

Dahlia Kampherd shuffled her way to the library, as her and her friends had something planned, which she was quite excited for. She smiled as she sat down with her two friends.

"So is everything ready?" Dahlia asked.

"Of course it is, according to my calculations, I've got everything correct." Her female friend said, adjusting her glasses.

This was Cameron, she is one of the smartest people that Dahlia knows, she is also an inventor as well.

"Hah, well then, shall we press the button now?" Cameron's brother asked.

This is Devon, he isn't that smart at all, but he was a great friend and an even better brother to Cameron. Dahlia was very happy to be friends with these two.

"Yes, of course, I really am ready." Dahlia said.

"Alright, pressing the button now." Cameron said, doing as she said, a small portal opened up in front of her.

The three all jumped into the portal together and well, when Dahlia came out on the other side, the other two weren't with her.

"Oh no, did the portal separate us?" She asked, now surprised.

"Hey miss, you alright?" Someone asked.

Dahlia turned to see a young man with blonde hair, standing next to him was a dragon with sky blue scales.

"Uh, who are you?" Dahlia asked.

"Oh, right, my name is Thomas, I am the leader of team Pride," The man responded, "and this is my dragon partner Pearl."

Pearl had a satisfied grin on his face as Thomas introduced him. Dahlia smiled a little, so the portal did work.

"Uhm, by the way, what do you mean Team Pride?" Dahlia asked.

"Oh, right, you aren't from this world are ya? After going through dragon riding school, the students are allowed to choose which team they enter. Team Pride, Team Wrath, Etc. and based on which team they choose, they get different colored dragons embroidered into their clothes. For example, my team gets purple dragons." Thomas said, showing off his shirt which had a purple dragon badge.

"Cool, can you show me where this dragon school place is?" Dahlia asked.

"Of course, come with me." Thomas said.

He started leading her out of the alleyway and soon they arrived to a building that looked like a school.

"You arrived just in time, the deadline to sign up will be tonight, so go in quickly." Thomas said.

Dahlia nodded and ran inside, going to the front.

"Hey, I would like to sign up for the school, can I please do so?" She asked.

"Oh, of course, you are now registered. Good luck, hope you pass and achieve your dream or desire of being a dragon rider." The Principal said.

"Thank you sir!" Dahlia bowed.

She ran outside and Thomas was still there waiting for her.

"I managed to be able to get you a home to stay in while you wait, Dahlia, classes for you will be starting in a few weeks." Thomas said.

He showed her to the house that he got for her and smiled.

"Good luck kid, hope ya pass." Thomas said, leaving.

Dahlia rubbed the back of her head and entered the home. The interior decor was beautiful, covered in pretty flowers and plants. She felt calm and serene here.

"Ah, guess it won't be half bad staying here." Dahlia said.

A few weeks passed by like a blur and eventually she had started school, finding out students would be paired in groups of 4. She was put with 2 guys and a girl and the 4 decided to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Dahlia Khamperd, it is nice to meet you three." Dahlia said.

"My name is Bruno, I came here because I want to get stronger, as all dragon riders always seem to be strong enough to save and protect people. I just want to keep my sister safe." A guy with short brown hair and purple eyes said.

"Well my name is Aliare, my parents always want nothing to do with me, no matter what it is, ugh they are so annoying and rude. Anyways, it's nice to meet you all." The other guy said. He had blue eyes and long black hair, Dahlia found him to be handsome and dreamy.

"Hey, don't forget about me, my name is Susie. I really only want to be friends with a dragon, that's my reason to be here." A girl with long, blonde hair said.

"We all have class soon, so we should be preparing ourselves for that. Everyone, make sure to pass, alright." Bruno said.

"Yeah, let's all stick together, got that." Aliare said.

"Got it!" Susie exclaimed.

"Hah, I'm glad we all can agree with that." Dahlia said.

The 4 put their hands together and all agreed to never leave each other's sides, time went by and they all passed their school. Each of them chose to join Team Pride and received their dragon eggs. They all went to the team Pride base where Thomas waited for them.

"Ah, good, you are all here." Thomas said.

A man in armor walked out beside him, an amber colored dragon beside him.

"Yo yo." The guy said, grinning.

"Uh, what is he doing?" Dahlia asked.

"Oh, no, no need to ask him. My name is Maxwell, and this is my si- my dragon partner, her name is Amber." Maxwell said.

"Maxwell was not a part of a team for a long time, though now he decided to settle here and join team Pride. Anyways, you all will be living here in the base now." Thomas said.

"Ah, I see." Aliare said.

"Shouldn't it be happening soon?" Maxwell asked.

"What do you mean by it?" Susie asked.

"Oh, once every century, a dragon with the ability to talk like us humans hatches. And that is supposed to be happening some time this year." Maxwell said.

"Oh, it really is." Bruno said.

"Come on in, all of you are welcome inside now." Thomas said, bringing everyone inside.

Pearl was asleep on one of the tables, the dragon had food smeared all over his face and he looked happy and peaceful. Pearl's tail wagged slowly and he snored.

"Huh? Why is that dragon sleeping there rather than somewhere more comfortable?" Bruno asked.

"Oh, he always does that." Thomas said.

"Yeah, we just learned to not question it." Maxwell said.

"Anyways, we are going to do our first mission soon, so be prepared." Thomas said.