
Dragon slayer of gluttony in the Omniverse(Fairy tail arc)(Hiatus)

A 13-year-old young man from CVID after being shut inside his house for most of his life, the main distraction from his condition was watching anime, reading manga, and novels. After having died, he woke up to a message on a floating screen in a room he did not recognize. [Mortal, your soul was quite strong so I dedicated that you will help me with my findings. Worry not you will also gain from this, as I gave you a new body, magical powers, and an AI that will occasionally send you my orders. For now, you will be staying in the world of Fairy Tail until I have enough data. Enjoy your time there.] "What?!" Follow his journey as he now has to survive a new world and whatever being decided to send him there. Disclaimer: This story is only being written for me to relax and to help with writer's block, so I'm not going to focus on it, and it won't have any kind of proper schedule. Also, I don’t own the cover.

Kiony_Fey · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter-2: A Guild of lunatics.

After walking around the city for a while, I couldn't find anyplace worthwhile, but at least I didn't have to deal with any inconveniences.

This time right next to me is a river channel with not much happening around, you would think that there would be a lot of activity in the streets but that doesn't seem to be the case. As I'm just relaxing while trying to not think of my situation too hard, I see a glint on the water, and it picks interest. I extend my hand to grab it as it flows to my hand.

Pulling it from the water, I see a key holder with golden and silver keys and I immediately recognize them.

"These are celestial spirits keys!" I said really surprised by what I just found.

The blond girl I met earlier was Lucy Heartfilia, is what they call a celestial mage, which in the world of Fairy tail is rare even though they aren't that strong... Well, at least Lucy isn't that strong but celestial spirits are divided into two types, silver which is a normal type that just has a bunch of random spirits with all kinds of perks, and golden which are 12... Actually 13? Oh well, the first 12 golden keys are based on the zodiac signs.

The problem with all of this is that there only exists one of each of the golden keys, meaning right I'm holding Lucy's precious celestial keys and she'll never leave me alone without getting these back!

"Why is my luck so terrible?!" I asked seeing that trouble followed me here.

Maybe I should just dispose of these before problems follow me... But I couldn't do it, as someone who was part of the small community that were actually fairy tail fans, I'm very attached to the characters and if I think about it now, they aren't just characters anymore, they are living beings which makes it even worse.

"Why am I a sentimental idiot?!" I asked myself as I couldn't just throw away the celestial spirits.

After thinking for a bit in the end I decided to give the celestial keys back, after all, I'm not a thief and I can't run away forever, besides fairy tail is really powerful in this world so being their enemy wouldn't be a wise move.

I who was now calmer than before after having a second to breathe decided on my next action and I slowly started walking look for the guild.

Eventually, I found an old lady walking on the streets and asked them where the fairy tail guild was and she not only gave me the directions but since she confused me for a child she gave me candy. I thanked the old lady and went on my way.

I was so hungry that I just ate all the candy without thinking too much of it, and even though it didn't do much it was a beginning.

I walked for few blocks before I found the building of fairy tail, and it's still the first one. In the anime of fairy tail, their guild base got destroyed a couple of times so, seeing the first fairy tail building still standing gives off a weird feeling of familiarity even I've never been here.

I walked into the building and once inside that crazy atmosphere could be found, people being noisy right and left while everyone was doing their own thing.

"Hey, fire brain, did you manage to find the thief that stole Lucy's keys." A shirtless young man with dark blue hair said.

"No, he must've run really far... Hey! I'm not a fire brain!! You shirtless pervert!" Natsu said to the shirtless young man.

"Wanna fight?! Sharp eyes?!" The shirtless man said.

"You also have sharp eyes!" Natsu yelled as they began fighting.

I ignored them and continued walking until I reach the counter.

"Oh you're here, did you come to confess?" The same flying blue cat from before asked me as he stood on the counter with a mischievous smile.

I ignored him and instead looked at the young woman with silvery-white hair and a pink dress, with a beautiful face.

"Hum, I found these in the river channel." I say to her as I put down the keys on the counter.

"So it really was you!!" The Blue cat said.

"Happy, let me talk to him, ok?" The girl with silvery-white hair said to the blue cat.

"Aye, sir!" The blue cat said before flying off.

"Don't mind him, he's just a little mischievous, but thank you for bringing Lucy's keys back, she was already crying about it nonstop. We were actually even gonna put up a request to the whole guild for them. So, you helped us a lot." She said calmly and didn't even ask me about anything or accuse me of anything.

"Hum, it was not a problem *growling*..." While I was calmly talking my stomach started rumbling.

"Oh, you seem to be hungry... Don't worry, I'll get you something to eat." She said and turned around to go into a room.

I was left alone there and decided to sit on one of the stools, after all with how hungry I am refusing food would be no different from declaring I'm dying, and that being the case, I waited calmly for her to come back.

While I was just there minding my own business and waiting, a woman with a light blue bikini top and a pair of capri pants came to me.

"Kid, what are you doing here? Did master Makarov adopt another kid at his age?" She said while holding a wooden barrel and even her breath reeked of alcohol, as she talked to me with her face a little too close.

"Hum... Could you not get this close?" I'm left uncomfortable by her lack of respect for my personal space.

"Oh, are you scared? Don't worry... I don't bite, I just heard you had Lucy's key. How did you get them?" She gave me my space and asked.

"I found them on the river channel." I tried to make it obvious that talking to her isn't necessarily being a pleasant experience since I would rather be left alone right now.

"Hm, so you just found them floating? Just like that?" She continued to question me.

I answered her questions and then she asked some other unimportant stuff and I felt like my peace would not come back, until the young woman with silvery-white hair came back, and managed to make the drunk lady leave.

"Here, you should make sure to eat properly." She said with a warm smile making me feel slightly more comfortable even if subconsciously.

"Of course! I've been dying of hunger since I woke up. It almost feels like I've never eaten before." Since she's an angel and a character I personally liked in my past life, I decided to be sincere.

Not that I really hated any character in Fairy Tail anyway.

"Oh, I might have to bring more if it's that bad... Maybe I should ask Elfman for some help." She stated then walked towards a rather tall man with white hair and scars on his face.

I didn't mind too much and decided to eat. The plate had some kind of fish with scrambled eggs and rice, it smelled and looked delicious. I didn't hold back and decided to take the first bite.


I immediately felt a bitter taste in my mouth and began coughing it out, as the meal tasted horrible. I couldn't understand why it was so bad until I started remembering some of the minor things about this world and the Winged Fish immediately came to mind.

Winged Fish in the world of fairy tail have terrible taste and seem to cause maldigestion later if you eat them.

For a second I wondered if the silver-haired girl would be air-headed enough to serve this or if it was on purpose but came to the conclusion it's the former since she was never the kind to pull this kind of prank. Actually what confused me the most was how this fish even got here... But I quickly let it be and decided to eat.

It's not like I want to but I'M HUNGRY! I've never felt this hungry in my life it was starting to bother me more every second.

I just gave up trying to contain it and just ate ignoring my disgust and the fish's terrible taste.

In a few seconds, the full plate was empty and I was still hungry.

While I was crying internally over my hunger predicament, I heard the silver-haired girl's voice.

"Elfman, this boy seems to be going through something and is very hungry, could you help me making a large portion of food." She said very calmly, but her surroundings were filled with noise as the fight that had started between the shirtless man and the pink-haired guy had become the equivalent of a bar fight in the guildhall.

I turned around to see what was going on and the white-haired man the girl is talking to already had an unconscious person on his arm that changed from a normal human harm into a hairy gorilla-like arm.

"Of course I'll help Sis, after all, cooking a delicious meal, is a manly thing!!!" He seemed very excited as he let go of the fight and followed the girl.

While they were passing by me, she looked at me again and said.

"I'm very sorry, I got distracted and forgot to introduce myself, I'm Mirajane and this is my brother Elfman and as you can see, we are members of Fairy tail." she said throwing out another one of her smiles, making me think that I better start training myself to not be moved by such wholesome and cute smiles.

"I'm Kaory, I guess I'm an independent made... But I'm not that good at using magic yet..." I say making sure to not sound confident in my magic skills, since I'm not. Besides this way, it's easier to explain not being able to use my magic properly.

"Oh, you're a mage, maybe you should join our guild then. Fairy Tail is a place for all lost souls to let their sorrow go away as they become a part of something bigger walking towards a better future together!" Mirajane sounded excited as she talked about the idea of me joining the guild even though I'm a suspect of stealing Lucy's keys.

These guys truly will always be my favorite group of lunatics.

"Joining Fairy tail is truly a manly thing! You should really think about it." Elfman said with enthusiasm.

"I- " Before I could say my answer to Mira something else happened.

"Mira! Is it true you have my keys?!" Lucy came in running with an expression full of expectations.

"Yes! Kaory brought them. He found them in the river channel." Mira gave Lucy the keys with another smile, making me wonder if she ever stops.

"Thank you so much! I wouldn't know what to do without them. I was too careless and almost lost my precious friends." Lucy hugged her key with a warm smile full of what I assume is relief.

Then she finally looked at me and "IT'S YOU!.." She was shocked to see me here and backed away a bit but then breathed deep and looked at me in the eyes. "Thank you, I would have been lost without these." She sincerely thanked me, which slightly surprised me.

"No problem." I say in response.

"Well, I and Elfman will be going to get your extra-large meal ready, you guys have fun." Mirajane said and left.

"Giving back what's not yours is a manly thing! Well done kid." Elfman said before going with Mirajane.

"Oh yeah, how did you know my name before?" Lucy asked with a curious expression and seemed to have entered some kind of gossip mode.

"Oh that... I just heard the rumors about the new fairy tail newbie, they said you're ferocious and always carry a whip on you to torture all your enemies. So, I got scared..." I said with a serious expression as I made up an excuse on the spot.

"What?! Who said that?! What kind of weird rumors are they spreading??" Lucy seemed to believe me and immediately thought it was just another of her infamous weird rumors.

Lucy in the anime always had some weird rumors about her circulating, so I don't think it's too far-fetched to say this.

"I don't know, I just heard it around." I gave a vague answer.

Lucy sighed and decided to forget that while complaining about the weird rumors then she continued to ask. "But I'm really curious, what were you doing when you fell on me?"

"I slipped and fell off the window." This time I answer with an incomplete truth, after all, I did slip after the system scared me.

"Really?! That's very unlucky... You should be more careful. If you think about it you might be luckier for not being hurt." Lucy pondered on the situation and give me her perspective and I somewhat agree.

The problem is that she doesn't know about my terrible luck, otherwise I would never have ended up in a situation like this in the first place.

After that, I and Lucy had some basic chit chat and I took the chance to get a better understanding of which part of the story I'm in, and to my surprise, I'm still in the early beginning part. Apparently, Lucy joined the Guild recently, and her team with Natsu just completed the Daybreak arc not long ago.

I've rewatched fairy tail a few times to introduce it to friends and out of nostalgia, so I got a pretty good understanding of its story progression. I'm sure Erza is going to come back soon with the Eisenwald arc's mission and if that's the case, it might not be too late for me to master magic... It's too optimistic, but I'm reincarnated in another world, right? I have to have some kind of cheat that makes me stronger or at least makes me get stronger faster.

I'll have to try my magic, find a place to stay and discover more about this system.

Think of this, the idea of joining Fairy tail even if temporarily, become more attractive. Not only do I know what will happen around them, but they are also a good source of income.

As I thought of how I'm going to act and casually chatted with Lucy, Mirajane and Elfman came back with 7 huge blows full of food, that I don't remember ever seeing in the show... Well, whatever, I'm hungry!

"Have a happy meal." Mirajane said as she and Elfman put the bowls down.

"Eating a lot is a manly thing! Don't hold back." Elfman gave me thumbs up.

"Are you really going to eat that much?... I didn't think anyone aside from Natsu would eat that much. Where do you even store all that?" Lucy was startled and was looking at me as if I was some kind of monster.

I didn't mind her and completely destroyed all the seven huge blows in a few minutes. Despite all that, I still felt hungry, just not urgently in need of something to eat like before.

"The new kid has energy, reminds me of my youth." A man with a smoking pipe on his mouth and brown hair, wearing a green T-shirt said while looking at me.

"Like if, someone like you could never have that kind of energy or stomach. You can't even compare to me." A man with blue hair and a white jacket said in response to the other.

While I was distracted by my thoughts and no longer talking to Lucy, Mirajane once again came to talk to me.

"So, do you plan on joining Fairy Tail?" She asked as she seemed to be curious.

All things considered, I don't really have much to lose from joining anyway, so why not?

"Yeah, Why not?" I said calmly as I made my decision. If I'm going to live here against my will, might as well try to live how I want.

Not wanting to repeat the same mistakes I made in my past life and end up living miserably, I go for a more willful path, at least until I'm free and can finally rest for eternity.

"Great, let's get you the guild's mark. Where do you want it by the way?" Mirajane asked me, making me think about it.

I could get it on my arms or maybe my back... After going back and forth about where to put it, I asked Lucy about and some other people joined in giving a lot of suggestions. In the end, I just decided to get on my neck's right side.

It was an orange Fairy Tail mark.

"Look, a new kid joined." Some random member called the others.

"Lucy, where did you find this boy?"

"Maybe she's older than she looks and that's her kid."

"Stop! Making weird rumors about me!" Lucy shouted having such absurd accusations throw at her.

While that new commotion started, the man with blue hair and a white jacket from before approached me with the guy with the smoking pipe right next to him.

These two are Macao and Wakaba, if I remember correctly they are some of the older members of Fairy tail and were secondary characters that appear from time to time.

"I'm Macao, welcome to our guild! It's always great to have new members. If you don't mind, would you tell us what kind of magic you use?" Macao was obviously curious while asking and a part of me was worried some weird rumors about me would start since Macao was quite the gossiper.

"I'm a gluttony dragon slayer." I say knowing this will surprise them considering dragon slayer magic is rare in this world, but it's not like lying would get me anywhere.

"A dragon slayer?!" Wakaba was surprised.

"That's just like Natsu, hahaha, now our guild has another lost magic user!" Macao got excited and so did the other members around.

It's weird to see people so happy because I'm here, it's more because of my magic, but still, it's heartwarming.

"Oh, that's nice, that's probably why you didn't get hurt falling from that high, I think-" Lucy was also surprised and was trying to say something but someone else interrupted her.

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE IGNEEL IS?!" Natsu came running and pushed Lucy out of the way.

"What?!" I pretend to be confused since it wouldn't make sense for me not to be.

"Oh, I'm looking for a fire dragon named IGNEEL, and since you're a dragon slayer, I was wondering if you knew where he is!" Natsu was excited while explaining what he meant.

I kinda feel sad for him knowing the truth, but he'll eventually discover it and I can't tell him. Also, if I think about it, I would be a sixth-generation dragon slayer? I mean my powers were given to me by some abnormal God or higher being, so it sounds about right.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know where Igneel is. I was also not taught my dragon slayer magic the normal way." I say to dispel all his hopes in me knowing anything early on.

"Wait, how did you learn dragon slayer magic?" Natsu asked with curiosity.

"It was implanted in me magically." I say what I believe is the closest to the truth to avoid having to explain myself in the future if I make up an absurd explanation.

"What?! You can do that?!" Natsu was shocked.

"Yeah..." I wanted to explain that there are more generations of dragon slayers out there to boast my knowledge, but I'm not willing to suffer for eternity.

"Fight me! It's the first time I meet another dragon slayer, so sparring a bit would be great!" Natsu announced excitedly and full of expectations.

"I would rather not... How about we do that some other day." I immediately try not to fight, I don't know what I'm doing yet.

"Why not now?!" Natsu got disappointed like a kid that got told he couldn't play.

"I'm not feeling too well right now, How about we do that next year." I say trying to throw it as far as I can.

"What?! That's super long! Are you going to be sick a whole year?!" Natsu seemed to be even more disappointed.

"If I get better ahead of time I'll tell you." I shamelessly say.

"Thanks, get better." Natsu left with a sour mood, but I believe he'll be fine in a few minutes or so.

"Are you really sick?" Lucy asked looking at me suspiciously.

"No, I just don't want to fight." I say since it's useless to try to maintain such an absurd lie.

"Understandable, I wouldn't want to fight Natsu as well, but aren't you a dragon slayer?" Lucy continued her casual talk with me.

"Well, yeah, but I'm still young and only recently awaken my magic powers." I say another half-truth.

"Oh... Wait, how old are you?" Lucy seemed to have realized she doesn't know my age.

Is my age still the same or did that bastard kidnapper also change that? I'll try and ask the system.

(System? Is my age the same? Can you hear me?) I try communicating to the system through my thoughts.

[Your Age is the same, not much was changed, just your body and last name with a few other not-so-relevant things right now. Just don't die and you'll eventually get a task from master, also go back to the place where you woke up, I have been assigned to show you some things.] The mechanical voice of the system resounded and it seems I can communicate with it through my thoughts which is very useful.

(Ok, got it.) I just respond calmly and leave it at that, we can talk later.

"I'm 13 years old." I say calmly.

I died at such a young age and even so I was satisfied with it, after all, I couldn't do much about it. I was always fat and tall for my age getting into some trouble because of my unwillingness to do anything since, my CVID didn't allow me to go out, and I even got bullied by some of the kids they found to try and play with me.... Well, it's best to forget my past and focus on my present, maybe it's an opportunity to be what I always aspired to the instead. If I don't think positively, I don't think I'll survive for too long.

"You really are just a kid, but I don't think that would stop Natsu... Well, good luck." Lucy didn't do a very good job trying to encourage me.

We continued talking for a while and more people came to welcome me as the new member and there was a festive atmosphere. I took the opportunity to eat as much as I could, but in the end I was still slightly hungry, and of course, I was suspecting this to be an effect of the Gluttony dragon slayer magic.

When it was all over, I left the guild with Lucy after asking if she knows the building I fell from and she said it was actually where she lives with a rent of 70,000 jewels, then she started bragging about being lucky to have such a good rent.

I just listened and didn't say much, since her rent is not too bad. I'm pretty sure it would be the equivalent of having a 690-700$ monthly rent, which depending on where you live might be a steal.

We finally arrived and said our goodbyes, while I was going inside my room that had its door open since I didn't close it when I left, I heard Lucy's voice.

"What are you doing in my apartment?! Don't you know this is an invasion of property?!"

"She's really loud, I'm surprised nobody complains." I say as I close the door to my room and walk towards my bed, while I notice that there's another door in the room.

I don't mind that and just lay on the bed.

(What did you want to say before system?) I ask since I'm here.

[First, this place will be your house until you make some money and can provide for yourself, so you don't have to worry about shelter until then or for 3 months more specifically as it's your time limit. Second, master says you did well for joining that guild and that you shouldn't leave until you're permitted to. Third, get ready to receive master's task through me and worry not, as each task will have adequate compensation for its completion, and remember that how well you perform will affect that compensation.] The system explained a few things to me and I felt a little relieved that the situation is as bad as I thought, even though it's still terrible.

"Understood, is that all?" I ask since I want to rest and it's already night, even though I'm not that tired.

[Lastly, for now, you will meet your dragon mutation anti-body. Worry not, It's just a dragon demigod that master captured in one of their travels. You share its powers and its the source of your magic, also your main elements are void and null. Good luck and be careful not to enrage the dragon too much, it might actually try to consume you.] The system nonchalantly and casually just throw this information at me.

(Wait?! What?! I also have a Dragon inside of me?!) But the system didn't care about my yelling as I noticed that my surroundings turned into nothingness similar to before but this time I could feel immense pressure on myself.

"Huh, So you're the child that monster put me in?! Truly pitiful, I Nullus Gluttonics the Void Dragon Demigod of Gluttony, reduced to a child's toy battery. Hehehe, if my world still existed the people there wouldn't believe it." A voice that could shatter reality shook my whole existence with its unbelievable power, every part of me trembled in the face of this being.

I couldn't put myself to move a muscle in such a situation.

Things are looking bright.

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts