side. she ran alongside the nevermore shooting crescent rose and finally she beheaded the thing. she landed on the side with her cape flying in the wind with rose petals flying.

team jnpr was already done and saw it happen and they were amazed if the open jaws were anything. they all started to go to the cliff as me and oz smiled at them.

oz spoke soon after " you might just be right Doryu as they have immense potential."

I nodded and spoke " well they should as I've helped train almost all of them only ren and Nora haven't gotten my help. Pyrrha received some advice from me but that was it. if you don't plan on having jaune as his team leader you should as he has a lot of potential same with ruby. oh, and for my first team choice it will be team Rwby."

after that we were in the auditorium as oz was saying the teams same as canon but Mordred's team. which was called team monk or team mbnk and Mordred is the leader which isn't surprising.

oz then spoke again " so before we all go the dorms for the night, I have an introduction of someone that will be a student but won't be required to go to classes and he will be teaching a class or two as well as helping ms goodwitch in some classes in combat. may I introduce you to Doryu dragonsvayne creator of the company known as quad dragon industries and most of its products."

they all looked at me in shock as they didn't know who created the company. I smiled at them and spoke " yes, I did create the company and its products but I'm here to help you all learn and maybe learn something new here as well. ill only have 2 classes for me a week they will be weapons and martial arts so look forward to it."

as i finished i heard an annoying voice say " really someone the same age as us is so much smarter and stronger that he has the right to teach. yeah, right I bet i could beat him easily."

it was Cardin who spoke and i looked at him and spoke " if you don't believe me challenge me during combat class at 14 i traveled and fought while you were hiding and picking on other people. I know your type a racist piece of shit showing no respect to anyone."

I then walked off and oz spoke to team Rwby about me joining their team for a while. I was walking outside as my dragon side got out of control for a bit. after a while i went to my dorm and went to sleep but before that i brought Fenrir out of my dimension as we then went to bed.

sorry its been a bit but im back at first I had severe writers block then when i was going to write i got sick. please tell me if I fotgot anything or messed up in one of my chapters

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