
Dragon Tamer (Pokémon SI)

A man, reincarnated in the world of Pokémon, decides to become the master of dragons. After numerous adventures and training, he is now at the helm of a gym specializing in Dragon-type Pokémon. With an impressive team of powerful dragons, he welcomes brave trainers seeking to earn his badge and challenge his authority as a gym leader. His name echoes across Cinnabar Island: Azurion Flame, the Dragon Master ready to face all challenges.

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10 Chs

An army of one man

The twilight bathed the islands around Cinnabar in warm, golden hues. Yama, the powerful Dragon-type Pokémon, landed heavily, lacking grace, between the towering trees, emitting a dull thud.

"Fool, we are on a stealth mission," grumbled Anais, striking Yama's head, which earned her a deadly look from the Pokémon. Anais quickly stepped back.

"Sorry," she apologized meekly.

Azurion shook his head at their antics, while Yama snorted as a warning never to do such a thing to his majestic self again.

Azurion and Anais dismounted, finding themselves enveloped in the mysterious atmosphere of the forest.

Azurion silently surveyed the surroundings, his eyes scanning the shifting shadows between the trees. Anais, ever carefree, adjusted her backpack and cast a mischievous glance at Yama, hesitating to give him one last pat but decided against it, warned by Yama's look.

"I'm going in, Azurion. From now on, it's my job," she declared, her light tone barely masking the seriousness of the mission.

"Anais, let's review the plan first." Anais paused and then nodded, ready to listen to the plan once again.

"As I told you, I will attack the base from the north. My Pokémon and I will destroy everything without asking questions, so stay away because I might accidentally kill you." Azurion's gaze revealed an extremely well-contained, cold anger towards Team Rocket.

Anais shuddered at the thought of dying senselessly by accident.

"You will gather as much information as possible. If you notice anything strange, report it to me immediately. I'll stop the destruction of the base and head towards you." Azurion recalled Yama into its Poké Ball as it began destroying nearby trees out of boredom.

"In an hour, it will be night, and Team Rocket's vigilance, along with their vision, will decrease with the end of the day. You can go now, be careful." Anais nodded, then, without a sound, headed with a map towards the Team Rocket's location. Once alone, Anais blended into the shadows, becoming a stealthy silhouette among the trees.

The Gym Leader of Cinnabar remained still, his senses alert, capturing every rustle of leaves and every breath of the wind. The apparent calm of the forest gave the impression that the trees hid dangers that could emerge at any moment.

According to the police information, the Team Rocket base is on an island near Pallet Town within the jurisdiction of Cinnabar Island. The reason it has not been found yet is that it is semi-underground and only focuses on gathering information, so only about fifty trainers visit it daily.

The starlight and the faint moonlight filtered through the foliage, barely lighting Azurion's path. His mind was immersed in deep contemplation, wondering what Anais would discover in the Team Rocket base. Azurion sat on the ground at the base of a tree and closed his eyes.

Time passed, darkening the sky as stars gradually emerged. Azurion opened his eyes, checked the time on his watch, and then stood up.

"An hour has passed; it's time to begin the destruction." He released his Pokémon from their Poké Balls hanging on his belt. In a gleam, a Salamence with dull eyes wearing a black scarf, a scarred and robust Dragonite, a Charizard adorned with jewels looking bored, an Altaria perched on a branch, refusing to get dirty, a mocking and muscular Flygon, a silent and cold-eyed Garchomp, a haughty Kingdra closing its eyes, ignoring its peers, a smiling Clefable, and a calm gray Ninetales appeared.

Once deployed, the Pokémon exchanged glances, audible growls emerging from some, while others sniffed with disdain.

Azurion contemplated his diverse team of Pokémon, feeling the palpable energy between them. The complex dynamics and varied personalities of his Pokémon reflected the diversity of challenges they had faced during their journey across regions.

"We'll have a long night, my friends. We must neutralize the Team Rocket threat and ensure the safety of our island. Be ready. I warn you in advance, if you don't want to act as a team, then go your separate ways. Those who engage in conflict will have very big problems," Azurion declared in a calm yet authoritative voice.

The Pokémon nodded in agreement, expressing their understanding. Tension lingered among them, but Azurion's experience in managing a team with dominant characters had shaped solid methods to control them.

He had already tried to make them work as a team, but it always ended in disaster, making it difficult to achieve the goal. Conversely, when advocating for individuality, it fueled their spirit of competition. Each wanted to be superior to the others, and the competition was fierce. The only problem was that if they got too close physically during a mission and their actions overlapped, conflict could easily erupt among them.

Yama rose into the air, emitting a determined roar marking the beginning of the assault. The other Pokémon prepared, each demonstrating its own roar and determination.

Azurion led the group, guiding his Pokémon through the forest towards the semi-underground base of Team Rocket. The starlight accompanied them, faintly lighting the path as they ventured into the darkness.

Surrounded by his powerful team of Pokémon, he faced the entrance of the Team Rocket base, a building sunken into the ground, vines and moss covering it, making it difficult to discern with the naked eye. A determined gleam shone in his eyes as he prepared to launch his attack. The dragon Pokémon behind him growled with wild energy, ready to unleash their power. An alarm rang through the forest; it seemed he had been spotted by surveillance cameras.

With a firm gesture, Azurion raised his hand, and Kaido roared, spreading its majestic wings. A draconic glow emanated from its mouth, illuminating the night. It was the signal.

The assault began.

Kaido (Dragonite) unleashed a Draco Meteor attack, sending a rain of luminous asteroids onto the Team Rocket base. Explosions shook the ground, tearing through the tranquility of the night. The panicked cries of Team Rocket members echoed as terror gripped them.

The other dragons Pokemon joined the devastating attack. Yama (Salamence) unleashed its fiery breath, creating a rain of burning flames that engulfed the structures. Tesoro (Charizard) roared, releasing gusts of swirling flames. Mavis (Altaria), Zero (Flygon), and Momo (Garchomp) added their own destructive power to the chaotic symphony, destroying the foundations of the building with three seismic attacks.

The once discreet and hidden Team Rocket base was now enveloped in a maelstrom of destruction. Panic-stricken cries mingled with the roars of the dragon Pokémon, creating a cacophony of terror. Team Rocket members ran in all directions, desperately trying to escape the devastating assault.

Amidst the turmoil, Azurion remained calm. By his side, Ace (Ninetales) and Moon (Clefable) didn't participate in the battle but stayed back with him, functioning as bodyguards. His focused and determined gaze didn't waver. He knew the team had to act quickly and efficiently to eliminate the threat and gather crucial information.

As destruction raged on, Azurion's plan unfolded with deadly precision. Pleasure-filled roars emanated from Azurion's Pokémon, the joy of unleashing their power without restraint, it was sheer bliss. Azurion's Pokémon split up, each taking a different path away from their comrades.

In the midst of the unleashed fury of battle, Kaido stood majestically, wings spread, ready to bring the dragon's wrath upon the Team Rocket base. Kaido's vibrant orange scales sparkled in the light of the flames, reflecting the power that simmered within him.

As soon as the attack signal was given by Azurion, Kaido soared into the skies, its roar echoing like distant thunder. Draconic asteroids began to form in its mouth, bursting into a rain of bright shooting stars. Kaido released them with deadly precision, targeting the key structures of the base.

With each impact, the asteroids exploded, creating deafening detonations and casting dazzling shards of light. Kaido glided over the base, orchestrating a destructive symphony of luminous meteors.

Team Rocket members were disoriented, unable to withstand the brutal force of the attack. Kaido, with impressive agility despite its imposing size, skillfully evaded counterattacks from enemy Pokémon.

Suddenly, a powerful beam of dark energy shot out from the base, targeting Kaido. The dragon reacted with agility, performing an acrobatic flight to dodge the shot. It counterattacked with a targeted Heat Wave, sending a wave of heat toward the source of the enemy attack, eliciting cries of pain.

Kaido continued his aerial assault, diving and swirling through the skies, spreading terror among the Team Rocket members. With each pass, he left behind a trail of destruction and chaos. Flames danced around him, enhancing the majestic silhouette of the dragon.

In the tumult of battle, three silver Skarmory, with razor-sharp wings, swooped down on Kaido with impressive speed. The metallic blades of Skarmory sparkled in the glow of the flames, seeking to find an opening in the powerful dragon's defense.

However, Kaido did not cower. With a powerful flap of his wings, he skillfully evaded Skarmory's attacks, then unleashed a Stone Edge, raining twenty sharp rocks in their direction. The Skarmory, disoriented by this unexpected offensive, were hit head-on, quickly losing their coordination and ability to counterattack.

Seizing the opportunity, two majestic Honchkrow soared into the air, their dark wings beating with sinister grace. The threatening shadows of the Honchkrow hovered above Kaido, attempting to encircle him. However, the dragon wasted no time in responding.

With remarkable agility, Kaido executed a series of aerial spins, avoiding the coordinated attacks of the Honchkrow. He counterattacked with an Ice Punch Barrage, sending energy-charged icy blows toward the two black crows. The Honchkrow, taken by surprise, were forced to retreat, their wings partially frozen, driven away by the devastating power of the dragon Pokémon.

Meanwhile, a swarm of Golbat, with whistling wings and sharp fangs, rushed toward Kaido. The dragon, however, showed no fear. With a powerful Dragon Breath, he unleashed a massive draconic flame that pushed back the Golbat, making them retreat into the night sky.

The sky ignited as Kaido, at the peak of his power, dominated the aerial battle. The three Skarmory and the two Honchkrow, disoriented and weakened, attempted one last desperate charge, but Kaido, with masterful assurance, pushed them back and ultimately emerged as the undisputed victor of this celestial clash. His triumphant roar echoed in the night, symbolizing the supremacy of Dragon-type Pokémon.

While the battle raged on the ground, Kaido remained the guardian of the skies, ensuring that Team Rocket had no chance to counterattack from above. His black scarf, fluttering around his neck in the sky's breeze, his imposing presence, and his breath of destruction all contributed to establishing the supremacy of Dragon-type Pokémon in this fierce struggle against the dark forces threatening Cinnabar Island.

At the heart of the battle, Tesoro, Azurion's Charizard, gleamed with a fiery glow. His gaze was greedy, his voracious flames reflecting an insatiable thirst for treasures. Upon seeing the Team Rocket base, Tesoro's avaricious instinct awakened, and he launched into a devouring frenzy. He found a bag and emptied its contents. Then, he flew towards his enemies.

The first flames erupted from his wide-open jaws, engulfing everything in their path. The Team Rocket base buildings caught fire, the panicked cries of Team Rocket members mingling with the crackling of flames. Tesoro showed no mercy; he sought not only to destroy but to erase any trace of Team Rocket by reducing them to ashes and recovering their precious possessions.

His fiery tail swept through the rooms, melting metals and incinerating documents. Tesoro, hungry for treasures, did not settle for physical destruction; he searched every nook for valuable items. He pocketed sophisticated gadgets, secret data, and even Poké Balls containing dubious Pokémon, stuffing them into the bag he had found earlier.

Terror spread among Team Rocket members, who desperately tried to salvage what they could. Cries and screams blended with the crackling of fire, creating a chaotic symphony of destruction. Tesoro, impassive, continued his plunder, accumulating wealth in his wake.

Suddenly, rocks fell on Tesoro; it was the Rock Slide attack. Tesoro turned to find the culprit and faced two Rhyhorns, also spotting three sinuous Arboks hiding in the corners of the room, waiting for their moment. The opposing Pokémon were evidently determined to defend their territory, but Tesoro, greedy and determined, stood ready to face them.

On one side, the Rhyhorns charged with imposing force, while on the other, the Arboks prepared to launch their Poison-type attacks. Tesoro, however, showed no signs of concern. His gaze was focused, and his claws ready for action.

As the Rhyhorns approached with destructive force, Tesoro unleashed his Dragon Claw attack with astonishing speed. His sharp claws cut through the air, creating luminous trails as he slashed both Rhyhorns. The power of the attack was such that both opposing Pokémon were quickly incapacitated, defeated by the devastating force of the draconic claws.

Meanwhile, the Arboks, attempting to counterattack, were taken by surprise by Tesoro's swiftness. The Dragon Claws continued to descend, hitting each Arbok with deadly precision. Tesoro, with his backpack containing the plundered treasures from the Team Rocket base, skillfully juggled between the attack and the preservation of his precious loot.

The Arboks, disoriented by Tesoro's speed and power, found themselves quickly overwhelmed. One by one, they succumbed to the relentless assaults of the fire dragon, unable to compete with his mastery of the Dragon Claw attack. Tesoro, sporting an unperturbed expression, had just achieved a crushing victory while jealously guarding his treasure.

As the Team Rocket base continued to burn, Tesoro emerged from the flames, carrying in his talons the plundered treasures, his imposing silhouette illuminated by the glow of his own power. The greedy dragon had succeeded in amassing an impressive haul, but the insatiable gleam in his eyes hinted that this quest for wealth was far from over.

Mavis had always been a somewhat peculiar Pokémon. Endowed with unmatched grace and elegance, she carefully avoided getting dirty during battles. Her passion for cleanliness was such that she had developed a particular aversion to mud, dust, and anything that could tarnish her delicate plumage.

While Mavis flew peacefully through the base, a group of Team Rocket grunts appeared and confronted her, determined to stop her. These agents, intent on protecting their territory, sent five Raticate and a dozen Rattata to attack Mavis. The majestic Pokémon, although reluctant to get dirty, knew that she had to obey her trainer and eliminate the threat.

The Raticate and Rattata launched the assault with ferocity, but Mavis, keeping her distance, refused to engage in close combat. With exceptional grace, Mavis spread her fluffy wings and released an intense beam of cold towards her assailants.

The Ice Beam struck with precision, instantly freezing the Raticate and Rattata in place. Ice crackled around them, capturing their movements and immobilizing them in a sculpture of frost. Mavis, remaining perfectly clean despite the effort, admired her work with undisguised pride.

The Team Rocket grunts, bewildered by Mavis's unexpected power, retreated, abandoning their attempt. Altaria elegantly shook herself, removing any trace of frost that might have touched her immaculate plumage. Finally, after a display of aerial grace, Mavis, still impeccable and unsullied, soared over the bewildered grunts, considering them harmless now.

As Yama, delved deep underground into the Team Rocket base, the light from his fangs cast a sinister glow in the dark, narrow corridors. The bulbs hanging from the ceiling were partially broken, casting threatening shadows on the walls, creating an even more oppressive atmosphere.

A horde of Beedrill, guardians of the base, emerged from dark corners to stop the intruder. With buzzing wings and poisoned stingers, they were ready to defend their lair. Yama roared, determined to break any resistance in his path. The Beedrill attacked in formation, but the power of Yama was too great.

The Yama's fangs bit into the small bodies of the Beedrill, tearing flesh and emitting a dark energy that consumed them. The ground was a battlefield stained with the red blood of the unfortunate Pokémon who had stood in Yama's way.

Pushing further into the base, Yama then encountered a group of Fearow, sparking a new wave of hostility. The dim lighting made it difficult to perceive every movement, creating an environment conducive to an ambush. The Fearow, with their sharp talons and pointed beaks, attacked from all sides. Yama moved with exceptional calmness in the partial darkness and then, after dodging and assessing the Spearow, he stopped his rapid movements.

The sinister depth of the Team Rocket base enveloped Yama, Yama, in an almost palpable darkness. The bulbs hanging from the ceiling, partially broken, emitted a flickering glow that accentuated the ominous shadows of the underground walls. Silence was broken only by the flapping of Yama's wings and the Fearows.

Yama advanced with relentless determination, his gleaming fangs casting intermittent dark flashes. Suddenly, the Fearow that attacked him faced an unleashed fury. Yama, shrouded in a dark aura, knew no mercy. His swift and precise movements were barely discernible in the dim light, adding to the terror of his adversaries surprised by the speed of his actions.

The Fearow, initially aggressive, suddenly became terrified prey. Yama pounced on them, his claws tearing through the air with shocking brutality. The underground room echoed with the cries of the Fearow, the sounds of feathers being torn, and the distorted echoes of their distress calls.

Under the sporadic glow of damaged bulbs, Yama wrought destruction. The ground became a macabre canvas, marked by the blood of torn Fearow. Each snap of his fangs, every beat of his wings, amplified the horror of the spectacle. The partial darkness heightened the sense of anxiety and terror, creating a scene worthy of the darkest nightmares.

Yama continued his ruthless advance, tearing everything in his path. The room was filled with a stifling atmosphere, saturated with the fear of Team Rocket Pokémon who could only imagine the devastating beast making its way through their lair. Yama, under the gleam of his luminous fangs, had become the very embodiment of terror, an unstoppable force that knew no restraint in its desire to destroy everything in its wake.

Zero, with ease, navigated through the mazes of the Team Rocket base. His massive and imposing silhouette moved with almost disconcerting ease. Mocking laughter occasionally escaped his sharp fangs, creating palpable tension.

Suddenly, a tearing roar echoed in the darkness. A Nidoking, enraged by Zero's intrusive presence, emerged from the shadows, unleashing a torrent of flames with Flamethrower. Zero, unperturbed, dodged the attacks with insolent grace, playing with the flames as if it were a mere game.

Zero roared tauntingly, mocking the weakness of the attack. He released a Bug Buzz that shook the walls of the base, unsettling the momentarily disoriented Nidoking.

As Nidoking attempted to regain control, Zero spread his wings with a graceful movement. He played with Nidoking using a series of swift feints, causing the poisoned creature to react to each calculated move. Zero seemed to dance with deliberate elegance, relishing in the confusion he sowed.

Then, three Weezing emerged from the shadows, ready to defend their territory. Zero burst into mocking laughter, openly defying the toxic Pokémon. The Weezing tried to encircle him, but Zero, with disconcerting skill, manipulated them like puppets. His wings moved with surgical precision, creating a whirlwind of air that dispersed the toxic gases from the Weezing.

Zero chuckled at how easily he dispelled their attacks. He unleashed an Iron Tail, repeatedly striking the Pokémon, deftly evading their counterattacks with astonishing ease. The overwhelmed and disoriented Weezing were at the mercy of this dragon.

Nidoking's roar still echoed in the oppressive darkness of the Team Rocket base. Zero, with his provocative attitude, continued his ballet of feints and evasions, teasing Nidoking and the Weezings with every calculated move. Sludge Bomb attacks from the Weezing dirtied the walls with disgusting debris, Flamethrower flames intermittently illuminated the outlines of the Pokémon in this subterranean duel.

Nidoking, furious and determined, launched a series of venomous attacks, but Zero moved with disconcerting agility, effortlessly avoiding each toxic assault. Tension rose as the two Pokémon clashed in the darkness.

Suddenly, Zero paused as if receiving a message in his mind. His provocative eyes fixed on Nidoking with an intensely serious gaze. A silence fell, broken only by the distant echoes of other battles in the base. Then, with a lightning-fast motion, Zero spread his wings with ferocious power and unleashed a series of Dragon Claw attacks.

Zero's sharp claws slashed through the air, creating luminous flashes with each strike. Nidoking, caught off guard by this sudden escalation, couldn't resist the brutal assault. Zero's strength was too great, and Nidoking was quickly defeated.

Then, Zero shifted his gaze to the exhausted Weezings and attacked, finishing them off just as swiftly.

Bored with this duel, Zero let out a mocking laugh before turning his attention back to where a certain Ninetales was and continued on his way. His provocative gaze scanned the dark corners of the base, searching for opponents worthy of his intelligence and power.

In the partially lit tunnels, Zero set out to find other Team Rocket members. His laughter echoed like an ominous omen in the depths of the base, announcing the imminent devastation caused by this manipulative dragon.

Momo, the silent predator, moved with deadly grace through the dark tunnels of the Team Rocket base. His cold and serious gaze, illuminated by the sporadic glows of broken lights, gave a sinister atmosphere to every step he took.

His first opponent was a Rattata, emerging from the shadows with the intent to protect its territory. However, before the Rattata could even make a sound, Momo unsheathed his steel claws and launched a devastating Metal Claw attack. The Rattata was instantly defeated, its form lying silently on the ground.

Two Forretress then appeared, deploying their defensive shells to withstand the imminent assault. Momo, indifferent to their defense, used Shadow Claw with surgical precision. The spectral attacks pierced through the Forretress's defense, leaving them unable to resist Momo's occult power.

The trainers of these Pokémon desperately tried to counter, but the draconic predator was too fast and too fierce. Momo swiftly followed up with a devastating Hyper Beam, engulfing the Forretress in a torrent of destructive energy. The trainers' cries were lost in the echo of the growing chaos.

The rest of the hunt was just as relentless. A group of Golbat, usually masters of the air, proved no match for Momo's ferocity. His quick and devastating attacks, combined with his intimidating gaze, spread terror among the flying Pokémon.

Finally, a Rhyhorn, with its imposing horn, stepped forward as the last line of defense. The desperate and panicked trainers made futile efforts to protect their Pokémon. Momo, without a word, used his razor-sharp claws and draconic energy to defeat the Rhyhorn in an instant.

Silence fell again after Momo's passage, leaving behind a scene of destruction. The silent predator continued his quest through the Team Rocket base, eliminating any resistance in his path, like an unstoppable specter of destruction.

Neptune, proud and imposing, headed towards the nearby sea with royal assurance. There, it unleashed its aquatic talents, using the Whirlpool attack to create tumultuous swirls in the seawater surrounding the base. The sea itself seemed to respond to its presence, dancing to the rhythm of its power.

Two Team Rocket boats attempted to escape by sea, but Neptune, arrogant and disdainful, had no intention of letting anyone get away.

With a graceful movement, it unleashed its Hydro Pump attack on the vessel, causing it to capsize in a spectacular explosion. The tumultuous waves engulfed the debris, putting an end to any escape attempt.

As Neptune unleashed its devastating Hydro Pump on the second Team Rocket boat, Golbats tried to counter its attacks. They flew through the air with agility, deploying aerial attacks to disrupt Neptune's apparent calm. However, the aquatic Pokémon showed no hesitation. With remarkable precision, it dispersed the Golbats with a Ice Beam, sending them reeling into the night sky.

Despite the efforts of the Golbats, Neptune remained in control. The boats, now in tatters, were swallowed by the tumultuous waters it had unleashed.

Neptune observed the chaos it had created with royal satisfaction. Its imperious demeanor was palpable, looking around with disdain as if it were judging the elements themselves. Its piercing gaze left no doubt about its determination to ensure complete domination of the area. The sea, once turbulent, calmed under the influence of the aquatic Pokémon, reflecting its inner calm and unshakeable confidence. Neptune was ready to reign as the master of this aquatic battlefield.

Back on land, Moon maintained his smile as he walked, unfazed by the chaos caused by the dragons but still unwilling to act, preferring to stay by his trainer's side rather than join the bloodthirsty fray.

As for Ninetales, its eyes sparkled with azure blue, symbolizing the use of its psychic energy. Endowed with the ability to sense the environment as a whole through the expert use of its psychic powers, Ninetales could track the movements of each dragon on the team and even send them simple messages. It then assessed the situation and communicated it to Azurion, who advanced ahead of him.

Azurion advanced through the dark corridors of the Team Rocket base, observing the turmoil caused by his Pokémon. Destruction and chaos spread in his wake, but as he progressed, a troubling thought crossed the Gym Leader's mind.

While examining the defeated Pokémon and debris left by Team Rocket, Azurion found it strange that there was such a profusion of creatures in this base. The variety and number of these Pokémon seemed disproportionate to the relatively small number of trainers present. He wondered if there was a particular reason why Team Rocket had gathered such a collection of Pokémon here.

Continuing his exploration, he encountered Pokémon of various types, far beyond what one might expect in a facility of this size. Poison, Flying, Ground, and many other types of Pokémon littered the ground, all witnesses to the brute force unleashed by his own Pokémon.

The puzzle of this unusual concentration of Pokémon intrigued Azurion. He searched for clues or documents that could explain this strange gathering, but for now, the answer remained buried in the shadows. He glanced at a surveillance camera fixed on him but ignored it and continued walking.

In a room deep within the base, Team Rocket grunts lay unconscious on the floor. Next to them, a woman chewing gum and an Arbok and a Seviper by her side watched a screen.

Anais, USB key in hand, stood in the surveillance camera room. Her gaze was fixed, her mouth slightly agape, as she contemplated the images captured by the cameras. The trainers and Pokémon of Team Rocket, once omnipresent in the base, were gradually sprawled on the ground, defeated one by one by the devastating power of Azurion's Pokémon.

She scrutinized the images with disbelief, her mind struggling to assimilate the speed and efficiency with which the dragons crushed all resistance. The screens displayed the chaos that Azurion's team had sown in the Team Rocket base.

"Damn, he's incredible."