
Part 3

Four years have passed, and Natsu has begun to practice walking and talking and learning to read. It didn't take long to figure out that this place wasn't earth's land. No one used magic, but they had these weird black cards they held to their ears and talked into. He supposed it was some communication device. Getting around got easier with the nannies that cared for him, and learning to read was easier than he thought. It was like earth lands writing; just a few words were different. He hadn't seen his father much, only at dinner and lunchtime. He was relieved to know his fairy tail and dragon mark was still on him. It was a reminder of how all the dragon slayers were family: his six brothers and little sister. The only person he liked was one of the butlers; his name was Victor. He was kind but stern. He wasn't scared of him because of the dragon mark on his back.

"Kyoya-sama, it's time to eat dinner," said a man.

"Okay, Victor-san," said Kyoya childlike.

"Kyoya-sama, please don't talk like that; it sounds weird," said Victor.

Kyoya/Natsu had told Victor about his previous life because he knew he could trust him. Natsu had figured out that he could still do magic, but the air wasn't producing mana; he was making it. He first expanded his magic containers to have enough mana to use his dragonslayer magic. Physical training would start when he turned ten years old. H hadn't wanted to stunt his growth by straining his muscles that hadn't been fully developed.

"So how has your studying been going, Kyoya sama," asked Victor.

"I have finished studying up to the fifth year of elementary even so I still will go to school so that I can meet people my age," said Kyoya.

"Well, your family is waiting for you to arrive for breakfast," said Victor.

"Thank you, Victor-san," said Kyoya.

Once Kyoya arrived at the door to the dining hall, placing a childlike expression on his face to hide his maturity and opening the dining room door, Kyoya stepped in with a shy expression on his face looking like the innocent child he was supposed to be.

"Mama Papa, I'm sowwy. I'm wate," said Kyoya sounding all childlike.

"Awww, there is my baby boy; now, what did you do today?" Asked Kyoya's mother, Mrs. Otoori.

"Victor and I played hide and seek," said Koya.

"Now! Who ended up winning?" asked Kyoya's Dad.

"Of course, Victor lost," said Kyoya.

"Well, I guess you beat your siblings to the dining room; they haven't arrived yet," said Kyoya's Mom.

"Yea, I beat them!" Giggled Kyoya.

'I have three older siblings, two brothers and a sister,' thought Kyoya. 'I've only seen them once or twice, so I can't say much about them.'

Soon enough, they entered the dining room and sat in their place from youngest to oldest.

Yuichi Ootori, the oldest son and first in line to inherit the company, has the familiar family traits of black hair and pale skin with sharp cat-like eyes at 16. Next to him was Akito Ootori, the second oldest son, currently studying to be a doctor even though he is only 14 years old. He has brown hair and pale skin, and the same cat-like eyes. Fuyumi Ootori is the only daughter of the Ootori family and the third youngest. She's 12 years old and enjoys quite a bit of commoner food. She has long black curly hair, big round brown eyes, and the famous Ootori pale skin.

"Oh, so you arrived first, then Kyoya-otōto," said Fuyumi.

"Yes, I did, onēsan," said Kyoya, being the innocent child he wasn't.

"Fuyumi, are you seriously talking to him?" Asked Akito.

"Oh, hush Akito! You don't like Kyoya-Kun because he is a little genius," said Fuyumi.

"Akito! Be more mature; you are a proud member of the Ootori family, and act like it," exclaimed Father.

"He is just a little brat, and he's not as innocent as you think," mumbled Akito only, Kyoya being the only one catching the comment.

"Neesan, why do you hate me? I've done nothing wrong; why are you bullying me?" cried Kyoya as tears ran down his face. Though on the inside, he was pretty proud of himself.

"Now look at what you have done; you have made him cry," said his mother, picking up her child to comfort him.

"You have done it now; mommy is mad at you," said Fuyumi.

Akito looks at his older brother for help, and he can't deal with two angry females.

"I'm not helping you; this is your problem," said Yuichi.

"Father, please help me," asked Akito.

"Son, I'm sorry if it were just your sister, I would gladly help, but your mother is a whole matter," said Kyoya's father.

"Now, your punishment for making your little brother cry is to eat all your vegetables," said Mrs. Ootori.

"That's not even a real punishment," said Yuichi.

"Sweetheart, Yuichi is right; you need to be more stern with Akito," said Mr. Ootori.

"Mommy, how about no dessert tonight?" asked Kyoya.

"I don't know. Isn't that a bit too extreme, pumpkin,"

"Mother, he is getting a bit chubby," said Fuyumi.

"Kyoya, my son, I believe that is an adequate punishment for your brother," said Yoshi.