
Dragon Tears

Secrets. We all keep them. Some tend to protect us from harm. Others tend to lead us to it. While Kayda’s secret is one that haunts her. Kayda isn’t human. She never was. All her life, she knew that. The words thrown at her and the fear filled gazes that watched her showed just how much of a monster she was. But she isn’t what those people think she is either. She’s kept her fair amount of secrets hidden. And she intended to keep them, until her barriers we torn down. Kayda has already had her lifetimes worth of pain and misery along with those secrets she keeps. She spent so long fighting, so long trying to survive, that one day, she finally snapped. Her sanity was shredded by the creatures called humans. She was torn down piece by piece to be used as entertainment slowly corroding away what once was her mind. Only to be built back up again to repeat the gruesome process. So she finally gave up. Now, she is nothing but a beast. At least, that’s what she portrays to be. And she would have continued to play her part as the feral pet, but what happens when Dimitri appears? A cold and calculative man, who appeared in what she thought would be her last moments. A man who seemed to have even more secrets then even her, but was still able to show a side of himself that even she had lost. He was ruthless, cold blooded, calculative, and even, warm? So what happens when he’s out on a mission and meets a creature he quickly wants to dismiss? A creature that he had no interest in until he met her eyes. How exactly is Dimitri going to carefully piece Kayda back together again? And how is Kayda going to react to the unfamiliar kindness shown by a stranger? What’s his motive? ———————- “So, your saying, that because you saved me from death, I’m now in your debt?” Kayda was intrigued but at the same time annoyed, seeing the charming tilt in Dimitri’s lips. And as she stared, Dimitri reveled in her gaze. “You could say that.” His mischievous voice didn’t go unnoticed and Kayda felt a slight twitch at the corner of her lip. With a glow in her eyes, she walked up to Dimitri who was staring her down. “I’ll repay a favor. But I’ll never be in your debt.” Slamming a hand down, she growled. “The Goddess wanted me dead for a reason. You’re lucky I don’t show you why.” Dimitri grinned with amusement when suddenly, his hand snaked its way around her waist. “Even the Goddess can’t take you away from me.” He whispered. ————————————- ‘The cover was not made, and is not owned by me. I just tweaked it.’ ————————————- Updates will be every Wednesday and Sunday unless notified otherwise.

BuruxXxRynna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

: Masquerade

Kayda watched him, and when he had made his decision, his eyes looked at her with a determined intensity.

"I'll help you to the best of my abilities. But if I get caught, I can not keep your secret and I'll have to tell them how to find you." He gave his conditions, but Kayda couldn't ask for more.

She wasn't expecting him to abandon the comfortable life given to him just for her, so she was satisfied with the results.

"That's all I need." That was her final response before she disappeared over the wall, leaving the estate behind her.

Kayda ran and didn't stop. There was a small gap in the patrol tonight and she needed to use this opportunity.

As she ran, she went through the steps of the plan she needed to enact.

She first needed to get registered in a guild in a different town than the one Micheal had recommended to her. She couldn't trust him with all her whereabouts.

When she registered, she would need to have a citizen ID. She didn't own one for the Eastern continent, but she knew the procedure in which she could get a new one. Or better yet, transfer one of her pervious ones.

Micheal had given her enough money anyways so she didn't have to worry about travel expenses and purchasing a forged ID card.

All she had to worry about now was staying hidden, and ways to build up her strength.

She was prepared enough to ask for Maggy to prepare some extra medicine prescribed by Dr. Myer with an excuse of not wanting to have Maggy worry about it after taking the time to teach her three hours a day. Since she knew the medicine wasn't poisoned and it actually seemed to help supplement her health, she didn't mind taking what she could.

But after she ran out, she would need to find a new way to help her health, because there was no way in hell she was going back to that residence.

Kayda continued to camp outdoors and carriage hop from one place to the next, putting a distance between her and the Echethier Dukedom.

After three days of traveling, Kayda managed to get to a town with a decent sized guild and market. But she didn't register at first.

She made her way around a few alleys, looking and glancing every which way every now and then.

Until she passed by a small alley that seemed to be uncharacteristically kept.

Taking a glance around, she shifted into the alley and made her way through some sharp turns and narrow passages until she came upon a little shop front.

It was a small little hole in the wall with a purple door with a sign hanging over it. The words "Masquerade" inscribed on it.

Looking at the door, she pushed it open and entered the small little shop. Once the door was pushed, a small bell jingled away alerting the clerk who was sitting at the desk with her legs propped up in an ubiquitous manner that showed her bronze and shapely calves.

With a bored look, the lady looked at Kayda out of the corner of her dark eyes and measured her up and down before going back to focus on the file pinched between her fingers.

"You're a little young to be in this kind of shop, honey." Her voice was milky and sweet with a heavy accent.

Kayda took a glance around the shop.

Lining the walls where all sorts of sex toys and pleasure instruments along with revealing and complicated outfits and wears.

Kayda wasn't fazed at the sight and went straight up to the counter where the lady was still filing her nails.

"I would just like to order a mask."

The lady looked up from under her fluttering eyelashes and took another glance at Kayda.

Ever since she had started eating better and taking those supplements, she had regained some color and vibrancy. Especially her voice. After such a long time of wearing such a restraining collar and the inability to speak, her vocals became weak and coarse.

But now, they were all healed and sounded like chimes in the wind.

But either way, she still sounded like a child even though she was legally an adult.

Taking another look at the thin girl before her, the lady appraised her with her eyes. The more she looked, the brighter the glint in her eyes shone.

With a radiant smile, the lady lowered her legs from the counter and leaned forward to rest a rounded chin in a delicately manicured hand.

Her voluptuous chest pressed against the counter top while her bronze skin seemed to shine as she smiled sweetly, with her naturally painted lips.

"I'll consider giving you a custom mask for free." She paused, reading Kayda's face for any change in expressions.

Kayda didn't give much away except for a raise of her brow. She was waiting for the but.


Ah, there it is.

"You'll have to do me a favor." She continued. Her smile was sweet and alluring as if it was pulling her in.

Kayda didn't fall for it, but she wouldn't mind saving the extra money. "Continue."

The lady smiled brightly.

"Please follow me." Getting up, she walked out from behind the table, showcasing her long and casual maroon dress that had a slit at the thighs all the way down.

She was tall as well. Five, ten or maybe six foot.

She was, honestly, entrancing.

Kayda warrily followed the lady further into the store.

Once they reached the back, the lady opened a door and entered with Kayda following behind her.

Immediately after she entered the room, she felt her mouth twitch as her hands became clammy.

The room in the back was decently sized for being in such a small alley. But in the room there were rows upon rows of mannequins. And upon each mannequin was a frilly, ribbon and laced, bow ridden, lotlita dress of a different style. And each style had a matching set of animal ears and tails adorned upon them.

They looked like costumes.

"All I need you to do is try on four of my dresses and let me take a few shots with a mana photo. And I'll be happy to whip you up a custom mask." The lady smiled deviously as if she were looking at a juicy piece of meat that could be eaten at any second. But she had to wait for just the right, prime, moment.

Kayda felt a great apprehension looking at those outfits and the gaze the lady was giving her.

Was this really worth it?

Kayda took another glance at the mannequins adorned in all their frilly glory.

She could just go to a less sketchy shop on the town square, but it would be even more likely for her to be noticed and caught if anyone were to come after her.

That's why she looked for a shop that was out of sight and inconspicuous. Because there usually was one hidden away in an alley. And she was right.

But she didn't like the feeling of being right at this moment.

Kayda silently weighed the pros and cons in her head. A large debate went on silently as she struggled.

But after a minute, she could only give a sigh of defeat and the ladies eyes instantly brightened.

"Nothing that shows skin." Kayda quickly laid down her condition but the lady didn't mind at all.

"Of course! Just wait there for a single moment. I'll be right back." Running off, the lady disappeared for only a second before she hurriedly came back with a heap of dresses in her arms and her gaze aglow with joy.

Quickly looking through the pile, the lady picked out a light pastel green dress with a leather corset and white frills. The skirt of the dress was poofed out, falling just below her knees, and holding next to the dress was a pair of white stockings and strung up leather ankle boots along with a pair of silver cat ears and a long silky tale.

Kayda looked at the outfit with apprehension but the lady was all smiles as she pressed it into her arms and quickly rushed her behind a changing curtain while quickly setting up the supplies of what would seem to be a photo shoot.

Kayda gave a sigh but quickly got changed to get the whole thing over with.

Surprisingly, the lolita dress wasn't at all heavy like she expected. The fabric was smooth and silky while it also gave an almost cooling sensation. After she got everything on, she was even more surprised to find that it felt sturdy and not at all like delicate thin fabric.

"Are you almost done?" The lady's milky voice traveled through the curtain.

Kayda took a second to reluctantly put on the cat ears and tail.

Once she walked out, the lady immediately gasped as she looked at Kayda with glowing eyes that seemed to widen like saucers.

"I knew it would be perfect!"