
Dragon Squad: Team Dragon Arc part 1

In a world full of magic, there's only one buy who can save the world. Mizu, the chosen one destined to fight of evil for good, gathers a group of people who will help him in his goals. This first novel talks about the challeneges Mizu overcomes to recruit his first three crewmates

DaoistpOTEzr · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

God of Martial Arts:Sosuke Aang VS Boria

Dajeong continually throws punches and follows Sosukes every movement, with every little mistake he made, he would use it to his advantage but he still couldn't land a punch.

"How is he still dodging my attack ? His speed is incredible and reflexes are amazing. He is not even tired. What a beast."Dajeong thought

"You see you can never win and now I'll end this."Sosuke said.

Sosuke then uses his three fingers and swiftly approaches Dajeong.

I then felt a sudden chill up my spine. It was a bad feeling, it was like there was a dark aura around Sosuke that made me feel uncomfortable. I was shaking, it felt like I should go there and beat the crap out of him but for some reason, I couldn't.

He then lightly touches Dajeong on the chest and he just fell down after that touch. After he did that, the competitors were in shock from what he did.

"Where did he get that move from ? I thought we would have used his finishing move THE SKULL" Yoshi Mahiko said.

"This is an amazing turn of events, he used a new move in which fans are not familiar with. I wonder what he would call it ?" Yoshi Mahiko said anxiously.

The whole competitors were in shock seeing that move. They looked like they had seen a ghost, they were totally frozen.

"No. It can't be. I did not believe Sosuke learned that technique. "Conner said while shaking out of anxiety.

"Yes. Indeed he is more formidable than we thought. Going to the extreme to learn that technique." Bill said.

"Martial Artist will dream of learning that technique but none them ever came close." Lemona said.

"THE THREE END. A technique invented by the Kotetsu people. The origin of martial arts lies within that country."Aang said.

"The three fingers used represents "Life After Death". It is a technique that paralyzes its opponent in an instance and little by little draining their life force. Such technique is said to be forbidden."Rock said.

"That is not even the shocking part. For one to master that technique, he or she must be of Kotetsu origin, if not thou must pay a price. They must sacrifice something worth of value or someone close to them."Bill said.

"And we all know that Sosuke is not of Kotetsu origin." Rock said.

"But what could he have sacrificed to master such a technique and what drove him to master the technique." Aang thought.

Meanwhile Dajeong could barely get up, his whole body was like it was paralyzed or something and he was loosing energy fast.

"I did not now you mastered this technique or that you were planning to use it on me, but tell me, this technique needed a sacrifice of some sort."Dajeong asked.

"Yes."Sosuke responded.

"So what did you sacrifice ?"Dajeong asked

"Fine I will tell you since your going to loose. Consider it a parting gift. I sacrificed my ability to sleep at night."Sosuke said

"What he lost his ability to sleep just for this technique ? I mean the technique is awesome but you rather have that kind of power than sleep ?"

"I will never understand people like him. People who sacrifice essential things needed for living for power. People like him are the worst" I thought

"I do not sleep at night. At first it was like hell but I started getting used to that lifestyle. Whenever I sleep I get nightmares, terrible nightmares that prevent me from sleeping." Sosuke said.

"So around that time where everyone is sleeping I train to hone my skills. These are the kind of sacrifices one makes to achieve greatness" Sosuke said.

After hearing that Dajeong finally runs out of energy and falls on the ground declaring Sosuke the victor. The crowd cheering him on as he goes back to his seat. I was not too happy about the match. I felt like going in there to punch his face but all I could do was growl and watch from the stands. The commentator announces the next match being Aang VS Boria. Both came out to fight as the second match of the tournaments quarter-finals commenced.

Boria is a martial artist with a high Afro American hairstyle which is black in color. He is chocolate in color, almost the same skin color with Aang. He is big in size, weighs over 94.35 kilograms and measures 198cm in height and he wears the same uniform and sandals as every other participant with no accessories.

"Aang "The king of Martial Arts", I am honored to fight you but this will be your last match for today."Boria said.

"Let me give you an advice "A mouth does not make a man but his actions" so if I were you, I would not get cocky or you might loose sight of your goal. After all, this is your first tournament here and you should not be running your mouth."Aang said.

"That will not be a problem and I can run my mouth where ever I want to run it." Boria said.

The commentator starts the match and Boria swiftly moves behind Aang surprising him and kicks him from behind.

"He is fast." Aang said

Aang is slow to respond to this and he is hit again by another surprise attack. Boria keeps hitting Aang with every attack landing, this kept going on until Aang finally reacted by blocking one of his kicks with his palm. Boria surprised and redraws.

"You are lucky to have blocked that attack."Boria said.

"I wouldn't really call that luck, your a great martial artist with incredible speed, strength and great reflexes." Aang said.

"So your complimenting me so that I can spare your life, but that would not work."Boria said.

"I am not complimenting you so that my life can be so called saved. No that is not it at all, It is actually quite the opposite."Aang said.

"Huh !"Boria responds.

"You see, you admire me ? Am I right and you want to beat me. You could say like I am like your idol. I am complimenting you because I want you to know that even though you loose I still think that your a good martial artist and do not give up on your dreams of martial arts after this match."Aang said.

"What the hell is he talking about ? How did he know ? Is he psychic or something ?" Boria thought.

"Your shocked that I read you perfectly ?" Aang asked.

"No I am shocked that your saying bullshit and how on earth are you going to beat me ? What me I see is a man begging for his life."Boria said.

"Big talk for a small guy. From the very beginning I have being reading your movements from the moment you landed your first hit."Aang said.

"What ? Impossible ! Your just bluffing."Boria said.

"Do I look like the kind of guy to bluff ?"Aang asked with a serious face.

"Wait, What ? He's actually serious."Boria thought.

Boria rushed in again with the the same moves but Aang dodges everything with ease and holds Boria shirt and smacks Boria on the ground. The crowd surprised by the outcome but still cheering on. After the fight Aang entered the dressing room and I went to meet him. I opened the door and walked in.

"Your not supposed to be here, this area is off limits to non participants."Aang said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You do not need to get so grumpy about it. Oh and congrats on winning your match. I really liked it the way you...."I said before I was interrupted by Aang.

"Just shut up and get out of here if you don't want me to call the cops."Aang said.

"Why would you call the cops ? I didn't do anything wrong. "I asked in confusion.

"You're invading my privacy."Aang responds.

"Okay for the real reason I came here. I want to ask you whether you'd like to join my team? "I asked.